Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
Title: A modifi ed Sayre’s technique, for correc􀆟 on of congenital Radial Club Hand Deformity
Arathy Mary John is a profesor at Manipal Academy of Higher Education. She has published many research paper on Computed Tomography in various reputed journals. Currently she is working on study of angiography.
Assessment of Right ventricular func􀆟 on plays a major role in the Evalua􀆟 on of Atrial Septal Defect. The introduc􀆟 on of Doppler measurement of myocardial wall veloci􀆟 es (􀆟 ssue Doppler imaging; TDI) and the recent development of strain rate imaging (SRI) technique have made a more adequate assessment of global and regional systolic and diastolic RV func􀆟 on possible. This study was conducted to evaluate the RV func􀆟 on by using newer echocardiographic indices such as Tissue Doppler Imaging & Strain Rate Imaging. A prospec􀆟 ve study was conducted among 64 adult pa􀆟 ents admi􀆩 ed for ASD device closure in the department of cardiology at Narayana Ins􀆟 tute of Cardiac Sciences (NICS) Bangalore. A basic apical 4chamber (A4CH) view was taken during echocardiography in which the 􀆟 ssue mo􀆟 on velocity is superimposed for real 􀆟 me colour display. TDI annular veloci􀆟 es during systole, early relaxa􀆟 on (Ea), and atrial systole (Aa) were possessed from RV free wall (FW) and inter ventricular septum at basal site in the A4CH view. Decelera􀆟 on 􀆟 me (DT), isovolumic relaxa􀆟 on 􀆟 me (IVRT), isovolumic contrac􀆟 on 􀆟 me (IVCT) and ejec􀆟 on 􀆟 me (ET) were measured. For the analysis of global RV func􀆟 on, Doppler parameters are used to derive the Tei index i.e. (IVCT+IVRT)/ET. The stain and strain rate was es􀆟 mated from the RV focused AP4CH view from 􀆟 ssue Doppler data, by calcula􀆟 ng the velocity gradient. All these measurements were taken pre and post ASD closure. Data was analyzed by descrip􀆟 ve sta􀆟 s􀆟 cs and Wilcoxon sign rank test was used to fi nd out pre and post procedural comparison. The study showed signifi cant decrease in 􀆟 ssue Doppler parameters including annular velocity, strain and strain rate during immediate post device closure and increase a􀅌 er 1 month of closure. The RV func􀆟 on improved signifi cantly post 1 month of closure compared with post 24 hours.