Abdel Rahman is an Associate Professor of Chemical Nuclear Engineering at Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt. She received her PhD degree in Nuclear Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt. Her research interests cover different aspects in radioactive waste management. She co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 10 book chapters, and 1 book, and edited 6 books. She serves as a verified reviewer in several international journals, member of organizing committees of international conferences, managing editor in IJEWM, and IJEE (Inderscience). She is an honored scientist of ASRT and of Publons sentinel of science 2016 and peer-review awards in 2017.
Safe management of nuclear wastes is a critical aspect in ensuring the sustainability of the nuclear industry in some countries and/or to end legacy practices in other countries. Currently, these wastes are managed according to the containment and confinement option, where their radiological hazards are contained by isolating the wastes for a sufficient period to allow the decay of short-lived radioanuclides and limit the release of long-lived radionuclides. Conditioning is a predisposal activity that aims to produce an optimized waste package. Conditioning includes producing optimized waste form and encloses it in a suitable package. This work aims at summarizing the technical and academic efforts toward the optimization of the conditioning process and identifying the gaps in this area. Within this context, radioactive/nuclear waste classification and different activities in integrated radioactive waste management schemes will be introduced. Conventional and innovative conditioning technologies will be overviewed. Methods to assess the optimized performance of these wastes will be summarized. Finally, methods to address the conditioning of problematic wastes and the required research efforts in this field will be identified.
Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah has completed MPhil in Medicinal Biochemistry with publication in Journal of pure and applied Sciences. He worked in Production management in Sharing Glaxo, Wyeth, Obsons, Addis Pharmaceutical (Ethiopia) factories for mfg. of life savings Medicines for 13 years. He also worked in Retail Marketing in Pakistan as CEO in Rocks International for 10 years and as retail consultant in Salam General Hospital and Polyclinic in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 2 years. He visited China, Thailand, Canada, Philippines and UAE as Pharma consultant to attend Pharma business conferences. He is the member of Federation of ASIAN Pharmacists Associations (FAPA) since 1992 and Life Member of Pakistan Pharmacists Association. He is also working as Pharma consultant in world line Network for CPEC (pharma projects) in Lahore, Pakistan.
It’s really a wonderful experience to address the Pharmaceutics conference here in Middle East UAE. Aim of the conference is to modulate some innovative recommendations for developing a novel health (pharmaceutical) system worldwide. A viable mode of action may certainly be concluded to launch an effective and efficient campaign for the ailing community of our regions for curing and prevention of acute and chronic diseases encountered every day. Pakistan has been developing its Pharmaceutical sector by a vibrant cumulative cooperation between government and private sector. We are confident and hopeful to further overcome the disabilities and problems encountered by Pakistani market. Drug Regulatory authority of Pakistan is assuring the implementation of established QA standards complying with the true sense of an ideal GPP in respective institutions: Education, R&D, Industry, Hospital, Retail and marketing. Young Pharmacists are encouraged and have been fully equipped with hi-tech research laboratories for developing/evaluating new and effective medicinal products as per established Quality standards of GMP, CGMP and QA. Pakistan is a land of opportunities having the most fertile soils with six seasons countrywide over the year to grow and cultivate the crops of even high valued potent Medicinal plants. With some collaborative help and insight we can create and develop feasible strategies that may lead to deal with the business of producing and exporting the standard Medicinal EXTRACTS worldwide (CPEC projects) for the mfg. of effective, Cheap and safe drugs to treat acute and chronic diseases.
Bernabe L Rivas has completed his PhD from the University of Concepcion in 1980 and postdoctoral studies at Tuebingen University, Germany with Humboldt Foundation Fellows (1989-1991). He is the Leader of the research group about Synthesis and Applications of Functional Polymers, Polyelectrolytes, Resins with Retention Properties for Pollutants Ions, Nanocomposites from polypropylene and biopolymers. He has published more than 400 papers in reputed journals, 29 chapters of books and has been serving as an editorial board member of Journals.
The need for water is increasing around the world. Oxyanions and metal ions pollution in water concern to worldwide due the toxic effect on humans. Currently, there are available several technologies and processes to remove these pollutants from aqueous sources, such resin nanonocomposites, differential precipitation, solvent extraction, distillation, ion exchange, membranes. Membrane filtration easily allows this separation by means of the technique called the liquid-phase polymer-based retention (LPR). Applications of water-soluble polymers to the enrichment or separation of several metal ions and oxyanions from water have been reported. Through to washing or enrichment methods, Cr(VI), V(V), Mo(VI), and As(V) removal experiments were carried out at different pH using water-soluble polymers (WSPs) containing functional quaternary ammonium salts. The results showed highest retention capacity of oxyanions depending on the pH. On the other hand, polymer-clay nanocomposites present enhanced properties (mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties) compared with starting material (unloaded polymers). The use of polymer matrix with organic functional with capability to retain ion and filler such as clays lead to nanocomposite ion exchange resins. We have also studied polymer nanocomposite loaded with layered double hydroxide (LDH) as sorbents for oxyanions such as arsenate, chromate, and vanadate. Under different experimental conditions, the composite exhibited a high sorption reaching almost a 100% of removal. Also, the sorption of oxyanions presented a fast kinetics.
