Dr. Brahm Pal Singh completed his Ph. D. in Quantum Electronics, (1990), IIT Delhi; his D. Eng. in Quantum Engineering (1996), Nagoya University with Postdoctoral Research Studies at NPL, India and AIST Tsukuba, Japan. Dr. Singh is the R & D Manager in Advanced Technologies Development Center, ES Company, Panasonic Corporation. He has published over 30 research papers in reputed international journals and conferences/symposiums and serving as a referee for the reputed international journal
The chemical mechanical polished (4H and 6H) SiC wafers were heated in the range of 1700-2000oC putting on a flat surface of a pyrolytic graphite plate in the graphite vacuum furnace of a pyrolytic surrounded by a cylindrical internal graphite chamber (Diameter = 130 mm and height = 100 mm) having an opening in its top surface center. For the selective CNS layer growth on the SiC wafer size ranging from 8 x 8 mm2 to 50.8 mm diameter, the wafer was enclosed in a pyrolytic graphite case exposing the regions on its desired face only where CNS was to be grown. The SiC wafer heating was done using a computer controlled electric heater with an accuracy of 1oC in the vacuum pressure of <2x10-4 Torr. The thermal heating recipe was prepared so that the SiC wafer was thermally cleaned for 10 min at 1200oC before reaching the thermally decomposition temperature in the range of 1700-2000oC at a rate of 15oC/min. The heating temperature was maintained for the desired CNS layer thickness growth before switching off the heater to let the sample cool down to the room temperature while the vacuum pump was kept continuously ON
Dianita Putri Army is magister student at Institut Teknologi Bandung and had her bachelor degree at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Her research interest is applied mathematics especially in nonlinear dynamics of mathematical biology. She had been a paper presented at the 7thSEAMS-UGM International Conference in 2015 as a paper presenter. Furthermore, in magister, she learns about control systems that can be applied in mathematical biology problems.
Flu is one of the respiratory diseases caused by influenza virus A. Antigenic drift mechanism changed the virus’s structure in phase and created two strains of influenza virus A which is simultaneously infected humans. Mathematical modelling can be applied to explain the epidemiology of two strains of influenza virus A infection. Here we discuss the sequential transmission model of two strains influenza virus A with antigenic drift mechanism. There are six equilibrium points obtainable from the model and we analyze the stability of each equilibrium points. The explanation of the model equipped with simulation which described each equilibrium points in face portrait.
Seiki Chiba was Executive Director for Advanced R&D Project Development, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International). He served on SRI for 20 years. He has been supervising advanced R&D programs including Japanese Government projects. Presently, he is CEO, Chiba Science Institute. He is the author or coauthor of more than 300 publications in the various areas including artificial muscle actuators & generators, hydrogen safety, and high temperature membranes for hydrogen production. He has a PhD in Metallurgy & Material Science from the University of Wales (Britain). He received IAAM medal for outstanding contribution in the field of Advanced Material Science and Technology
Soft transducers made of synthetic or natural materials, capable of converting physical or chemical energy into mechanical work in response to various environmental stimuli such as salt, pH, humidity, heat, solvent, light, magnetic or, electric field, and light, have been gaining attention for biomimetic actuators. Some of the transducers have also been shown to operate in reverse as a generator. This lecture discusses electroactive polymer (EAP) transducers (see Fig.1). EAP can be generally classified into two categories: wet (ionic) and electronic (electronic field responsive). Wet polymers use electrically driven mass transport of ions or electrically charged species to effect a change in the shape (or vice versa). Electronic polymers use an electric field to effect a shape change by acting directly on charges within the polymer (or vice versa). Each type of electroactive polymer has advantages and disadvantages for particular applications. Wet polymers typically can exert relatively high pressures and can be driven by low voltages. However, they are relatively slow and limited in size (since they are dependent on molecular transport), require high current and relatively energy inefficient. They can operate best over a narrow range of temperatures and must often be kept moist. In contrast, Electronic polymers can be fast, efficient, and relatively insensitive to temperature and humidity fluctuations. These polymers can operate at relatively high voltages and low currents, which usually requires additional voltage conversion components but makes the size and capacity of wires and interconnects lighter and less critical. A type of field-activated EAP transducer that embodies the desirable properties of polymer is dielectric elastomers (DEs). DEs show considerable promise for harvesting energy from wind, ocean waves, water currents, or even from human motion
Abdeen Mustafa Omer (BSc, MSc, PhD) is an Associate Researcher at Energy Research Institute (ERI). He obtained both his PhD degree in the Built Environment and Master of Philosophy degree in Renewable Energy Technologies from the University of Nottingham. He is qualified Mechanical Engineer with a proven track record within the water industry and renewable energy technologies. He has been graduated from University of El Menoufia, Egypt, BSc in Mechanical Engineering. His previous experience involved being a member of the research team at the National Council for Research/Energy Research Institute in Sudan and working director of research and development for National Water Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Sudan. He has been listed in the book WHO’S WHO in the World 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. He has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 200 review articles, 7 books and 150 chapters in books
Biogas from biomass appears to have potential as an alternative energy source, which is potentially rich in biomass resources. This is an overview of some salient points and perspectives of biogas technology. The current literature is reviewed regarding the ecological, social, cultural and economic impacts of biogas technology. This article gives an overview of present and future use of biomass as an industrial feedstock for production of fuels, chemicals and other materials. However, to be truly competitive in an open market situation, higher value products are required. Results suggest that biogas technology must be encouraged, promoted, invested, implemented, and demonstrated, but especially in remote rural areas.
