Knowledge of the presence of normal variants of Circle of Willis (COW) plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of cerebro vascular disorders1. Based on radiological and anatomical studies, no more than 50% of the general population have a complete Circle of Willis (COW)2. It is proven that Lack of knowledge of the anatomical variants of COW is the cause of approximately 10% of medical errors3. Sensitivity (81%–90%) and specificity (93%) of multi-detector CT angiography (CTA) are reported to be high in identifying the anatomical variants in Circle of Willis (COW)4. Aim of this study is to identify the frequency of anatomical variants in Circle of Willis by using Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) and to determine the gender association of COW anatomical variants.
In this retrospective study COW CTA images of 400 patients are reading by a radiologist to identify the variants by using Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR) mages, Maximum Intensity projection (MIP) images and Volume Rendering (VR) images.. Variants present in anterior circulation (A1 segment, Anterior Communicating artery (AComA) and A2 segment), posterior circulation (P1 segment, Posterior Communicating artery (PComA) and P2 segment), Middle cerebral artery (MCA), Basilar and vertebral artery, internal carotid artery (ICA), and others will be studied. Data will be analyzed by using SPSS and frequency of variants will be identified. Chi-Square test will be used to find out the association of variants among gender.
Wong Boh Boi has graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) from the University of Sydney with dis􀆟 nc􀆟 on. She later went on to obtain a Master of Educa􀆟 on (Early
Childhood Educa􀆟 on) and received her PhD from the Na􀆟 onal University of Singapore
Objective: To introduce pain management and relief for
lower back using the methods of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) and its approach.
Setting: Chien Chi Yow, a Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine
company and specialist with over 50 years of experience
and exper􀆟 se. Medical Case studies of 2 pa􀆟 ents;
Pa􀆟 ents Profi le and Medical History: Sedentary lifestyle and
occupa􀆟 onal requirement, Senior & Sportsperson. History
of lower back pain and/or have received medicallyinvasive
lower back surgery Mothers in their Pre- and Post-
Methods: Uses (but not limited to) a combina􀆟 on of
Meridian point massage (Tui Na), Cupping, Acupuncture,
Spinal Lumbar Reconstruc􀆟 on and Encourage Stretching
Results: Par􀆟 cipants experience signifi cant pain relief a􀅌 er
the TCM treatment compared to before treatment was
Conclusion: While TCM is proven to be able to signifi cantly
manage and relieve the lower back pain with TCM approach,
good advisory and counseling are as important to reinforce
the importance of a healthy lifestyle for an enhanced quality
of life.
James Stoxen, DC, FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, is the president of Team Doctors, Chicago, Illinois, one of the most recognized treatment centers in the world. He has been invited
to give scien􀆟 fi c presenta􀆟 ons at over 60 medical conferences in over 20 countries. In 2015 he was awarded an honorary fellowship by a member of the royal family, the Sultan
of Pahang, at the World Congress of Sports and Exercise Medicine for his dis􀆟 nguished research and contribu􀆟 ons to the advancement of sports and exercise medicine on an
Interna􀆟 onal level. In 2018 he published a book, Neck Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Could it be Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? which became a #1 Interna􀆟 onal Best Seller.a
The use of hand held devices (HHD) such as mobile
phones, game controls, tablets, portable media players
and personal digital assistants have increased drama􀆟 cally
in past decade. This dras􀆟 c change has led to new batch
of diffi cult to treat, musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper
Extremi􀆟 es such as myofascial pain syndrome of neck and
upper back and thoracic outlet syndrome. The thoracic
outlet anatomy and how the bundle passes through the
passageway is complex for even musculoskeletal experts.
So for doctors trained in other special􀆟 es there can be
an inadequate understanding about nature and cause
of thoracic outlet syndrome. A syndrome rather than a
disease, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and the Na􀆟 onal
Ins􀆟 tute of Neurological Disorders And Stroke, plus top 10
ranked hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery agree
persistent compression of nerves, arteries and veins
traveling through the thoracic outlet is what leads to
thoracic outlet syndrome. I will discuss the three models
of human movement, the inverted pendulum model,
the spring-mass model and the integrated spring-mass
model (ISMM). The (ISMM), which integrates the spring
suspension systems of the foot and shoulder region as well
as the torsion spring of the spine and the mass, the head. I
will discuss my clinical fi ndings show compressive disorders
like TOS and herniated discs are merely an over control of
tension on the human spring mechanism leading to these
syndromes. I will give brief review of the symptoms and
their pa􀆩 erns, the common orthopedic tests, and diagnos􀆟 c
tests, the 16 diff erent common conserva􀆟 ve therapies and
the 10 reasons for when surgery is medically necessary. I
will discuss an alterna􀆟 ve treatment for this disorder based
on the integrated spring mass model.
Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infec􀆟 ous and parasi􀆟 c diseases, a General Prac􀆟 􀆟 oner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutri􀆟 on Therapist.
Once in charge of the Hospital Infecô€†Ÿ on Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed anô€†Ÿ microbial medicaô€†Ÿ on
and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infec􀆟 on Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all
diseases of all systems of the human body in a holis􀆟 c way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.
Statement of the Problem: According to Western
Medicine, chronic knee pain can have diff erent causes.
The problem is usually associated with sprained ligaments,
meniscus tears, tendini􀆟 s, and runner's knee. The usual
treatment is done with ice, stretching exercises and an􀆟 -
infl ammatory medica􀆟 ons. According to Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese
Medicine (TCM), the knee pain is associated with invasion
of External Wind, Cold, Damp and Heat, defi ciency of
Liver and Kidney, or defi ciency of Qi and Blood. Purpose:
Demonstrate that by using an􀆟 -infl ammatory for the
treatment of knee pain, we will be causing a greater injury
in Kidney and Liver energy, according to TCM, which are
responsible for the integrity of the knee. Therefore, the use
of these medica􀆟 ons will worsen the energy imbalance,
maintaining the pain condi􀆟 on. Methods: The descrip􀆟 on
of two case reports of 65 and 70-year-old pa􀆟 ents with
chronic knee pain, who were using an􀆟 -infl ammatory drugs
for long periods without any signifi cant improvement, only
side eff ects such as epigastric pain and drug intolerance.
