Webinar on

Diet & Nutrition

Scientific Program

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Mervyn Deitel photo

Mervyn Deitel

Director MGB-OAGB Club, Canada

Title: An Overview Of Bariatric Surgery To The Present


Mervyn Deitel was born in Toronto Canada in 1936. He graduated in Medicine from the University of Toronto in 1961. He trained in surgery at Beth Israel, Bellevue and N.Y. University Hospitals in New York, Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo and trauma at Parkland Memorial in Dallas. He started I.V. hyperalimentation (TPN) in 1967 in Canada. He started bariatric surgery in Canada and in 1970 he stated performing bariatric surgery, then becoming a Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Surgery at University of Toronto. He was a Founding Member of the ASBS in Iowa 1983. He was President of ASBS 1994, and was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of the ASMBS Foundation in 2004. In 1991, he was the Founding Editor of Obesity Surgery, Editor-in-Chief of Obesity Surgery from 1991 to 2008, and remains Emeritus Editor-in-Chief. He was a Founding Member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO) in Stockholm in 1995, served as the first Executive Director of IFSO, and was awarded the Golden IFSO pin in 1999 and Honorary Life Membership in 2005. He is a Past President of the Roswell Park Surgical Society, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and Member of the Society of Surgical Oncology, American Head & Neck Society and Canadian Association of General Surgeons. He served on the Editorial Board of Journal of American College of Nutrition and is an advisor in nutrition to the American Journal of Family Practice. He is Chief Advisor of the International Bariatric Club.


With increasing high-caloric fast-food and sedentary lifestyle, worldwide obesity has been increasing for the past 50 years.  For morbid obesity in the 1970s, jejunoileal bypass (JIB) developed as a malabsorptive operation; JIB had specific complications which tied down the surgeon.  The horizontal loop gastric bypass of Mason became preferred; because tension on the loop anastomosis had potential for leak, gastric bypass was changed to a Roux-en-Y configuration (RYGB), which has been performed extensively. Gastroplasties developed as restrictive operations in the 1980s, initially horizontal, followed by vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG).  In 1983, the American Society for Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) was formed at a meeting in Iowa, and has vastly enlarged.  In 1991, I started publishing the Obesity Surgery journal as Editor-in-Chief, which became the official journal of IFSO, and rapidly progressed to high ranking.  In 1995, I was one of the Founders of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), which we formed in Stockholm; it has enlarged to 70 international member-societies.  In the 1990s, the adjustable gastric band (AGB) was placed to restrict the very proximal stomach (connected by tubing to a subcutaneous reservoir), and the AGB was suitable as a laparoscopic operation.  Subsequently, all bariatric operations have been able to be performed laparoscopically.  From the malabsorptive biliopancreatic diversion, the duodenal switch (DS) developed; food enters a lesser-curvature gastric sleeve, and the divided proximal duodenum is anastomosed to the divided ileum 100 cm proximal to ileocecal valve.  In 2000, sleeve gastrectomy (the first part of the DS alone) developed as a stand-alone operation, but dissection at the cardia has led to devastating leaks plus GE reflux and occasional Barrett’s esophagus.   The Mini-Gastric Bypass (MGB), as well as its One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB)  variant, with a long sleeve anastomosed antecolic as a wide gastrojejunostomy at ~200 cm has gained remarkable popularity, as a simple malabsorptive operation, effectively reversing the co-morbidities of morbid obesity.  Postop nutritional requirements must be followed.  Type 2 diabetes usually resolves after MGB-OAGB and is being performed in patients with lesser obesity.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Shapule Modjadji photo

Shapule Modjadji

Professor, University of Limpopo, South Africa

Title: Differences in experimental and control condition in health practices and knowledge due to intervention in Limpopo Province, South Africa


Shapule Modjadji is finalising PhD which is being currently edited for final submission with the University of Limpopo in South Africa. Also, she is currently working on producing two papers from this study. She have attended International Conference of Maths, Science and Technology education (ISTE) arranged by UNISA in 2013, Wits International Conference of Language and Literacy Education in August 2016.