(1) Biogas technology can not only provide fuel, but is also important for comprehensive utilisation of biomass forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, evoluting the agricultural economy, protecting the environment, realizing agricultural recycling, as well as improving the sanitary conditions, in rural areas.
(2) The biomass energy, one of the important options, which might gradually replace the oil in facing the increased demand for oil and may be an advanced period in this century. Any county can depend on the biomass energy to satisfy part of local consumption.
(3) Development of biogas technology is a vital component of alternative rural energy programme, whose potential is yet to be exploited. A concerted effect is required by all if this is to be realised. The technology will find ready use in domestic, farming, and small-scale industrial applications.
(4) Support biomass research and exchange experiences with countries that are advanced in this field. In the meantime, the biomass energy can help to save exhausting the oil wealth.
(5) The diminishing agricultural land may hamper biogas energy development but appropriate technological and resource management techniques will offset the effects
Atsuhira Nagano is a JSPS research fellow (PD) in Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo. His field of expertise is algebra. He is interested in the relation between algebraic varieties and automorphic forms. Especially, he gave a simple construction of Hilbert modular forms from period mappings of toric K3 hypersurfaces. Moreover, he gave simple models of Shimura curves and Shimura varieties in terms of periods of K3 surfaces and hypergeometric functions. His results are closely related to mirror symmetry of K3 surfaces. He is also interested in the application of spectral curves to number theory
Algebraic spectral curves are algebraic curves attached to ordinary differential equations. For example, the algebraic spectral curve attached to the classical Lamé equation is given by the Weierstrass equation of an elliptic curve (Wallenberg, 1903). Algebraic spectral curves were originally studied by physicians. However, mathematicians applied them to differential geometry, integrable systems or algebraic geometry. For example, Shiota applied them effectively to solve a difficult problem in the theory of the moduli of algebraic curves, which is called the Schottky problem. Thus, algebraic spectral curves are really important in mathematics.
By the way, the theory of automorphic forms is one of the most important theories among researchers in algebra. For example, appropriate special values of automorphic forms generate class fields (Kronecker’s Jugendtraum). This provided a basis of the development of arithmetic geometry in the 20th century. Moreover, the solution of Fermat’s last theorem (A. Wiles, 1995) is based on the theory of automorphic forms. Currently, many number theorists studied the Langlands programme, which gives a sophisticated theory of automorphic forms.
Here, and of the Weierstrass equation can be regarded as automorphic forms. So, the above example of Wallenberg suggests a non-trivial relation between algebraic spectral curves and automorphic forms. In this talk, the speaker will present a result to understand algebraic spectral curves from the viewpoint of automorphic forms. The Baker-Akhiezer function will connect automorphic forms and a certain type of differential equations
Taro Toyoda has completed his D.Sc. from Tokyo Metropolitan University and Assistant Research Officer at National Research Council of Canada. After working at Fuji Electric Company and Nippon Mining Company, he was appointed as a Professor at The University of Electro-Communications. His research focuses on basic studies of optical properties in semiconductor quantum dots including photoexcited carrier dynamics and their applications to photovoltaic quantum dot solar cells. He has published more than 200 papers in reputed journals.