They sought acupuncture in an a􀆩 empt to control their
pain without having to use such medica􀆟 ons. Results:
There was a signifi cant improvement in pain symptoms
when using acupuncture, dietary counseling and general
guidelines on external pathogenic factors such as Wind,
Cold, Humidity, and so on. We no􀆟 ced that when the
pa􀆟 ent underwent treatment to restore the energy of the
chakras corresponding in TCM to the Five Elements, the
pain that the pa􀆟 ent presented disappeared completely.
Conclusion: In order to adequately treat pa􀆟 ents with knee
pain, we should understand more deeply the signifi cance of
this symptom at the energy level by trea􀆟 ng the organs that
command the knee such as Liver and Kidney according to
TCM. The treatment of energy replacement of the internal
organs through crystals-based drugs has proved to be very
important for the consolida􀆟 on of the treatment.
P Venkataraman has completed his MPhil degree from department of Endocrinology, University of Madras, Chennai, India and awarded PhD degree at the age of 32 years
from the same department. At present he is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Medical Research, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, SRM
University, Chennai, INDIA. He has an extraordinary ability in the fi eld of Molecular,
Obesity is a global health problem and also a strong
risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular
diseases and obesity genes play a major role in the central
regula􀆟 on of energy balance. Orlistat (Xenical, Alli) is a
synthe􀆟 c an􀆟 -obesity drug approved by European Medicines
Associa􀆟 on (EMA) and Food and drug administra􀆟 on
(FDA). But studies shown, orlistat supplementa􀆟 on causes
severe liver and kidney injury. Melatonin, an indolamine,
produced by the pineal gland plays a major role in circadian
rhythm and one of the powerful an􀆟 oxidant. Literatures
shown, it also exerts control over metabolic func􀆟 ons that
determine fat accumula􀆟 on and obesity and it also protects
environmental toxicants induced liver and kidney injury.
Garlic (Allium sa􀆟 vum L.), has been used as medicinal and
alimentary medicine from ancient period and these has
been used extensively worldwide especially in countries
like India. Studies reported garlic and its cons􀆟 tuents have
shown the various biological ac􀆟 vi􀆟 es especially against
cardiovascular disease due to its blood lipid-lowering, an􀆟 -
thrombosis, an􀆟 oxidant eff ects and infl ammatory response.
Diallyl trisulphide (DATS), a natural product from garlic
have gained a􀆩 en􀆟 on in many biological ac􀆟 vi􀆟 es. Based
on literatures and to compensate the orlistat induced side
eff ects, we propose to study the expression levels of obesityrelated
genes in high fat diet (HFD) induced experimental
animals and also to see the impact of melatonin alone
and in combina􀆟 on with DATS supplementa􀆟 on compared
to orlistat alone therapy. We studied mRNA and protein
expression of KSR2, IRX3, FTO and Neuropep􀆟 de Y by real
􀆟 me PCR and western blot method in liver, adipose 􀆟 ssue
and brain of experimental animals along with an􀆟 oxidant
and liver func􀆟 on parameters. Histological observa􀆟 ons
of liver and adipose 􀆟 ssue were also studied. Based on
results we found that both the melatonin and DATS alone
and its combina􀆟 on with orlistat therapy is effi cacy and
safety when compared to orlistat alone therapy. This study
determined the clinical usefulness of melatonin and DATS
as supplemental therapeu􀆟 c agents in obesity induced liver
and kidney dysfunc􀆟 on as well as in orlistat therapy and it
may help in providing the therapeu􀆟 c op􀆟 ons to tackle the
obesity without causing side eff ects.
Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infec􀆟 ous and parasi􀆟 c diseases, a General Prac􀆟 􀆟 oner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutri􀆟 on Therapist.
Once in charge of the Hospital Infecô€†Ÿ on Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed anô€†Ÿ microbial medicaô€†Ÿ on
and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infec􀆟 on Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all
diseases of all systems of the human body in a holis􀆟 c way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.
Statement of the problem: The necessity of surgical
implants use is a consequence of the increase of life
expectancy. Therefore, there is a range of studies regarding
the implant materials and their interac􀆟 ons. However,
those studies are carried out analyzing the factory and
interac􀆟 on of materials, and o􀅌 en, they do not consider
the eff ects of those materials in the normal func􀆟 oning of
the human body. Purpose: Demonstrate that the placement
of metal implants can infl uence body’s health, leading to
a decrease in vital energy. Methods: Two clinical cases,
the fi rst, of a 30-year-old male pa􀆟 ent, who suff ered an
accident and broke the right elbow and right leg, requiring
surgery with surgical implant of 􀆟 tanium rod in both limbs.
Two months a􀅌 er surgery the pa􀆟 ent presented a very
severe depression, that would not improve with the use
of an􀆟 depressants. The second case is from 60-years-old
female pa􀆟 ent, who implanted a 􀆟 tanium dental prosthesis.
Three months a􀅌 er the implant, the pa􀆟 ent started feeling
weakness, indisposi􀆟 on for the daily ac􀆟 vi􀆟 es, in contrast
to her normal behavior, in addi􀆟 on to precocious aging with
the wrath of her hair. The chakras energies of both pa􀆟 ents
were measured through a crystal pendulum. All chakras
were energy depleted. Results: In the fi rst case, the pa􀆟 ent
was instructed to try to remove the implant. Two hours a􀅌 er
the removal, the pa􀆟 ent presented extreme improvement
of the symptoms. The second pa􀆟 ent did not remove the
implant yet, and con􀆟 nued to present symptoms of low
vital energy. Conclusion: The implanta􀆟 on of metallic
material inside the human body, can lead to reduc􀆟 on of
vital energy, inducing diff erent symptoms, like depression,
according to these two case reports.
Sebastian Povlsen is a Medical Doctor at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Oxford with a focus on Neuroscience in 2014. He graduated as Doctor from Imperial College School of Medicine in 2017, obtaining his MBBS with Distinction. He is a peer reviewer for a reputable journal and has published more than 5 papers in reputable journals, with review articles on thoracic outlet syndrome including publication by the Cochrane Collaboration.