The present study explores the differences in experimental and control condition in health practices and knowledge due to intervention. A sample of 324 students from seven rural primary schools in Dikgale village participated in the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The results of the current study revealed that students in the experiment condition reflected more health related knowledge (F(1.315)=115.72; p<0.001) due to intervention. However, these students showed a low level of good practices (F(1.315)=0.20; p>887) towards healthy food after the intervention. The results suggest that even if there can be changes in knowledge due to intervention, healthy practices may be difficult to change. Further interventions should be in place in communities like Dikgale because knowledge alone cannot decrease the prevalence of NCDs.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Suchi photo


Motivational Speaker, Aspirers Society Uk

Title: Adopting laughter therapy to get dosage of happy hormones to remove stress caused by being in slight pain ,being depressed, being unhappy anxious or sad. Saying positive affirmations aloud changes body cell energy


Suchi is an experienced International Pre School Principal/Manager who picked up Laughter exercises from many coaches around the world. She then designed ‘Laughter Therapy' which is being used  in many places such as hospitals and Senior Activity Centres. She provides individual and group therapy in educational and home settings. A former Manager / Trainer is now engages in building social awareness about Holistic approach for recovery. Be it Depression, Anxiety caused by physical or emotional pain, Death in the family and the harm the unhappiness brings to people, families and communities. Her aim is to encourage people to seek help early and get on the path to recovery. 


Statement of the Problem: There is a lack of awareness about what happy hormones are ,how to use positive words to feel energetic and what can be done to get happy hormones. People tend to feel unhappy for multiple reasons and neuropathic pain adds on Stress levels of not only the patient but the caregivers as well. Being in pain leads to feeling depressed and anxious  in some cases. 
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: 
Review of Books and Research shows that getting a dosage of happy  hormones will not only ease slight  pain of the patient but  feeling happy will also have a positive impact on the recovery of the patient. Adopting  Laughter therapy and getting hormones which makes one feel good will help many to recover from Neuropathic pain  /Long term sadness caused by having  grief, Anger or Resentment, Depression & Anxiety.
Findings: One needs to work on his/her energies using Laughter Therapy which is a  positive approach for not having Depression & Anxiety caused by Neuropathic pain . The therapy can be used as a Holistic way to  recovery. 
Conclusion & Significance: The Laughter therapy which includes ways to get the dosage of happy hormones promotes overcoming Depression & Anxiety caused by Neuropathic pain ,is  a fun way to manage pain.  Repeated sessions to be conducted to remind patients that  life while having pain or during the recovery should go beyond just seeking medical and counselling help and also include rebuilding Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Relational and Mental health. The model has been put together from for testing in many settings including hospitals ,elderly homes and senior citizen centres.  This is not a research book or paper. It is just an effort to demystify the help available for Depression & Anxiety caused by pain. It is an attempt to motivate and encourage people to seek help and take a simple approach to remember and work on all aspects of their recovery. 

Oral Session 1:

  • Oral Presentation
Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Olivier Mankondo photo

Olivier Mankondo

Motivational Speaker, United Kingdom

Title: The Plant-Based Nutrition: How It’s Going To Change Your Life.


Olivier Mankondo is a motivational speaker and he is an author, He is a weight loss and wellness coach with a passion for self-help books. He empower people with the knowledge of a plant-based nutrition so that they can make good dietary and lifestyle choices. Throughout my talks, he have been able to inspire and change a lot of people. On the side note, he can speak 4 languages including French.


Every species on Earth has a specific diet and we, human beings as a race, are not different. In this highly inspirational talk, I’m going to show your audience the specific diet adapted to the human mechanism, which will give people perfect health. You will also be able to know the root cause of all the chronic diseases and how the self-healing machine which is the human body, can prevent, stop and even reverse these conditions. I will present a high-energy, thought-provoking talk to encourage your audience to adopt new concepts and conquer new challenges. They will be empowered with this powerful knowledge and tools that they can instantly put into practice to enhance their lives.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Ronit Endevelt photo

Ronit Endevelt

School of public health, Haifa University Israel

Title: The Israeli nutritional guidelines creating and implementing


Ronit Endevelt is the head of the Nutrition Division in the Public health services  of the Ministry of health in Israel and is leading with the Public health services the Nutritional policy of Israel and the implementation of it. She also teach at the school of public health at Haifa University in Israel. She published more than 40 studies mainly on nutrition and policy and nutritional services. She participate in many international meetings and is part of the Nutritional leading policy.