Owing to the size-dependent quantum confinement effect, semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have a tunable energy gap and higher extinction coefficients, indicating the possibility of using them as promising sensitizers for sensitized solar cells. Although QDs have such promising properties, the photovoltaic conversion efficiencies of QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) are still lower than those of dye-sensitized solar cells. Usually, TiO2 nanoparticulate electrodes play a key role in applications to QDSCs, because of a large surface area with a large amount of QD adsorption for light harvesting. In that case, heterogeneity can be appeared which disturb a detailed understanding of the fundamental factors of QDs adsorbed on TiO2 nanoparticulate electrodes.
The present study focuses on the effect of TiO2 surfaces with different crystal orientations on optical absorption and ground state energy level in systems comprising CdSe QDs adsorbed on (001) and (102) surfaces of anatase-TiO2 (A-TiO2) to get the information for QDSCs. We applied photoacoustic (PA) spectroscopy based on photothermal phenomenon to characterize the optical absorption, not only in the bandgap absorption but in the sub bandgap region. Photoelectron yield (PY) spectroscopy is useful for determining the absolute ground state energy level of QDs. Adsorption time dependence of optical absorption shows that (1) the adsorption rate of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(001) is higher than that of A-TiO2(102) in agreement with our DFT calculations ((001) >> (100 ) > (102)), and (2) the diameter increasing rate of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) is higher than on A-TiO2(001), indicating the anisotropic crystal growth. The ground state energy levels of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) are lower than those on A-TiO2(001), suggesting the impossibility of the sensitization from the excited state of CdSe QDs to the conduction band of A-TiO2(102). Lower value of the ground state energy level of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) (negative polarization) is possibly due to the difference of the permittivity of A-TiO2(001) and A-TiO2(102)
Taro Toyoda has completed his D.Sc. from Tokyo Metropolitan University and Assistant Research Officer at National Research Council of Canada. After working at Fuji Electric Company and Nippon Mining Company, he was appointed as a Professor at The University of Electro-Communications. His research focuses on basic studies of optical properties in semiconductor quantum dots including photoexcited carrier dynamics and their applications to photovoltaic quantum dot solar cells. He has published more than 200 papers in reputed journals.
Owing to the size-dependent quantum confinement effect, semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have a tunable energy gap and higher extinction coefficients, indicating the possibility of using them as promising sensitizers for sensitized solar cells. Although QDs have such promising properties, the photovoltaic conversion efficiencies of QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) are still lower than those of dye-sensitized solar cells. Usually, TiO2 nanoparticulate electrodes play a key role in applications to QDSCs, because of a large surface area with a large amount of QD adsorption for light harvesting. In that case, heterogeneity can be appeared which disturb a detailed understanding of the fundamental factors of QDs adsorbed on TiO2 nanoparticulate electrodes.
The present study focuses on the effect of TiO2 surfaces with different crystal orientations on optical absorption and ground state energy level in systems comprising CdSe QDs adsorbed on (001) and (102) surfaces of anatase-TiO2 (A-TiO2) to get the information for QDSCs. We applied photoacoustic (PA) spectroscopy based on photothermal phenomenon to characterize the optical absorption, not only in the bandgap absorption but in the sub bandgap region. Photoelectron yield (PY) spectroscopy is useful for determining the absolute ground state energy level of QDs. Adsorption time dependence of optical absorption shows that (1) the adsorption rate of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(001) is higher than that of A-TiO2(102) in agreement with our DFT calculations ((001) >> (100 ) > (102)), and (2) the diameter increasing rate of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) is higher than on A-TiO2(001), indicating the anisotropic crystal growth. The ground state energy levels of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) are lower than those on A-TiO2(001), suggesting the impossibility of the sensitization from the excited state of CdSe QDs to the conduction band of A-TiO2(102). Lower value of the ground state energy level of CdSe QDs on A-TiO2(102) (negative polarization) is possibly due to the difference of the permittivity of A-TiO2(001) and A-TiO2(102)
Inhomogeneous states of coexisting domains of the ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phases in solid solutions of perovskite complex oxides cause a number of interesting physical effects. PbZr1-yTiyO3 based solid solutions are chosen as an example. These compounds have a small difference in the free energies of the ferroelectric and antiferroelectric states. As a result, the inhomogeneous state of domains with the sizes of the order of 20 to 30 μm is realized in a wide interval of solid solutions compositions. The concentration of elastic stresses along the coherent interphase boundaries leads to the local decomposition of solid solution because the equivalent lattice positions are occupied by ions with different sizes. The local decomposition is responsible for the formation of segregates near the interphase boundaries separating domains of the coexisting phases. The sizes of these segregates are of the order of 8 to 15 nm.