Shoulder pain is common in the general population, and thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a well-recognised, yet controversial, diagnosis that causes pain, sensory disturbance and sometimes even weakness in the neck and upper extremity. It results from compression of the neurovascular bundle at the transition point between the base of the neck and the thorax at the level of the first rib. There are multiple factors that predispose to its development, including anatomical variants and repetitive overhead upper limb exertion. The nature of the patient’s presentation depends on which structure is implicated (vein, artery or brachial plexus) and the aetiology of compression or damage. The wide variety presentations of the same clinical entity have historically placed a larger focus on history taking and clinical examination over diagnostic imaging, but this lack of imaging poses a problem to both diagnosis and subsequent management. The challenges in this area have been well documented the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Cochrane Collaboration. These challenges are especially true of neurogenic TOS, which represents over 90% of TOS cases. However, the field of diagnostic imaging is ever-changing, with developments and new applications of dynamic CT angiography, brachial plexus ultrasound, magnetic resonance neurography and diffusion tensor imaging producing exciting new findings, which could shift the role that medical imaging plays in this controversial condition. Here we aim to discuss these most exciting recent developments and discuss future directions in the field.
Assistant Professor and Echocardiographer in Yenepoya Medical College has completed my Masters in Echocardiography and Bachler in CardioVascular Technology from an excellent development team of a progressive hospital where knowledge and skills of an individual are counted , shared and encouraged. Am an expertise in echoardiographic evaluation and has passion in improving the health and wellbeing of the patients. I am having experience in, evaluation and teaching both in hospital and education institutions. I Intend to build a career in a challenging environment by adding value to the organization with my subject matter expertise, quick grasp of new facts, patience and skills, and work to be a model with a perfect blend of professionalism and human values.
Assessment of Right ventricular function plays a major role in the Evaluation of Atrial Septal Defect.The introduction of Doppler measurement of myocardial wall velocities (tissue Doppler imaging; TDI) and the recent development of strain rate imaging (SRI) technique have made a more adequate assessment of global and regional systolic and diastolic RV function possible. This study was conducted to evaluate the RV function by using newer echocardiographic indices such as Tissue Doppler Imaging & Strain Rate Imaging.
A prospective study was conducted among 64 adult patients admitted for ASD device closure in the department of cardiology at Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS) Bangalore. A basic apical 4chamber (A4CH) view was taken during echocardiography in which the tissue motion velocity is superimposed for real time colour display. TDI annular velocities during systole, early relaxation (Ea), and atrial systole (Aa) were possessed from RV free wall (FW) and inter ventricular septum at basal site in the A4CH view. Deceleration time (DT), isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), isovolumic contraction time (IVCT) and ejection time (ET) were measured.For the analysis of global RV function, Doppler parameters are used to derive the Tei index i.e. (IVCT+IVRT)/ET. The stain and strain rate was estimated from the RV focused AP4CH view from tissue Doppler data, by calculating the velocity gradient. All these measurements were taken pre and post ASD closure.
Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon sign rank test was used to find out pre and post procedural comparison. The study showed significant decrease in tissue Doppler parameters including annular velocity, strain and strain rate during immediate post device closure and increase after 1 month of closure. The RV function improved significantly post 1 month of closure compared with post 24 hours.
Assistant Professor and Echocardiographer in Yenepoya Medical College has completed my Masters in Echocardiography and Bachler in CardioVascular Technology from an excellent development team of a progressive hospital where knowledge and skills of an individual are counted , shared and encouraged. Am an expertise in echoardiographic evaluation and has passion in improving the health and wellbeing of the patients. I am having experience in, evaluation and teaching both in hospital and education institutions. I Intend to build a career in a challenging environment by adding value to the organization with my subject matter expertise, quick grasp of new facts, patience and skills, and work to be a model with a perfect blend of professionalism and human values.
Assessment of Right ventricular function plays a major role in the Evaluation of Atrial Septal Defect.The introduction of Doppler measurement of myocardial wall velocities (tissue Doppler imaging; TDI) and the recent development of strain rate imaging (SRI) technique have made a more adequate assessment of global and regional systolic and diastolic RV function possible. This study was conducted to evaluate the RV function by using newer echocardiographic indices such as Tissue Doppler Imaging & Strain Rate Imaging.
A prospective study was conducted among 64 adult patients admitted for ASD device closure in the department of cardiology at Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS) Bangalore. A basic apical 4chamber (A4CH) view was taken during echocardiography in which the tissue motion velocity is superimposed for real time colour display. TDI annular velocities during systole, early relaxation (Ea), and atrial systole (Aa) were possessed from RV free wall (FW) and inter ventricular septum at basal site in the A4CH view. Deceleration time (DT), isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), isovolumic contraction time (IVCT) and ejection time (ET) were measured.For the analysis of global RV function, Doppler parameters are used to derive the Tei index i.e. (IVCT+IVRT)/ET. The stain and strain rate was estimated from the RV focused AP4CH view from tissue Doppler data, by calculating the velocity gradient. All these measurements were taken pre and post ASD closure.
Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon sign rank test was used to find out pre and post procedural comparison. The study showed significant decrease in tissue Doppler parameters including annular velocity, strain and strain rate during immediate post device closure and increase after 1 month of closure. The RV function improved significantly post 1 month of closure compared with post 24 hours.
Wong Boh Boi Pvt Ltd, Singapore
Team Doctors Treatment Center, USA
Shah Kushal V has accomplished his MS in Orthopaedics from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 2017. Currently he is working as Consultant Surgeon at
Parul Sevashram Hospital (Vadodara) and was previously associated with Zydus Hospital (Dahod,Gujarat). He is a Member of ISKSAA, Member of Indian Orthopaedic Associa-
􀆟 on and Member of Gujarat Orthopaedic Associa􀆟 on.
Osteoarthri􀆟 s (OA) Knee is a common health problem
aff ecô€†Ÿ ng almost 29 % of India’s Populaô€†Ÿ on1. Gold standard
treatment for high grade Arthri􀆟 s is Total Knee Replacement2.