The present study investigated the development and implementations of the Israeli nutritional guidelines. After facing the prevalence of Obesity and overweight and diabetes in Israel, the Ministry of health decided to invest in new nutritional guidelines that will cope with the disease burden and the sustainability and economic challenges. First, a group of nutrition scientists developed the guidelines based on the Mediterranean diet and adopted them to the Israeli nutritional pattern of eating. Including 4 dimensions: the impact of nutrition on Health, Economy, Social and sustainable aspects of nutrition behaviour. Than a visual presentation of the guidelines was created with experts of social media and communication and public health nutritionists. After that, an implementation process began including writing guidelines to infant's pregnant women and children, summer camp and lunch program for schoolchildren. Along with the guidelines, regulatory steps were implemented including regulation over healthy nutrition in the school Kiosks and lunch program after school and front of pack labelling and to be continue with regulation on marketing unhealthy products and tax over sweet beverages and calories on chain restaurants menus. A social media involvement included a few YouTube presentations to the public and a site of information called "It is possible to be healthy" .

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Jincy M. George photo

Jincy M. George

School of Biosciences, Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla, India

Title: High pressure assisted infusion of antioxidants in pineapple slices


Jincy M. George has completed her PhD at the age of 28 years from Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India. She has published more than 7 papers in reputed journals.


The effect of high pressure pretreatment (50-350 MPa/10 min) on mass transport process and the influence of process parameters on enhanced infusion of antioxidants into fresh pineapple slices was also carried out. The rate of mass transfer of moisture, solid and antioxidant content with or without the application of high pressure were studied over a wide range of concentration of osmotic solution (0 to 70º Brix). The increase in concentration of osmotic solution resulted in reduced infusion of antioxidants and enhanced mass transfer rates when pure water (aqueous suspension of curcuminoids) was used as an infusion medium. The diffusion coefficient for moisture (1.17 × 10-09 m2/s to 1.68 × 10-09 m2/s) and solid content (1.42 × 10-09 m2/s to 1.75 × 10-09 m2/s) for the pressure treated sample (350 MPa/10 min) was found to increase with increase in concentration (70ºBrix) of the surrounding solution due to higher osmotic pressure. The pressure pretreatment (350 MPa/10 min) also resulted in higher diffusivity of the bioactive compound (0.86 × 10-09 m2/s to 1.53 × 10-09 m2/s) when pure water was used as an infusion medium. The present study concluded that high pressure pretreatment of solid foods is a feasible technology for infusion of bioactive compounds.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Sara Albishi photo

Sara Albishi

Howard University, USA

Title: Consequences of the Metabolic Syndrome among African Americans, Hispanics and Whites


Sara Albishi is currently a PhD student of the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Howard University. She completed her master’s degree in the University of the District of Columbia. Her master’s thesis was about the effectiveness of vitamin D on type 2 diabetes. 


Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of risk indicators that appear to promote the development of chronic diseases. It is also described as a group of risk factors that increase the chance of having heart disease and other health problems such as diabetes and stroke.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the consequences of MetS among adult Whites, African Americans and Hispanics aged 40 years or more.

Methods: The proposed study used data abstracted from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015-2016. The following variables were utilized: sociodemographic data (age, gender, marital status, educational level and household income);  the criteria for MetS diagnosis (levels of blood pressure, fasting plasma blood glucose, blood triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, and waist circumference); and the consequences of MetS (coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes and prediabetes, overweight and obesity). The data were analyzed using SUDAAN software (RTI international, INC., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina). The relationships of MetS and its individual components to the consequences of MetS were compared among the three ethnic groups using chi-square and t-tests. The level of significance was 5%.

Results: The findings demonstrated that participants who are diagnosed with MetS criteria are more likely to have higher risk of the following consequences: Diabetes and prediabetes, overweight and obesity. The findings show that of all the ethnic groups evaluated, those who had high blood glucose levels were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes and obesity.

Conclusions: Diabetes/Prediabetes were found to have a high association between high waist circumference in Whites, African Americans and Hispanics.  There is an assassination between high waist circumference levels and overweight/obese among all ethnic groups.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Malek Ennaifer photo

Malek Ennaifer

Higher Institute of Food Industries, ESIAT, Tunisia

Title: Pelargonium graveolens decoction: A promising natural food additive


Malek Ennaifer had completed her Ph.D. at Higher Institute of Food Industries (ESIAT), Tunisia. She has published two papers in reputed journals and one national patent.


In traditional medicine, Pelargonium graveolens is largely consumed as hydrosol or water extracts. Our previous study showed that decoction extract has antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. For this reason, the natural extract was thought to be used  in food industry as a natural additive. Added to dates balls’ dough, the decoction  led to the improvement of the organoleptic properties of this no-bake snack. Besides, the dough mixed with Pelargonium graveolens decoction extract had a lower microbial count during a storage time of  28 days, at  room  temperature.  The microbial tests, the texture and colour analysis suggest the effect of the decoction addition on the shelf life of functional date balls.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Jean Bosco Gahutu photo

Jean Bosco Gahutu

University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

Title: Biofortified beans for the prevention of iron-deficiency anemia


Jean Bosco Gahutu, MD, PhD, FHEA (UK), is professor of physiology and director of research and innovation at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda. He has done extensive research on biofortified beans. He has a Scopus h-index of 13.