Manifestation of these mesoscopic structures in piezoelectric and other properties of the above-mentioned compounds has been studied in details. Our special attention has been paid to the kinetics of their formation and to the mechanisms of control of the formation segregates.
Controllably created nanoscale structures of segregates in substances with coexisting ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phases lead to new possibilities in applications of these compounds as materials with extremely high piezoelectric parameters, substances with negative refractive index, and materials allowing effective control of piezoelectric parameters by external electric field
Prof. Jung Hyun Jeong, now is a professor of department of physics in Pukyong National University. He got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in physics at Pusan National University, doctor's degree (Ph.D.) at Tsukuba University in Japan. He is the chairman for many researches, such as Physics Center for Functional Condensed Matters of Brain Korea (BK) 21 Plus and Creative Korea (CK) project
Series of Er3+-activated NaSrLa(MoO4)3 phosphors were prepared by a traditional solid-state reaction technique. At 378 nm excitation, the obtained compounds displayed stronger green emissions that can be seen by naked eye. As the increment of Er3+ ion concentration, the emission intensity increased and reached its maximum value when the doping concentration was 4 mol%. The critical distance was calculated to be 25.32 Å and the dipole-dipole took the domination in the concentration quenching mechanism. In addition, by means of a fluorescence intensity ratio technique, the temperature sensing performances of the synthesized samples in the temperature range of 303–463 K were investigated based on the thermally coupled levels, 2H11/2 and 4S3/2, of Er3+ ions. It is also found that the doping concentration can influence the sensor sensitivity of Er3+-activated NaSrLa(MoO4)3 phosphors. These results demonstrate that the Er3+-activated NaSrLa(MoO4)3 phosphors are promising candidates for simultaneous solid-state lighting and non-contact hermometry
I have earned my PhD in theoretical physics from J.W. Goethe University(Frankfurt) in 2008 at age of 29. The title of my thesis was “Baryon Stopping and Quark-Gluon Plasma Production at RHIC and LHC”. Over next ~1.5 years I was involved in oil reservoir engineering in “Petroleum Technologies”. In the beginning of 2010, I became a Researcher in Institute of Biochemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science. There, I was mainly occupied by polymers and fuel cells modelling. In late 2010, I’ve joined the Plasma Applications Laboratory, Nuclear and Energy Engineering Department of Jeju National University, as a Researcher, and from 2012 as a Research Professor. Currently, I am in involved in the projects related to laser(isotopes separation, quantum control) and plasma(Thomson scattering, MHD generator) applications. I have published 16 papers in SCI journals, and gave 27 talks in international conferences
Commercial ores used for deriving zirconium for pressurized water reactor parts have a hafnium contents amounting to 1-2%, which along with Zr-91 deteriorates fuel utilization efficiency substantially(fuel cost saving of 7% would result provided only Zr-90 is left). Therefore, some cheap way to eradicate them is in required. Possibility of using purification method based on laser assisted retardation of condensation is investigated. In this method, proper choice of molecule for selective excitation of target isotope is crucial. Because of significant overlap photo-absorption spectrum of dicyclo-pentadienil zirconium dicyanate with CO2 laser emission spectrum along with high vapor pressure at relatively modest temperature, these molecules were selected. On the basis of transport model, developed by Jeff Eerkens for this method, enrichment factor and product cut evolution over gas flow core pressure and temperature are found. Due to lack of experimental data on dimer bond vibrational spectra, the latter have been derived by using Gaussian software. Nozzle wall profile, that can provide temperature and pressure, corresponding to the maximum of enrichment factor, has been calculated as well
Prof. A.S.Khanna has worked for 27 years in Materials Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India with long experience in Surface Engineering. He has guided 27 Ph.d’s 115 Master’s projects and about 25 B.Tech projects. Prof. Khanna has received several Awards. He is Fellow ASM International and NACE International, Life member of Indian Institute of Metals and Society for Electrochemical Science. He is a founder Chairman of SSPC India. He is a fellow of Humboldt Foundation Bonn and also of Royal Norwegian Science and Technology and Fellow of Japan Key Centre. He has done post doctoral work at France, Germany and Japan. He has written three books, two on high temperature Corrosion and one on High Performance organic coatings
Graphene-polymer composite coatings show excellent coating properties such as corrosion resistance, high mechanical properties, anti-ststic effect and also reasonably good UV blocking. Two types of coatings were made : sol-gel functionalized pre-treated graphene on metals which showed water permeation rate almost an order of magnitude lower than that of a silane coating of same thickness. The second coating was graphene dispersed in epoxy which creates an epoxy primer
which is twice as corrosion resistant as Inorganic Zinc Silicate primer and almost 10 times more effective than the well-known epoxy zinc rich coatings.