However this procedure carries its risk to benefi t ra􀆟 o and
complica􀆟 ons3 like DVT, persistent pain. High 􀆟 bial osteotomy
and uni-compartmental replacement are other modali􀆟 es for
high grade knee which needs surgical skills and has its risk to
benefi t ra􀆟 o and complica􀆟 ons 4 like fracture, implant failure
and others. Incidental fi ndings Of High Fibular Osteotomy
a Simple Surgical Procedure seems to be boon for those
pa􀆟 ents who have excrucia􀆟 ng pain and wai􀆟 ng for total knee
replacement but cannot go for it due to its prohibi􀆟 ve cost.
Evidence of its effi cacy has been piling up fast and seems to
buy 􀆟 me for pa􀆟 ent with medial compartment arthri􀆟 s for
total knee replacement and gives short to medium term relief.
For Indian subcon􀆟 nent where > 50 % have varus deformity
with medial compartment arthri􀆟 s seems to be best interim
surgery with minimal blood loss, small surgical scar, ability of
full weight bearing walk and squat on the same day and cost
eff ec􀆟 ve with no age limits5. A total follow up of 20 pa􀆟 ent
shows increase in medial joint space of > 2mm and decrease
Tibiofemoral angle around 2° with improved Visual Analogue
Score (VAS) score from 2 To 8. Thus HFO can be considered
as a choice of treatment for medial compartment knee with
varus deformity as a joint preserving procedure for a span of
2-10 years.
Waters G is an Orthopaedic Registrar at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia. She completed her post-graduate Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of
Western Australia in 2014.
Acetabular malposi􀆟 on in total hip arthroplasty can lead
to instability, impingement, and edge loading resul􀆟 ng in
eccentric loading and increased wear that can lead to bearing
failure. Eccentric wear in metal on metal bearings used in
Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (BHR) produces metal debris.
Moun􀆟 ng body of evidence sugges􀆟 ng that one generic
zone such as Lewennik’s “safe zone” is unreliable. Funcô€†Ÿ onal
posi􀆟 oning of acetabular component rela􀆟 ve to pa􀆟 ent
specifi c dynamic pelvic 􀆟 lt throughout a range of ac􀆟 vi􀆟 es is
crucial. The aim use OPS to analyze pre-opera􀆟 ve acetabular
posiô€†Ÿ on, determine paô€†Ÿ ent specifi c funcô€†Ÿ onal “safe-zone”
and employ customized alignment guides to implant BHR
acetabular components resul􀆟 ng in improved func􀆟 onal and
radiographical outcomes. OPS performed pre-opera􀆟 vely in
13 pa􀆟 ents to create customized implant alignment guides.
Data collected pre and post-opera􀆟 vely at 6, 12 and 52 weeks.
Primary outcome measures of func􀆟 onality including Oxford
Hip Scores, disloca􀆟 on and revision rates. OPS post-opera􀆟 vely
to evaluate posi􀆟 oning. Secondary outcome measure of
serum metals ions monitoring for metallosis. Improved Oxford
Hip Scores post-opera􀆟 vely. Currently no revision surgeries
or disloca􀆟 ons have occurred. Preliminary results from postopera
􀆟 ve OPS indicate no edge loading. Use of OPS results in
improved precision and accuracy in achieving pa􀆟 ent specifi c
funcô€†Ÿ onal acetabular “safe-zone” thus improving funcô€†Ÿ onal
outcomes and reducing edge loading in BHR.
Priyanka Rishi (PT), BPT, MPT, Pursuing PhD with around 6 years of experience is working as an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University Since 2014. Having
teaching experience at graduate/postgraduate level. Has contributed 12 research papers and 1 book in various Na􀆟 onal and Interna􀆟 onal Journals and was awarded with
Frederick Sanger Researcher Award -2015 in Physiotherapy. Has presented papers in various conferences and is invited as external examiner in various universi􀆟 es.
Background: Den􀆟 st sits in a chair and leans forward towards
the pa􀆟 ent, lumbar curve fl a􀆩 ens and the bony infrastructure
provides very li􀆩 le support to the spine. Si􀆫 ng in chair forces
the hamstrings to become inac􀆟 ve and places them in a
shortened posi􀆟 on. Repe􀆟 􀆟 ve, prolonged si􀆫 ng eventually
leads to hamstring muscles that adapt to a new shortened
length, and the result is Hamstring 􀆟 ghtness which induces
posterior pelvic 􀆟 lt and decreased lumbar lordosis, which can
result in low back pain
Objec􀆟 ve: We inves􀆟 gated eff ects of hamstring stretch with
pelvic control on pain, disability and work ability in Den􀆟 st
with mechanical low back pain.
Methods: Thirty Den􀆟 st from Dental professional were
randomly assigned to pelvic control hamstring stretching
(Group A) (n = 15) and Supine hamstring stretching (Group
B) (n = 15). All interven􀆟 ons were conducted 3 days per week
for 6 weeks, and included in the hamstring stretching and
lumbopelvic muscle strengthening.
Outcomes: Outcomes were evaluated through Numeric pain
ra􀆟 ng scale (NPRS) for Pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI) for
Disability, and Work ability index (WAI) for Work ability.
Results: The paired t-test was used to compare within group
diff erences and unpaired t-test was used to compare the
between group diff erences. All sta􀆟 s􀆟 cal analyses were
performed using SPSS sta􀆟 s􀆟 cal so􀅌 ware version 21.Signifi cant
diff erences found between Group A and group B in all three
variables.(p<0.05).between pre and pos􀆩 est of subjects.
According to the results of the present research, it could be
concluded that for reducing pain, disability and work ability
in den􀆟 sts pelvic control hamstring stretch and lumbopelvic
strengthening exercises are recommended.
Conclusions: The pelvic control hamstring stretch exercise
would be more helpful in back pain reduc􀆟 on and improvement
of work ability in Den􀆟 st with mechanical low back pain.
