James Stoxen, DC, FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, is the president of Team Doctors, Chicago, Illinois, one of the most recognized treatment centers in the world. He has been invited
to give scien􀆟 fi c presenta􀆟 ons at over 60 medical conferences in over 20 countries. In 2015 he was awarded an honorary fellowship by a member of the royal family, the Sultan
of Pahang, at the World Congress of Sports and Exercise Medicine for his dis􀆟 nguished research and contribu􀆟 ons to the advancement of sports and exercise medicine on an
Interna􀆟 onal level. In 2018 he published a book, Neck Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Could it be Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? which became a #1 Interna􀆟 onal Best Seller.a