Iron deficiency is an important public health problem, with more than 1.5 billion people affected worldwide. It causes iron-deficiency anemia with deleterious effects in pregnant women and children under five years of age, including growth retardation, cognitive impairment, increased morbidity and poor pregnancy outcome. Biofortification through crossbreeding constitutes a promising approach to obtain crops with high iron content (>60% increase in biofortified beans). We conducted a series of absorption studies in young adult females at the University of Rwanda, to evaluate the role of potential inhibitors of iron absorption from beans, using multiple test meals. Iron stable isotope labels 57ferrous sulfate and 58ferrous sulfate were used. Iron absorption was measured based on erythrocyte incorporation of iron stable isotope labels 14 days after the test meals. Absorption studies showed higher quantity of iron absorbed from low phytic acid beans as compared to normal beans. An efficacy study conducted over 4.5 months among young adult females at the University of Rwanda Huye campus showed greater improvement of hemoglobin concentration (3.8 g/L) and log serum ferritin (0.1 log µg/L) among the group receiving biofortified beans as compared to the group receiving control beans. There was a 4.2 g/L increase in hemoglobin for every 1 g Fe consumed over 128 days of feeding trial (P<0.05). In conclusion, biofortification of beans is a promising approach to solve the problem of iron deficiency anemia in countries with high bean consumption.
Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Laxmi Kant Bharti photo

Laxmi Kant Bharti

MBBS, MD, India

Title: Review of dietary salt/sodium intake and its impact on pediatric and adult population.


Laxmi Kant Bharti has done MBBS from KGs Medical College Lucknow and then MD(Pediatrics). He is working as faculty in the department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at SGPGIMS, Lucknow. His work and research area is Pediatric Gastroenterolgy specialised nutritional services in various diseases. He had published several Publications in various journal.


Sodium(Na) is a very vital micronutrient needed for survival of life in balanced amount. It helps in regulating fluid balance in our body.  Analysis of dietary salt/sodium intake and its impact on pediatric and adult population searched.  Major articles with salt and Na intake in diet reviewed and analysed. Na represents the (39.34%) of the formula weight of sodium chloride (Na=23,Cl=35). Our natural diet provides usually 300-400 mg of Na per day. AHA  study shows salt intake in India ranging from 9.45-10.41 gms/day. ).ICMR statement is that salt intake has lots of variation between 5gm to as high as 30gm/day. This may be because of lots of differences between social and cultural and dietary lifestyle of population and on the other hand increasing fast food, processed food intake, frequent restaurant culture, increasing readymade and processed food culture in developing nation. There is very high use of condiments. Sodium adds flavor to readymade foods and also prevents food from spoiling.  It is evident that majority of population having diet in high sodium. Shift to low sodium healthy life style adaptation and proper health awareness and pushing commercial food companies to make for low sodium or no sodium is way for healthy world and indirectly saving millions dollar economy for nation.
Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Toral Patel photo

Toral Patel

Clinical Dietitian, India

Title: Studies On Weight Loss Diets With Different Compositions Of Fat, Protein & Carbohydrates.


Toral Patel has an experience of 6 years as a Clinical Dietitian. She is a B.Sc (Human Development) and a Post Graduation in Dietetics. She has a degree in Sports Nutrition, Diploma in Yoga, Diabetes Educator. Currently she is working with GYM,  Multispeciality Hospital & Sports Students. She actively takes part in community programs to healthcare. Specialist in weight Loss, Weight Gain, Weight Management, Diabetes Educator & other Disease.


We are different assigned 1000 overweight adults to one of three diets; the targeted percentage of energy derived from fat, Protein and carbohydrates in the three diets were, 25, 20 and 70% 25, 35 and 60%, 50,20,50% The diets consisted of similar food and met guideline for Cardiovascular health. The participants were offered group and individual instructional sessions for two Years The body weight change after 2 years. In two by two functional Comparisons of low fact versus high feet and average protein versus high protein and in the comparison at highest and lowest carbohydrate content.
After 6 (Six) months, participants assignee to each diet had lost an average of 6 KGM. which represented 8%. of their initial weight; they began to regain weight after 12 months. By 2 years weight loss remained similar in those who were assigned to a diet with 20% protein and those who assigned to a diet with 35% protein and those assigned to a diet with 25%. fat and those assigned to a diet with 50% fat and those assigned to a diet with 70% carbohydrates, 60% carbohydrates and 50% carbohydrates. We saw that both group protein loss 3 to 3.5 KGM respectively fat loss 3.5 KGM in both group And 3 to 3.5kgm loss of carbohydrated in Both group respectively.
Reduced calorie diets in clinical Meaningful  weight loss regardless of which Macronutrients they Emphasize.