Morteza Rajai graduated from the Shahid Behesh􀆟 University of Medical Science, at a general orthopedic surgeon in 2011 and received his MD degree from Tehran University
of Medical Science in 1995. He also completed a fellowship with doctor Kerkhoff s in ankle arthroscopy and sports traumatology at the Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam,
University of Amsterdam in 2017. In addi􀆟 on, Since 2011, he has been a member of the Iran Society of Orthopedic Surgery. Moreover, He is head of the researchers at Borna
Research Center (BRC). At present, he serves as Orthopaedic Surgeon for Iran University of Medical Sciences in Shohadaye Ya􀅌 abad Hospital. Besides, he works at Moheb-Mehr
hospital, Trita hospital, and Gandhi hotel hospita
Introduc􀆟 on: Hallux valgus is a prevalent condi􀆟 on and aff ects
a reported 30% of adults aged more than 40 years. There are
several methods of conserva􀆟 ve and surgical procedure (150
procedures) for treatment of that. The aim of this review
is evalua􀆟 on of advantages and disadvantages of these
Materials and Method: We recognize the studies u􀆟 lizing
data base of PubMed and Google scholar, with the keywords
hallux valgus, osteotomy, minimally invasive, percutaneous,
Conserva􀆟 ve treatment, pain, quality of life and surgery.
Results: Percutaneous as a minimally invasive surgery is one
of the major progresses in the opera􀆟 ng fi eld of orthopedic.
Twenty-four studies compared the eff ec􀆟 veness of various
kinds of surgeries. The results showed there is no diff erence
in rate of pain between chevron-type osteotomy and other
surgical procedures. One study revealed that chevron
osteotomy is more benefi cial than Lindgren osteotomy in
terms of walking speed. A medium quality study evaluated
the effi cient of hallux valgus surgery compared to conserva􀆟 ve
or no treatment. This study revealed that surgery, specifi cally
chevron osteotomy, is a more eff ec􀆟 ve procedure for pain
compared to conserva􀆟 ve treatment and also no treatment
in the fi rst year.
Conclusion: This review showed that diff erences between
various types of surgical procedures are minimal; however
there is evidence that surgery methods, are a more eff ec􀆟 ve
procedure than conserva􀆟 ve or no treatment in decreasing
pain in the fi rst year following surgery. However, this review has
showed that there is a loss of high-quality studies comparing
equivalent types of Hallux valgus treatments that evaluate the
same outcomes.
Sonia Pawaria born and brought up in Rohtak, Haryana, she did gradua􀆟 on from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hissar and Post Gradua􀆟 on in
Cardiopulmonary from Manav Rachna Ins􀆟 tu􀆟 on, Faridabad. She also also pursuing PhD in Physiotherapy from SGT University Gurugram. She has worked with reputed organiza
􀆟 on, Apollo Clinic, Sec-56, Gurgaon. Presently she is working as Assistant Professor from 2011at Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurugram. She is guiding students
pursuing Masters degree in Physiotherapy. She has got 20 publica􀆟 ons in various na􀆟 onal and Interna􀆟 onal Journals.
Background: Forward head posture is one of the most common
abnormali􀆟 es associated with chronic neck pain. In FHP
the altered rib cage mechanics leads to decrease in thoraco
abdominal mobility, impaired diaphragm muscle mobility and
reduced the ven􀆟 lator effi cacy of diaphragm, reduced the
eff ec􀆟 veness of abdominals and intercostals muscles.
Methods: Total of 20 subjects were taken, based on inclusion
& exclusion criteria the experimental group (n=10) &
control group (n=10) were randomized. Experimental group
received Cervical Stabiliza􀆟 on Exercise with the conven􀆟 onal
Physiotherapy and Control group received only Conven􀆟 onal
Physiotherapy for 6 weeks.
Outcome measures: Perceived recovery was assessed with
Numeric Pain ra􀆟 ng Scale (NRPS), Neck Disability Index (NDI),
Forward head posture which was assesses by the digital camera
by measuring the Craniovertebral Angle (CVA), Respiratory
strengths (MIP & MEP) was assessed by Respiratory Pressure
Results: Signifi cant increase in Craniovertebral angle and
respiratory strength with decrease in NRPS and NDI scores were
found in the group which received the cervical stabiliza􀆟 on
exercises along with the conven􀆟 onal Physiotherapy (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: Cervical stabiliza􀆟 on exercise is an eff ec􀆟 ve
approach to reduce the forward head posture and thus helps
to regain the respiratory muscle strength by improving the
biomechanics of respiratory muscles.
Georgina Waters is an Orthopaedic Registrar at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia. She completed her post-graduate Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University
of Western Australia in 2014.
La􀆟 ssimus Dorsi is a large pectoral girdle muscle and powerful
arm adductor (1, 2). Avulsion injuries of its tendinous
inser􀆟 on into the humerus are incredibly rare. Surgical repair
has rarely been reported, literature showing fewer than 15
cases, most with tendon augmenta􀆟 on (1, 3-8). This unique
and complex case of a delayed La􀆟 ssimus Dorsi avulsion injury
in a power-li􀅌 ing athlete cycling anabolic steroids. Using an
intracor􀆟 cal bu􀆩 on technique, we proposed that this robust
repair would enable restora􀆟 on of full func􀆟 on, strength and
cosme􀆟 c defects. 28-year-old compe􀆟 􀆟 ve powerli􀅌 er cycling
anabolic androgenic steroids and testosterone presented
15 weeks post injury. Clinical examina􀆟 on revealed obvious
asymmetry, tenderness and posterior axillary fold defect.
Profound weakness of resisted arm adduc􀆟 on. MRI revealed
absent La􀆟 ssimus Dorsi inser􀆟 on, tendon stump in axilla.
Surgical repair was undertaken via dual axillary approach.
Retracted tendon mobilised and two 􀆟 tanium bu􀆩 ons with
integrated Fibrewire Sutures (Arthrex Inc) created a modifi ed
Krakow suture, a novel technique. A dual fi xa􀆟 on point at its
anatomical inser􀆟 on was created using an intracor􀆟 cal bu􀆩 on.
We described a successful delayed repair of this chronic injury
without the need for tendon augmenta􀆟 on. Dual approach
assists with tendon mobiliza􀆟 on and prepara􀆟 on, along with
restora􀆟 on of anatomy and strong fi xa􀆟 on at bicipital groove.
Clinical and radiological evidence of recovery without pain,
correc􀆟 on of cosme􀆟 c defects and full return to compe􀆟 􀆟 ve
powerli􀅌 ing. This robust intracor􀆟 cal bu􀆩 on technique
produces a successful La􀆟 ssimus Dorsi tendon avulsion repair
with incredible results leading to restora􀆟 on of full func􀆟 on,
even in the most challenging compe􀆟 􀆟 ve athletes.