In order to use graphene for such application, one requires graphene in powder form and thus there was need to find out a cost effective, eco-friendly synthesis method of graphene. We
looked into the feasibility of various methods to form powders. Graphene by oxidation method, though gives good yield is impure. Exfoliation method gives very low yield. We therefore created a special exfoliation method known as Pressure Exfoliation method, where we separate various layer of graphene from powder graphite using high pressure. The yield of this method is close to 20%. The graphene formed is a purest form of graphene with 3-4 layer thick. It is defect free graphene as confirmed by detailed Raman Spectroscopy. The details of
graphene structure (TEM), Electron diffraction pattern layer structure and Raman spectrograph is shown below
Muralidhar Miryala is the Deputy President at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) and Professor at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering. His main task is to transform SIT into a high rank University. He developed mixed LRE-123 superconductors usable as super-magnets up to 15 T at 77 K, for levitation up to 90.2 K, participated in development of a DC superconducting cable for railway applications; his work was several times presented in TV and regular newspapers in Japan. He is an author and co-author of more than 400 publications and delivered over 100 oral presentations including plenary and invited ones. He holds several Japanese and international patents, received numerus awards, including Young Scientist Award, Director’s Award, PASREG Award of Excellence, Best Presentation Award, Amity Global Academic Excellence Award. I am an Editor-in-Chief and Editorial board member of several international journals
High-Tc superconducting technology is a relatively new and demands application verification in public sector, especially in health care and transportation. In this talk, recent trends in high-Tc superconducting material processing will be introduced and then the new super-magnet applications will be presented. The bulk superconducting magnets can trap magnetic fields by order of magnitude higher than the best classical hard magnets and are therefore promising as permanent magnets for use in magnetic drug delivery system (MDDS), for construction of small mobile diagnostic devices, for water cleaning technologies etc. Human`s body is so complicated that a controlled drug delivery is extremely difficult. This process can be accomplished by magnetic force in the body by exerting a strong magnetic field on the diseased tissue. As a result, a high drug concentration can be delivered in a controlled way to the targeted diseased organ. This technology minimizes the taken drug amount and prevents thus side effects. Superconducting material is also used in superconducting DC cables, promising in particular in transport of solar energy as well as in feeding cables for railway system applications. In Japan, more than 11,805 km DC electrified lines are in use. A change of the conventional DC cables to superconducting ones would reduce the resistance losses generated in feeding cables to minimum and act environmentally friendly. Superconducting technology could play an important role in various fields of our everyday life. In this presentation, I will summarize the recent development in use of bulk superconducting materials in superconducting magnets and of superconducting cables in various
Seiichi Koshiba: After graduating from the university, a high school mathematics teacher. Management position from 2003
In order to see simply the results of the division by zero, we will show the simple results in the typical and fundamental object triangles and triangle functions. Even the case of triangles, we will be able to derive new concepts and results from the division by zero property.
One typical result is as follows:
tan frac{pi}{2} = 0.
The essential problems with the mysterious history of the division by zero were on the {bf definition} of the division by zero and the strong {bf discontinuity} of the fundamental function $y = 1/x$ at the origin. This discontinuity was not accepted for long years. One more problem for the division by zero is on the concept of the {bf division by zero calculus}; that is, the fractions and functions cases are different, as we showed clearly.
We have considered our mathematics around an isolated singular point for analytic functions, however, we did not consider mathematics {bf at the singular point itself}. At the isolated singular point, we considered our mathematics with the limiting concept, however, the limiting values to the singular point and {bf the values at the singular point } in the sense of division by zero calculus are different.