Title: Consumption of Drumstick Leaves Product and its Effect on Diabetic Patients.


Mayur Kumar Patel has done his Diploma in Homeopathic Medical Science and he is the General practitioner in  Davada and Bamroli from 2002 to 2020 running.  He have 5 years experience in government job in Bhalej Kasor and he is observing the diabetic patients from last 7 Years in the nutrition planning.


Drumstick (Moringa Oleifera Lam), native of Indian subcontinent, has been proposed as one of the best option for the Diabetic Patients. Drumstick leaves also has been recognised as a healthful and Nutritious containing high concentration of Dietary fibre and low Glycemic food. The study was carried out by preparing two traditional food dish “Thepla” and “Muthiya”. Total 20 patients were taken as an experimental sample. Till 30 day the standardised product was added in their one routine meal in the equal amount. At every day blood sample was collected and glucometer was used to analysed – fasting blood sugar (FBS) and post prandial blood sugar (PPBS). The pilot result was > 250 mg/dl and after the consumption of Drumstick leaves containing products it was slowly and gradually decreases. The positive result has been shown to have effect on decreased value of blood sugar to ±160mg/dl.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Raffaele Pilla photo

Raffaele Pilla

St. John of God Hospital – Fatebenefratelli, Benevento, Italy

Title: Therapeutic ketosis and the broad field of applications for the ketogenic diet: Ketone ester applications & clinical updates


Raffaele Pilla, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Doctor Europaeus, received his Master's Degree in Pharmacy at G.d'Annunzio University in Chieti-Pescara, Italy in 2005, where he also served in the Internships of Cell Physiology Laboratory and Molecular Biology Laboratory. Prior. He received his Doctor Europaeus in 2010 from Pitie-Salpetriere Institute in Paris, France also in 2010, he received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Physiology, and Pathology of the Muscle at G. d'Annunzio University in Chieti-Pescara, Italy. He was hired as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology at the University
The Office of Naval Research (US Navy), funded by two research grants and Divers Digital Alert Network. He has written and lectured more widely. He has been involved in
ongoing research at the University of South Florida with the use of ketone esters.



It has been recently shown that nutritional ketosis is effective against seizure disorders and various acute/chronic neurological disorders. Physiologically, glucose is the primary metabolic fuel for cells. However, many neurodegenerative disorders have been associated with impaired glucose transport/metabolism and with mitochondrial dysfunction, such as Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s disease, general seizure disorders, and traumatic brain injury. Ketone bodies and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates represent alternative fuels for the brain and can bypass the ratelimiting steps associated with impaired neuronal glucose metabolism. Therefore, therapeutic ketosis can be considered as a metabolic therapy by providing alternative energy substrates. It has been estimated that the brain derives over 60% of its total energy from ketones when glucose availability is limited. In fact, after prolonged periods of fasting or ketogenic diet (KD), the body utilizes energy obtained from free fatty acids (FFAs) released from adipose tissue. Because the brain is unable to derive significant energy from FFAs, hepatic ketogenesis converts FFAs into ketone bodies-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and acetoacetate (AcAc)-while a percentage of AcAc spontaneously decarboxylates to acetone. Large quantities of ketone bodies accumulate in the blood through this mechanism. This represents a state of normal physiological ketosis and can be therapeutic. Ketone bodies are transported across the blood-brain barrier by monocarboxylic acid transporters to fuel brain function. Starvation or nutritional ketosis is an essential survival mechanism that ensures metabolic flexibility during prolonged fasting or lack of carbohydrate ingestion. Therapeutic ketosis leads to metabolic adaptations that may improve brain metabolism, restore mitochondrial ATP production, decrease reactive oxygen species production, reduce inflammation, and increase neurotrophic factors’ function. It has been shown that KD mimics the effects of fasting and the lack of glucose/insulin signaling, promoting a metabolic shift towards fatty acid utilization. In this work, the author reports a number of successful case reports treated through metabolic ketosis.