Supriya Awasthi, is a Physician in the school of Allied Health Sciences, India. She is also working as a Professor in the same ins􀆟 tute. She has received many Na􀆟 onal and Interna
􀆟 onal rewards and awards under her provision. Her fi led of interest includes Physiotherapy, Exercise & Sports Medicine
Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a rela􀆟 vely
common diagnosis in outpa􀆟 ents presen􀆟 ng with anterior
knee pain. Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be defi ned as
retro patellar or peripatellar pain resul􀆟 ng from physical and
biochemical changes in the patellofemoral joint.
Aim: This study was undertaken to inves􀆟 gate the effi cacy of
func􀆟 onal mobiliza􀆟 on approach in terms of pain and func􀆟 on
in young adults with patellofemoral pain syndrome and the
clinical effi cacy of foot orthoses with func􀆟 onal mobiliza􀆟 on
in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Methodology: 60 adults with patellofemoral joint pain.
Each par􀆟 cipant was randomly allocated to one of the two
groups (a or b) using block randomiza􀆟 on method. The two
groups were as follows: group a: func􀆟 onal mobiliza􀆟 on
of foot and ankle + exercises and group b: full length medial
wedge insoles + exercises. A 12 week treatment program was
prescribed for each pa􀆟 ent, and each pa􀆟 ent was assessed at
baseline and a􀅌 er 12 weeks (pre- and post- interven􀆟 on) for
primary outcomes using lefs (lower extremity func􀆟 on test),
nprs(numeric pain ra􀆟 ng scale)and fpi(foot posture index).
Results: Pa􀆟 ents from both groups demonstrated clinically
signifi cant improvement in primary outcomes with regard
to self-reported pain and func􀆟 on upon comple􀆟 on of the
study. A signifi cant diff erence was also seen in foot posture.
Post hoc analysis determined that post-interven􀆟 on follow-up
measures signifi cantly improved (p < 0.05 for all) as compared
to baseline values in terms of pain and func􀆟 on .Func􀆟 onal
mobiliza􀆟 on was more eff ec􀆟 ve in reducing pain (mean
diff erence 0.1) and orthoses were more eff ec􀆟 ve in improving
foot posture. Group b showed no immediate change in pain
and func􀆟 on ini􀆟 ally, indica􀆟 ng that improvement occurred at
a slower rate in this group. Pain and func􀆟 on improved faster
in group a. However, the magnitude of change in foot posture
was seen more in group b.
Conclusion: Therefore, incorpora􀆟 ng func􀆟 onal mobiliza􀆟 on
of foot and ankle in addi􀆟 on to conven􀆟 onal therapy in
physical therapy clinical prac􀆟 ce in future may improve short
term benefi cial eff ects with regard to pain and func􀆟 on in
pa􀆟 ents with patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infec􀆟 ous and parasi􀆟 c diseases, a General Prac􀆟 􀆟 oner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutri􀆟 on Therapist.
She has been the in charge of the Hospital Infecô€†Ÿ on Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed anô€†Ÿ microbial
medica􀆟 on and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infec􀆟 on Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and
treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holis􀆟 c way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.
Introduc􀆟 on: The tendini􀆟 s is commonly defi ned as an
infl amma􀆟 on of the tendon, which is what connects bones
to muscle. On the major literature, tendini􀆟 s is usually caused
by repe􀆟 􀆟 on of movements and lack of stretching. However,
the cause was never before associated to a disease in the
liver, such as Autoimmune Hepa􀆟 􀆟 s. According to Tradi􀆟 onal
Chinese Medicine (TCM), tendons are governed by the energy
of the Gallbladder meridian, which is a􀆩 ached to the Liver
Purpose: The aim of this study is to demonstrate that tendini􀆟 s
may be an early manifesta􀆟 on of Autoimmune Hepa􀆟 􀆟 s.
Methods: Through a clinical case report of a female pa􀆟 ent,
M.C., 42 years old, with chronic pain in shoulder and elbow,
resistant to conven􀆟 onal treatments with an􀆟 -infl ammatories
and physiotherapy. She sought acupuncture treatment,
and even so, the improvement presented was scarce. In her
physical examina􀆟 on, a bulging was detected in the right
ear, on the area that corresponds to the Liver, according to
Auricular Medicine. Laboratory tests were requested to see
if there could be any undiagnosed liver disease un􀆟 l then.
The only exam that was ini􀆟 ally altered was the prothrombin
􀆟 me of 89%. More tests were ordered to see whether an􀆟 -
bodies were present. An􀆟 -nuclear, an􀆟 -smooth muscle, an􀆟 -
Results: To the physician's surprise, the pa􀆟 ent had a 1:160
an􀆟 -nucleus reagent.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that tendini􀆟 s may
be the ini􀆟 al manifesta􀆟 on of an Autoimmune Hepa􀆟 􀆟 s.
Sheetal Kalra born and brought up in Gurgaon, Haryana, she did my gradua􀆟 on from DAV College of Physiotherapy and Rehabilita􀆟 on Yamunanagar and post-gradua􀆟 on in
Sports Rehabilita􀆟 on from S.B.S.P.G.I Dehradoon. She is also pursuing PhD in Physiotherapy from SGT University Gurugram. She have worked with reputed organiza􀆟 ons like
Indraprastha University, Manav Rachna Interna􀆟 onal University and Guru Jhambeshwear University. Presently she is working as Professor and Associate Dean ,Faculty of
Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurugram.
Background: In recent past the global agenda for health
burden of disease for women has changed signifi cantly from
maternal morbidity and mortality to non communicable
diseases as the leading cause of death and disability among
women in almost all the countries of the world. A global
agenda for women’s health now, therefore, have a broadened
and redefi ned focus to encompass not only women’s sexual
and reproduc􀆟 ve health, but also the preven􀆟 on of non
communicable disorders which are mostly due to poor lifestyle
habits. Recent reports document a large na􀆟 onal health
burden of chronic disease with signifi cant propor􀆟 ons due
to behavioral dimensions such as physical inac􀆟 vity and low
levels of cardiorespiratory fi tnesss. With a signifi cant number
of women belonging to the status of menopause, it is crucial
to understand the status of psycho-physical fi tness, associated
risk factors so that a comprehensive health programme can be
designed which targets to improve their fi tness level including
life style modifi ca􀆟 ons to help them live an independent and
healthier life in the later stages of their life.
