Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah has completed MPhil in Medicinal Biochemistry with publication in Journal of pure and applied Sciences. He worked in Production management in Sharing Glaxo, Wyeth, Obsons, Addis Pharmaceutical (Ethiopia) factories for mfg. of life savings Medicines for 13 years. He also worked in Retail Marketing in Pakistan as CEO in Rocks International for 10 years and as retail consultant in Salam General Hospital and Polyclinic in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 2 years. He visited China, Thailand, Canada, Philippines and UAE as Pharma consultant to attend Pharma business conferences. He is the member of Federation of ASIAN Pharmacists Associations (FAPA) since 1992 and Life Member of Pakistan Pharmacists Association. He is also working as Pharma consultant in world line Network for CPEC (pharma projects) in Lahore, Pakistan.
It’s really a wonderful experience to address the Pharmaceutics conference here in Middle East UAE. Aim of the conference is to modulate some innovative recommendations for developing a novel health (pharmaceutical) system worldwide. A viable mode of action may certainly be concluded to launch an effective and efficient campaign for the ailing community of our regions for curing and prevention of acute and chronic diseases encountered every day. Pakistan has been developing its Pharmaceutical sector by a vibrant cumulative cooperation between government and private sector. We are confident and hopeful to further overcome the disabilities and problems encountered by Pakistani market. Drug Regulatory authority of Pakistan is assuring the implementation of established QA standards complying with the true sense of an ideal GPP in respective institutions: Education, R&D, Industry, Hospital, Retail and marketing. Young Pharmacists are encouraged and have been fully equipped with hi-tech research laboratories for developing/evaluating new and effective medicinal products as per established Quality standards of GMP, CGMP and QA. Pakistan is a land of opportunities having the most fertile soils with six seasons countrywide over the year to grow and cultivate the crops of even high valued potent Medicinal plants. With some collaborative help and insight we can create and develop feasible strategies that may lead to deal with the business of producing and exporting the standard Medicinal EXTRACTS worldwide (CPEC projects) for the mfg. of effective, Cheap and safe drugs to treat acute and chronic diseases.
Drug Designing and Drug Target Discovery
Pharmaceutical, Medicinal and Organic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery and Nanotechnology
Application of Pharmacology in Medical Science
Novel Drug Delivery System (NDDS) and Techniques in pharmaceutics