By the division by zero calculus, we can consider the values and differential coefficients at the singular point. We, therefore, have a general open problem discussing our mathematics on a domain containing the singular points
Seiichi Koshiba: After graduating from the university, a high school mathematics teacher. Management position from 2003
In order to see simply the results of the division by zero, we will show the simple results in the typical and fundamental object triangles and triangle functions. Even the case of triangles, we will be able to derive new concepts and results from the division by zero property.
One typical result is as follows:
tan frac{pi}{2} = 0.
The essential problems with the mysterious history of the division by zero were on the {bf definition} of the division by zero and the strong {bf discontinuity} of the fundamental function $y = 1/x$ at the origin. This discontinuity was not accepted for long years. One more problem for the division by zero is on the concept of the {bf division by zero calculus}; that is, the fractions and functions cases are different, as we showed clearly.
We have considered our mathematics around an isolated singular point for analytic functions, however, we did not consider mathematics {bf at the singular point itself}. At the isolated singular point, we considered our mathematics with the limiting concept, however, the limiting values to the singular point and {bf the values at the singular point } in the sense of division by zero calculus are different.
By the division by zero calculus, we can consider the values and differential coefficients at the singular point. We, therefore, have a general open problem discussing our mathematics on a domain containing the singular points
Tsutomu Matsuura majored in mathematical engineering at the University of Tokyo. His research field is applied mathematics, and now he teaches signal mathematical analysis at Gunma University. His most interesting field of research is reproducing kernel theory and its application to inverse problems, and recently he is also studying the division by zero derived from those studies.
Singular integral equations are presently encountered in a wide range of mathematical models, for instance in acoustics, fluid dynamics, elasticity and fracture mechanics. Together with these models, a variety of methods and applications for these integral equations has been developed.
However, what are singular integrals and why do appear singular integrals in many discontinuity phenomena? For singular integrals, we will consider their integrals as divergence, however, the Hadamard finite part or Cauchy's principal values give finite values; that is, from divergence values, we will consider finite values; for this interesting property, we will be able to give a natural interpretation by the division by zero calculus.
We would like to give some essential answers to those questions by the division by zero calculus that was born from the division by zero.
In the talk, we will introduce our recent results on the division by zero calculus and formulas that were obtained from the division by zero and we will give the interpretation for the Hadamard finite part of singular integrals and Cauchy's principal values by means of the division by zero calculus
Aarshadhaatu Green Nanotechnologies India Private Limited – India
Nano particles are useful for developing thermal fluids with high thermal conductivity, water purification from bacteria, highly effective medicines, highly corrosion resistant copper alloys, high strength electrical conductors, anti-bacterial coatings, etc. The major routes for nano particles synthesis are through chemical / physical vapor synthesis, sol-gel technique and high energy ball milling, etc. All these techniques involve substantial power, sophisticated instruments or high cost chemicals and some cases involve toxic raw materials/ by-products and are highly expensive.
The Company deals with production of nano particles in green way without involving electricity, sophisticated instruments and toxic chemicals. It is cost effective and easily scalable to large quantities. The process of synthesizing nano materials using pure herbal extracts can be exclaimed as 3E process i.e. eco-friendly, energy efficient and economical technology. In addition, no toxic waste is created in the process. The whole process takes place at ambient temperature and pressure. Since the whole process finishes in less than an hour, the man hours required is also minimal. Through this process we produced up to 3 kg nano materials and tested for their size which were on par with small scale production. The whole process was mechanized and is capable of producing 5 kgs per batch
Ingo Fischer is a research professor (CSIC) at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, IFISC (UIB-CSIC) in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Moreover, he is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor of the International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan. He obtained his PhD degree in physics from Philipps-University Marburg, Germany. After positions at TU Darmstadt, Germany, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, he became a full professor (chair) for photonics and integrated systems at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., before taking the position at IFISC. His research concentrates on nonlinear photonics, laser dynamics, complex systems and neuro-inspired information processing. He has published >100 peer-reviewed publications and has been co-organizer and chair of several international conferences. He received the prize of the Adolf-Messer Foundation and the first Hessian Industry Cooperation Prize of the Technology Transfer Network
Cognitive computing and neuro-inspired information processing have been gaining immense interest in recent years. Increasing demands on computing, problems to maintain Moore’s Law much longer and the need for higher energy efficiency have been stimulating novel computational concepts. Their hardware implementation, adapted to the concept and to the targeted infrastructure in which it needs to be embedded, define a number of challenges. We follow a minimal design approach in optics, allowing for hardware efficiency, high speed, low energy consumption and compatibility with our optical communication infrastructure.