Methodology: Comprehensive health examina􀆟 on was
performed on 100 post menopausal women a􀆩 ending
physiotherapy OPD of SGT Hospital Gurugram. Post
menopausal women in the age group of 45-60 yrs were
included( 48 women from rural Gurugram and 52 women
from Urban Gurugram). Women who suff ered from any
chronic disease like cardiac heart disease, diabetes or with
some orthopedic and musculoskeletal problem that eff ected
the compliance to par􀆟 cipate in exercise tes􀆟 ng were
excluded from study. They were explained about the purpose
and procedure of the study and their consent was taken for
par􀆟 cipa􀆟 on. Cardiopulmonary fi tness was tested using
Harvard Step test and mental health was tested by using
middle sex heath ques􀆟 onnaire.
Result and Conclusion: Results of the study concluded that
40% of the females had below average cardiac fi tness and just
6 % had excellent cardiac fi tness. Physical inac􀆟 vity was 1 of the
contribu􀆟 ng factor for poor fi tness. 64% of post menopausal
women had poor psychological health. They suff ered from
anxie􀆟 es, stress due to declining physical health, growing
health issues, decline in fi tness and various other social and
psychological stressors.
Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infec􀆟 ous and parasi􀆟 c diseases. She is a General Prac􀆟 􀆟 oner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutri􀆟 on
Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infecô€†Ÿ on Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed anô€†Ÿ microbial
medica􀆟 on and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infec􀆟 on Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and
treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holis􀆟 c way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.
Statement of the problem: Very few publica􀆟 ons provide
sound scien􀆟 fi c data used to determine which components
are essen􀆟 al for Infec􀆟 on Preven􀆟 on and Control (IPC)
programs in terms of eff ec􀆟 veness in reducing the risk
of infec􀆟 on. As surgical procedures are common in the
orthopedics specialty, the diffi culty in preven􀆟 ng infec􀆟 ons
infl uences the orthopedic treatment outcome. The purpose
of this study was to show why pa􀆟 ents s􀆟 ll catch hospital
infec􀆟 ons despite IPC programs. A be􀆩 er understanding of
a variety of theories could explain the physiopathology of
diverse diseases described in the medical past history, as
in Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine. A broader view seems to
show the necessity of seeing the pa􀆟 ent completely; not
only focusing on the disease in the preven􀆟 on of these
hospital infec􀆟 ons. The methodology used was a review
of these theories such as those presented by Hippocrates
(“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”),
as well as others from oriental medicine, which explain that
diseases originate from three factors: external (exposure to
cold, heat, humidity, wind and dryness), internal (emo􀆟 onal)
and dietary.
Findings: Having a broader view of the pa􀆟 ent as a whole
(Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood energy and Heat reten􀆟 on), we can
understand be􀆩 er the forma􀆟 on of hospital infec􀆟 on which
is a systemic energy reac􀆟 on of the body undergoing normal
hospital treatment.
Conclusion: To understand be􀆩 er why pa􀆟 ents are s􀆟 ll
catching hospital infec􀆟 ons, despite IPC programs, we need
to broaden our view observing all emo􀆟 onal, environmental
and dietary factors, as well as studying the energy imbalance
at the moment of admi􀆩 ance, or prior to the orthopedic
surgery. Every pa􀆟 ent is unique and to achieve a more
successful treatment, it is important to individualize them.
Therefore, it is possible to iden􀆟 fy those who have more risk
of hospital infec􀆟 on, studying them in their energy levels.
Sheetal Kalra born and brought up in Gurgaon, Haryana, she did my gradua􀆟 on from DAV College of Physiotherapy and Rehabilita􀆟 on Yamunanagar and post-gradua􀆟 on in
Sports Rehabilita􀆟 on from S.B.S.P.G.I Dehradoon. She is also pursuing PhD in Physiotherapy from SGT University Gurugram. She have worked with reputed organiza􀆟 ons like
Indraprastha University, Manav Rachna Interna􀆟 onal University and Guru Jhambeshwear University. Presently she is working as Professor and Associate Dean ,Faculty of Physiotherapy,
SGT University, Gurugram.
According to a recent es􀆟 mate approximately 30 % of the
popula􀆟 on worldwide is engaged in one or other kind of
sports and approximately 60 % of them suff er from various
kinds of sports injuries and a large percentage of sports
men are rendered unfi t for further sports life due to the
nature of injuries they suff er from. Poor fi tness in the form
of inadequate fl exibility needed for the type of sports, core
strength, balance, agility and the psychological factors like
anxie􀆟 es, stress associated with the game not only hamper
the performance of the players but also make them prone
to injuries. Physiotherapy has its origin in Yoga. Integrated
role of Physiotherapy and Yoga can be useful components
of comprehensive preven􀆟 ve and treatment programs in
athle􀆟 c injuries. The aim of Yoga is to bring balance into
the body physically, mentally and emo􀆟 onally. The mindbody
connec􀆟 on in yoga is essen􀆟 al to helping athletes
develop mental acuity and concentra􀆟 on. In addi􀆟 on, yoga
helps to relax not just 􀆟 ght muscles, but also anxious and
overstressed minds. Various health benefi ts associated with
Yoga and Physiotherapy are improved fl exibility, strength
endurance, neuromuscular coordina􀆟 on, enhanced control
over body movements and hence prevent injuries by
condi􀆟 oning of the athlete. The integra􀆟 on of physiotherapy
with yoga off ers an evidence based approach not only to
enhance the fi tness and performance of the sports men but
also prevent injuries on fi eld as well as off fi eld.
