Wong Boh Boi has graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) from the University of Sydney with dis􀆟 nc􀆟 on. She later went on to obtain a Master of Educa􀆟 on (Early
Childhood Educa􀆟 on) and received her PhD from the Na􀆟 onal University of Singapore
Objective: To introduce pain management and relief for
lower back using the methods of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) and its approach.
Setting: Chien Chi Yow, a Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine
company and specialist with over 50 years of experience
and exper􀆟 se. Medical Case studies of 2 pa􀆟 ents;
Pa􀆟 ents Profi le and Medical History: Sedentary lifestyle and
occupa􀆟 onal requirement, Senior & Sportsperson. History
of lower back pain and/or have received medicallyinvasive
lower back surgery Mothers in their Pre- and Post-
Methods: Uses (but not limited to) a combina􀆟 on of
Meridian point massage (Tui Na), Cupping, Acupuncture,
Spinal Lumbar Reconstruc􀆟 on and Encourage Stretching
Results: Par􀆟 cipants experience signifi cant pain relief a􀅌 er
the TCM treatment compared to before treatment was
Conclusion: While TCM is proven to be able to signifi cantly
manage and relieve the lower back pain with TCM approach,
good advisory and counseling are as important to reinforce
the importance of a healthy lifestyle for an enhanced quality
of life.
Medical Imaging and its Application
Therapeutic Imaging
Ultrasound Imaging
Molecular Imaging, Functional imaging and Integrated Therapy