Terence Goh has more than two decades of experience in energy systems related to energy storage, microgrid and solar renewable. He has led business development and closed successfully several projects in the renewable space across the APAC region. He is an authority and thought leader on both Solar Renewable and Energy Storage and has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences (Australia All Energy Conferences 2015, 2016, Australia Energy Storage Conference 2015, SIEW 2017). He was one of two world-wide speakers invited to Thailand’s EGAT/ PEA/ MEA/ EPPO conference in mid-2017. Recently, he was invited as a keynote speaker to CISOLAR2018, Ukraine, to present on energy trends in APAC.
This presentation highlights the relevance of battery storage as a means to electrical power resiliency against climate change, ageing grids and renewable power fluctuations. The presentation is scoped to the move of centralized to decentralized distributed architecture as a result of grid-scale battery deployment at the distribution network level. A case study on solar power fluctuation at a distribution level feeder circuit is illustrated with the deployment of energy storage to smoothen the fluctuations. An overview of different types of storage applications and maturity of energy storage technologies is presented, albeit the fact that battery price is falling rapidly within these few years. Insight into some battery projects, including a microgrid, completed in the Asia Pacific region is also shared in this presentation.
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah has completed MPhil in Medicinal Biochemistry with publication in Journal of pure and applied Sciences. He worked in Production management in Sharing Glaxo, Wyeth, Obsons, Addis Pharmaceutical (Ethiopia) factories for mfg. of life savings Medicines for 13 years. He also worked in Retail Marketing in Pakistan as CEO in Rocks International for 10 years and as retail consultant in Salam General Hospital and Polyclinic in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 2 years. He visited China, Thailand, Canada, Philippines and UAE as Pharma consultant to attend Pharma business conferences. He is the member of Federation of ASIAN Pharmacists Associations (FAPA) since 1992 and Life Member of Pakistan Pharmacists Association. He is also working as Pharma consultant in world line Network for CPEC (pharma projects) in Lahore, Pakistan.
I, Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah from ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN welcome you in the opening session of 03rd International conference on Pharmaceutics and NOVEL Drug Delivery Systems. I Feel both humbled and privileged addressing this session as a keynote speaker on behalf of honourable conference management.I believe that your presence and participation will certainly conclude some comprehensive and validated recommendations as per the theme of the conference. I do believe, this event will approve some gold standards for the development of a novel community health system around the globe.We are here because we do realize an urgent need to upgrade and energize the provision of safe and effective research based medication for the treatment of challenging diseases in our specific regions and throughout the world on cumulative basis. We are the architects of medicine; responsible to execute the potent recipe, cost effectiveness, quality assurance and safe body compliance targeting the disease with an ideal mode of action.Very amicably I just want to present the following fields, if be considered in our discussions with the progress of this wonderful event: World pharma consultant forum -To design a charter to identify the needs and address the relative perspectives and indicators for up gradation and sustainability of their existing legislations in local health care system.Motivation and internship training of young pharmacist groups to unite their energies for interactive education links, launching of campaigns to serve the ailing humanity, to improve their bilateral professional /managerial skills and cultural relations.World pharma Business forum can be introduced to avail the best possible offers/chances offered by the member countries in manufacturing, retails and marketing. Mutual retail pharmacy chains may be established within member countries.To launch a Common finance/ fund so as to support the victims of natural disasters round the globe, to award the fully /partially funded scholarships to talented and deserving graduates and post graduate levels.To establish regional consortiums for increasing the span of activities and more authentic feedback. To draft a viable plan to involve the pharmacists in PHARMACOGENOMICS, Use of SCREENING PROTOCOL, BIOLOGICS, PATIENT COUNSELLING and CLINICAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS.Enjoy this beautiful STAY in UAE where all the intellectual pharma brains around the globe have teamed up under one roof of this convention centre, with one aim to provide the safe cheap and effective medication for ailing humanity. No doubt, we are sincere enough. I request you all to utilize this quality time to conclude the event with an impact of deliverance. Life achievement conclusions will certainly make us proud for rest of our lives. Long live everybody. Be blessed and stay healthy. A big warm hug and Love from my side. May God help us with our aim.
