Rashid Mahmood has Master Degree in Analytical Chemistry and MS in Total Quality Management. He has 15 years of experience of Pharmaceutical Quality Operations and has participated in many international conferences as a keynote speaker. He has presented various talks in USA & China on Cleaning Validation, cGMP Guidelines, Quality Risk Management, Role of Mass Spectrometry in Pharmaceuticals and on new Drug Delivery Systems. Currently he is working as a Senior Executive Manager Quality Operations for Surge Lab (Manufacturer of Microencapsulated APIs, Liquid & Dry Powder Parentrals) which is the best export oriented company of Pakistan.
Hot melt extrusion (HME) is emerging technology which is gaining high importance in the pharmaceutical industry as a novel technique for the preparation of various dosage forms and drug delivery systems, for example granules and sustained release tablets. It is a fast growing technology platform that is utilized to solve difficult formulation challenges, primarily in the area of solubilization. Due to fast processing, high degree of automation, absence of solvents, simple and continuous operation and ability to process poorly compactable material into tablet form are some of the main advantages offered over conventional processing by this emerging technique. Applications of HME in pharmaceutical industry continue to grow and recent success of this technique has made it a useful tool of consideration as a drug delivery solution. The use of hot-melt extrusion (HME) within the pharmaceutical industry is steadily increasing, due to its proven ability to efficiently manufacture novel products. . HME involves the application of heat, pressure and agitation through an extrusion channel to mix materials together, and subsequently forcing them out through a die. Twin-screw extruders are most popular in solid dosage form development as it imparts both dispersive and distributive mixing. It blends materials while also imparting high shear to break-up particles and disperse them. HME extrusion has been shown to molecularly disperse poorly soluble drugs in a polymer carrier, increasing dissolution rates and bioavailability.
Drug Designing and Drug Target Discovery
Pharmaceutical, Medicinal and Organic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery and Nanotechnology
Application of Pharmacology in Medical Science
Novel Drug Delivery System (NDDS) and Techniques in pharmaceutics