Abdulrahim Aljayar is a consultant Orthopedic surgeon in Aljala Hospital, Libya. He was a former consultant hand surgeon in Benghazi Hospital. He received many awards and
rewards in several Na􀆟 onal and Interna􀆟 onal Conferences
Congenital radial club hand is a spectrum of complex
pre-axial upper limb defect, Characterized by radial
devia􀆟 on and fl exion of the hand, hypoplasia, or aplasia of
the radius and thumb, shortened forearm and generalized
underdevelopment of the involved extremity. Since fi rst
described by (Pe􀆟 t) in 1733, however a huge diversity of
techniques ranging conserva􀆟 ve stretching, to the complex
microsurgical interven􀆟 ons, have been suggested, for
treatment, the centraliza􀆟 on remains the core idea, despite
the recognized relapse rates. Such diversity would refl ect
the great challenge of management. Here is a prospec􀆟 ve
assessment of our local exposure, and sa􀆟 sfying results
of correc􀆟 on in13 hands with congenital radial club hand
defi ciency, in 10 pa􀆟 ents, using a newly modifi ed technique
(Sayre). Where we achieved a mean total hand-forearm
angula􀆟 on correc􀆟 on of 71.5 degrees, le􀅌 with only 8.4
degrees mean residual angula􀆟 on a􀅌 er an average 3.8 years
follow up.
Team Doctors Treatment Center, USA
Aljala Teaching Trauma Hospital, Libya
Arathy Mary John is a profesor at Manipal Academy of Higher Education. She has published many research paper on Computed Tomography in various reputed journals. Currently she is working on study of angiography.
Assessment of Right ventricular func􀆟 on plays a major role
in the Evalua􀆟 on of Atrial Septal Defect. The introduc􀆟 on
of Doppler measurement of myocardial wall veloci􀆟 es (􀆟 ssue
Doppler imaging; TDI) and the recent development of strain
rate imaging (SRI) technique have made a more adequate
assessment of global and regional systolic and diastolic RV
func􀆟 on possible. This study was conducted to evaluate the
RV func􀆟 on by using newer echocardiographic indices such as
Tissue Doppler Imaging & Strain Rate Imaging. A prospec􀆟 ve
study was conducted among 64 adult pa􀆟 ents admi􀆩 ed for
ASD device closure in the department of cardiology at Narayana
Ins􀆟 tute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS) Bangalore. A basic apical
4chamber (A4CH) view was taken during echocardiography
in which the 􀆟 ssue mo􀆟 on velocity is superimposed for real
􀆟 me colour display. TDI annular veloci􀆟 es during systole, early
relaxa􀆟 on (Ea), and atrial systole (Aa) were possessed from
RV free wall (FW) and inter ventricular septum at basal site in
the A4CH view. Decelera􀆟 on 􀆟 me (DT), isovolumic relaxa􀆟 on
􀆟 me (IVRT), isovolumic contrac􀆟 on 􀆟 me (IVCT) and ejec􀆟 on
􀆟 me (ET) were measured. For the analysis of global RV
func􀆟 on, Doppler parameters are used to derive the Tei index
i.e. (IVCT+IVRT)/ET. The stain and strain rate was es􀆟 mated
from the RV focused AP4CH view from 􀆟 ssue Doppler data,
by calcula􀆟 ng the velocity gradient. All these measurements
were taken pre and post ASD closure. Data was analyzed by
descrip􀆟 ve sta􀆟 s􀆟 cs and Wilcoxon sign rank test was used
to fi nd out pre and post procedural comparison. The study
showed signifi cant decrease in 􀆟 ssue Doppler parameters
including annular velocity, strain and strain rate during
immediate post device closure and increase a􀅌 er 1 month of
closure. The RV func􀆟 on improved signifi cantly post 1 month
of closure compared with post 24 hours.
Keerthana Wilson is an Assistant Professor and Echocardiographer in Yenepoya Medical College has completed her Masters in Echocardiography and Bachler in CardioVascular
Technology from an excellent development team of a progressive hospital where knowledge and skills of an individual are counted, shared and encouraged. She is an exper􀆟 se
in echoardiographic evalua􀆟 on and has passion in improving the health and wellbeing of the pa􀆟 ents. She is having experience in, evalua􀆟 on and teaching both in hospital and
educa􀆟 on ins􀆟 tu􀆟 ons. She intends to build a career in a challenging environment by adding value to the organiza􀆟 on with her subject ma􀆩 er exper􀆟 se, quick grasp of new
facts, pa􀆟 ence and skills, and work to be a model with a perfect blend of professionalism and human values.
Assessment of Right ventricular func􀆟 on plays a major role
in the Evalua􀆟 on of Atrial Septal Defect. The introduc􀆟 on
of Doppler measurement of myocardial wall veloci􀆟 es (􀆟 ssue
Doppler imaging; TDI) and the recent development of strain
rate imaging (SRI) technique have made a more adequate
assessment of global and regional systolic and diastolic RV
func􀆟 on possible. This study was conducted to evaluate the
RV func􀆟 on by using newer echocardiographic indices such as
Tissue Doppler Imaging & Strain Rate Imaging. A prospec􀆟 ve
study was conducted among 64 adult pa􀆟 ents admi􀆩 ed for
ASD device closure in the department of cardiology at Narayana
Ins􀆟 tute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS) Bangalore. A basic apical
4chamber (A4CH) view was taken during echocardiography
in which the 􀆟 ssue mo􀆟 on velocity is superimposed for real
􀆟 me colour display. TDI annular veloci􀆟 es during systole, early
relaxa􀆟 on (Ea), and atrial systole (Aa) were possessed from
RV free wall (FW) and inter ventricular septum at basal site in
the A4CH view. Decelera􀆟 on 􀆟 me (DT), isovolumic relaxa􀆟 on
􀆟 me (IVRT), isovolumic contrac􀆟 on 􀆟 me (IVCT) and ejec􀆟 on
􀆟 me (ET) were measured. For the analysis of global RV
func􀆟 on, Doppler parameters are used to derive the Tei index
i.e. (IVCT+IVRT)/ET. The stain and strain rate was es􀆟 mated
from the RV focused AP4CH view from 􀆟 ssue Doppler data,
by calcula􀆟 ng the velocity gradient. All these measurements
were taken pre and post ASD closure. Data was analyzed by
descrip􀆟 ve sta􀆟 s􀆟 cs and Wilcoxon sign rank test was used
to fi nd out pre and post procedural comparison. The study
showed signifi cant decrease in 􀆟 ssue Doppler parameters
including annular velocity, strain and strain rate during
immediate post device closure and increase a􀅌 er 1 month of
closure. The RV func􀆟 on improved signifi cantly post 1 month
of closure compared with post 24 hours.