Syed Abid Hassan is founder of Bismil Welfare Society. He has completed his D Pharma from RLSY College, MSc in Chemistry from VM University, MBA (in International Business) from EILM-India. He is pursuing his PhD in Chemistry. He is Certified Lead Auditor for QMS (Quality Management System), by BSI (British Standard Institute) UK, and for ISO13485 (Medical Device) by IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditor) UK. He has 17 years plus experience of QA/Regulatory and R&D. He is the member of RAPS (Regulatory Affairs Professional Society) – US, and CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) UK. He has authored several publications in various journals of US and Germany. He has participated as Chairperson, Moderator, Panelist, Trainer or Speaker in several International Conferences in KSA, Egypt, UAE, Germany and USA. Presently he is working as Head of Regulatory Compliance and Team Leader of Variation Management Committee, in Jamjoom Pharmaceuticals Company - KSA
Medical device is an instrument, appliance, apparatus, implement, machine, software, calibrator, contrivance, implant, Invitro reagent, or other similar or related article, along or in combination, including a component part, or accessory or other article intended for Diagnosis, Prevention, Monitoring, Treatment, Mitigation, Cure or Alleviation of disease, Investigation, replacement, or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process. Supporting or sustaining life. Providing information for medical or diagnostic purposes by means of In-vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body. To affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals. A medical device should not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but may be assisted in its function by such means. Medical device classification determinations should be based on a device’s potential to harm a patient, its intended use and also the technology it uses:
Manufacturers should document their justifications for assigning their devices to Class A, B, C or D. RAs should establish a device classification system consisting of four classes where Class A represents the lowest hazard, and Class D the highest hazard. Principle of medical device classification by GHTF through doc number GHTF/SG1/N77:2012 was developed and intended for use by RAs (Regulatory Authorities), CABs (Conformity & Assessment Bodies) and Industry. The actual classification of each device depends on the claims made by the manufacturer for its intended use and the technologies. As an aid to interpreting the purpose of each rule, illustrative examples of medical devices that should conform to the rule have been provided in the table of previous slide. However, it must be emphasized that a manufacturer of the medical device should NOT rely on its appearing as an example, but should instead make an independent decision on classification taking account of its particular design and intended use: Manufacturers of Class A devices should implement and maintain the basic elements of a QMS, but have the option of excluding design and development controls from it. The QMS is normally not subject to premarket on-site audit by the RA or CAB, except where assurance of sterility or of a measuring function is required. Manufacturers of Class B devices should implement and maintain an effective QMS, but may have the option of excluding design and development controls from it. Manufacturers of Class C and D devices should implement and maintain an effective QMS that includes design and development controls, and complies with GHTF SG3 guidance documents. For Class B, C, and D devices, the RA or CAB needs to have confidence that the manufacturer has an appropriate and effective QMS in place.
Rashid Mahmood has Master Degree in Analytical Chemistry and MS in Total Quality Management. He has 15 years of experience of Pharmaceutical Quality Operations and has participated in many international conferences as a keynote speaker. He has presented various talks in USA & China on Cleaning Validation, cGMP Guidelines, Quality Risk Management, Role of Mass Spectrometry in Pharmaceuticals and on new Drug Delivery Systems. Currently he is working as a Senior Executive Manager Quality Operations for Surge Lab (Manufacturer of Microencapsulated APIs, Liquid & Dry Powder Parentrals) which is the best export oriented company of Pakistan.
Hot melt extrusion (HME) is emerging technology which is gaining high importance in the pharmaceutical industry as a novel technique for the preparation of various dosage forms and drug delivery systems, for example granules and sustained release tablets. It is a fast growing technology platform that is utilized to solve difficult formulation challenges, primarily in the area of solubilization. Due to fast processing, high degree of automation, absence of solvents, simple and continuous operation and ability to process poorly compactable material into tablet form are some of the main advantages offered over conventional processing by this emerging technique. Applications of HME in pharmaceutical industry continue to grow and recent success of this technique has made it a useful tool of consideration as a drug delivery solution. The use of hot-melt extrusion (HME) within the pharmaceutical industry is steadily increasing, due to its proven ability to efficiently manufacture novel products. . HME involves the application of heat, pressure and agitation through an extrusion channel to mix materials together, and subsequently forcing them out through a die. Twin-screw extruders are most popular in solid dosage form development as it imparts both dispersive and distributive mixing. It blends materials while also imparting high shear to break-up particles and disperse them. HME extrusion has been shown to molecularly disperse poorly soluble drugs in a polymer carrier, increasing dissolution rates and bioavailability.
Anne Grobler obtained her MSc from the University of Stellenbosch and her PhD from the North-West University. She was employed chronologically by the University of Stellenbosch, the South African Medical Research Council, MeyerZall Laboratories (industry) and the North-West Unviersity. She is the Director of DST/NWU Preclinical Drug Development Platform and CEO of has published more than 55 papers in reputed journals, is inventor or co-inventor of 7 patents granted in various countries.
The Pheroid® delivery system, a nano-based and micro-based transporter system, has been shown to have application in multiple sectors, including biopharmaceuticals, complementary medicines, cosmetics and agriculture. These transporter systems can be used to alter the biological and behaviour of the molecules or compounds and hence the functional efficacy of these molecules or compounds in humans, animals, and plants. The scientific validation on the one hand and subsequent economically viable industrialization of such a platform technology on the other require different environments, expertise and functioning. For the industrialization phase of the Pheroid® system, a Pheroid Cluster Incubator was established with the support of South African Department of Trade and Industry. The Pheroid Cluster Incubator is a non-profit company consisting of 7 members that make use of the Pheroid® nano- and micro carriers in their products or are developing products containing the Pheroid® as shown in table 1. The development stages and scientific validation of these products differ, as does the industrialization; benefits and pitfalls of product development within an incubator environment will be discussed.