Using telecommunication-compatible hardware, we have implemented reservoir computing and extreme learning machine concepts and could demonstrate their attractive features in benchmark tests including classification tasks and nonlinear prediction. The real-world technological challenge we present here is, how to classify ultra-fast signals that are subjected to significant nonlinear distortions. In particular, we process optical fibre communication data. Fibre communication systems are range-limited due to transmission impairments that distort the propagating signals. For extended transmission distances, standard bit recovery techniques fail completely. We overcome this limitation by transforming the bit classification problem into a pattern recognition problem. We experimentally demonstrate a bit error rate improvement of 2 orders of magnitude compared to competing methods. The bit classification performance we achieve is a significant breakthrough since we can recover data at a high speed that otherwise cannot be recovered. Challenges regarding a full hardware and real-time implementation remain, but we show strategies how these challenges can be overcome
He is the Chairman/CEO of AzTrong based in Maryland and Taiwan. He is an expert in Graphene and its commercialization in heat spreading, battery & supercapacitor, composites and Enernet applications. He had 20+ years working at IBM Watson and Global Services, was a Vice President, played a key role to help IBM successfully transformed into a global service company, based on e-commerce, knowledge economy and solution offerings, etc. He works with clients to transform business and strategy by leveraging graphene technology. Dr. Huang's career included CEO for several start-up companies in Silicon Valley and Asia, the President of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU); adjunct professor at Fordham University; senior consultant at US National Institute of Health, etc. Currently, he is also a consultant to many companies leveraging graphene, senior advisor to Ditthavong & Steiner patent law firm, Virginia, Chairman of Taskco e-Business Corporation
The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 was awarded for discovering and identifying some of its unique graphene properties. The time span between the original research (in 2004) and the award has been one of the shortest in the history of the prize. The number of research papers and patents on graphene has mushroomed from 157 in 2004 to more than 10,000 in 2018. These are testaments to the exceptional influence of graphene. AZTrong is a company focus on graphene fundamental as well as impact on applications. After 14 years, our graphene community market is among the world’s fastest growing, with yearly growth estimated at 20–40%. This talk will cover the graphene ecosystem we foresee to have fast growing expansion and the potential impact on almost all industries. We will share of our vision on how graphene is set to change our smart life in a big way
This paper discusses ultra-low energy levels of the hydrogen atom which was not predictable with quantum mechanics. The author has derived the following relationship for a bound electron in a hydrogen atom, which must take into account the Coulomb potential Here, is the relativistic energy of the electron, also is the rest mass energy. This paper theoretically predicts that if the energy level of the hydrogen atom is expressed relativistically as then the relativistic energy levels exists in the hydrogen atom. There is a negative relativistic energy solution, just like the Einstein’s energy-momentum relationship which holds in free space. An electron at the negative relativistic energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus (proton). Under the classical description, the radius of this undiscovered hydrogen atom is extremely small. The radius
is about 1.331×10-5 the radius of an ordinary hydrogen atom
in the 1s state. An electron at the negative energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus. Also, Here, is the proton radius. Triplet production is an experiment which strongly supports the existence of an electron at this extremely low energy levels. (However, an interpretation different from the conventional interpretation is needed in order to regard triplet production as evidence for the prediction in this paper.) The matter formed from a proton with positive mass, and an electron with negative mass that orbits near that proton, is smaller than an ordinary hydrogen atom to an extreme degree. When this unknown matter gathers in large amounts, it becomes a huge mass. This paper identifies such matter as the true nature of dark matter, the mysterious matter that physicists are currently searching for
Tian Lan is now a Ph.D student of grade four from Beijing University of Technology. His major is Gallium Nitride based materials and opto-electric devices, such as GaN-based light emitting diode (LED) and laser diode (LD). He has already fabricated 2W GaN-based blue LD on sapphire substrate by using epitaxial lateral overgrowth method (ELOG) successfully.
