Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infec􀆟 ous and parasi􀆟 c diseases, a General Prac􀆟 􀆟 oner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutri􀆟 on Therapist.
Once in charge of the Hospital Infecô€†Ÿ on Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed anô€†Ÿ microbial medicaô€†Ÿ on
and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infec􀆟 on Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all
diseases of all systems of the human body in a holis􀆟 c way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.
Statement of the Problem: According to Western
Medicine, chronic knee pain can have diff erent causes.
The problem is usually associated with sprained ligaments,
meniscus tears, tendini􀆟 s, and runner's knee. The usual
treatment is done with ice, stretching exercises and an􀆟 -
infl ammatory medica􀆟 ons. According to Tradi􀆟 onal Chinese
Medicine (TCM), the knee pain is associated with invasion
of External Wind, Cold, Damp and Heat, defi ciency of
Liver and Kidney, or defi ciency of Qi and Blood. Purpose:
Demonstrate that by using an􀆟 -infl ammatory for the
treatment of knee pain, we will be causing a greater injury
in Kidney and Liver energy, according to TCM, which are
responsible for the integrity of the knee. Therefore, the use
of these medica􀆟 ons will worsen the energy imbalance,
maintaining the pain condi􀆟 on. Methods: The descrip􀆟 on
of two case reports of 65 and 70-year-old pa􀆟 ents with
chronic knee pain, who were using an􀆟 -infl ammatory drugs
for long periods without any signifi cant improvement, only
side eff ects such as epigastric pain and drug intolerance.
They sought acupuncture in an a􀆩 empt to control their
pain without having to use such medica􀆟 ons. Results:
There was a signifi cant improvement in pain symptoms
when using acupuncture, dietary counseling and general
guidelines on external pathogenic factors such as Wind,
Cold, Humidity, and so on. We no􀆟 ced that when the
pa􀆟 ent underwent treatment to restore the energy of the
chakras corresponding in TCM to the Five Elements, the
pain that the pa􀆟 ent presented disappeared completely.
Conclusion: In order to adequately treat pa􀆟 ents with knee
pain, we should understand more deeply the signifi cance of
this symptom at the energy level by trea􀆟 ng the organs that
command the knee such as Liver and Kidney according to
TCM. The treatment of energy replacement of the internal
organs through crystals-based drugs has proved to be very
important for the consolida􀆟 on of the treatment.