A series of green-emitting InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum wells samples with different In-content InGaN pre-strain layer are grown by MOCVD, and the effect of strain modification on the crystal quality and optical properties is comprehensively investigated. It is found that when a bulk InGaN layer is inserted beneath the InGaN/GaN MQWs, a better crystal quality is obtained, and the V-pits density is reduced to 1.9 × 108 /cm2 and 3.3 × 108 /cm2, respectively, while the V-pits density of the original sample is as high as 4.0× 108 /cm2. And the photoluminescence (PL) wavelength of the sample, which has an In0.03GaN pre-strain layer, is blue-shifted by 6 nm because of the weakened piezoelectric field, while the PL wavelength of another sample, which has an In0.1GaN insertion layer, is redshifted by 15 nm on the contrary. It turns out that the outcome is influenced by multiple factors, such as the 19% degree of strain relaxation of the InGaN/GaN MQWs, the 0.6 nm increase of the InGaN well width due to the composition pulling effect and the 1% increase of the In-content in the InGaN QW. Meanwhile, the samples inserted with InGaN pre-strain layer show twice stronger low-temperature PL (LTPL) intensity than that of the conventional sample, even though the In-content is different, and the corresponding internal quantum efficiency (IQE) is nearly three time larger at the maximum. These significant improvements are primarily attributed to the mitigated Quantum Confined Starks Effect (QCSE) and stronger carrier localization, which is proved by the temperature-dependent PL (TDPL)
B.Sc. Physics – 1982, University of Baghdad. M.Sc. Physics – 2005, University of Mosul. PhD; Applied Physics - 6/6/2018, Technology University, Baghdad.
He has built his expertise during years of hard work in R&D centers in Iraq since (1988-2003), then (2005) in evaluation, teaching and administration both in education institutions at University of Mosul College of Dentistry.
He has a number of applied researches and published locally and internationally. In addition to my participation in a number of local and international conferences in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE … as well as a training course in Switzerland.
The risk of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) waves is constantly required to materials work as shielding, which are widely used in various high technology applications such as medical, communications, military. Polyaniline (PANI-PTSA) & Ferromagnetic - Cobalt Ferrite {CoFe2O4}/Cobalt-Zinc ferrite {Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4} nanocomposites are one of these materials which are mix together to have found a solution for these problems. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Polyaniline doped Para Toluen Sulfic Acid (PANI-PTSA) be set up by substance oxidative polymerization of aniline in aqueous medium with ammonium peroxydisulphate as an oxidant. The sol–gel auto combustion method has been used to synthesis ferrite samples. Nicholson–Ross–Weir (NRW) method was applied to determine the real and imaginary parts of complex relative permittivity (εr'-jεr'') and permeability (μr'-jμr'').Findings: The composite materials showed maximum absorption frequency range reflection loss of CFP was -7.1 dB at 9 GHz and -9.6 dB at 11.2 GHz, while at the same frequency for CZFP was -17.1 dB and -23.7 dB respectively. Conclusion & Significance: Result indicated that CZFP was the best (> 98% power absorption) than CFP (>50% power absorption)
Dr. H. Matsui completed his doctorate (Ph. D) in material science at Saga University in 2001. From 1998 to 2001, he also belonged to Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST). From 1999 to 2001, he was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2001, he was a post-doctoral research fellow, and in 2005, he became projected research associate at ISIR-Sanken in Osaka University. From 2005 to 2008, he joined the Organization for the Promotion of Research on Nano-science and Nanotechnology at Osaka University. In 2008, he moved as specially appointed research associate at University of Tokyo. In 2011, he has been assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo. In 2017, he was promoted to associate Professor at the University of Tokyo
Doped oxide semiconductors have received much attention for emerging surface plasmons infrared (IR) region. Recently, wide-gap oxide semiconductors (ZnO and In2O3) have been launched as new plasmonic materials. We focus on plasmonic responses of doped oxide semiconductors with a view to providing valuable strategies for the development of new optical functionalization related to energy-saving technology that plays an important role in realizing smart society. In this study, we investigate plasmonic properties at nanoparticle interfaces on oxide semiconductor nanoparticles (Sn-doped In2O3: ITO NPs) for solar thermal-shielding for transparent window applications. In particular, assembled sheets of ITO NPs showed high resonant reflections in the infrared range, relating to electric-field (E-field) interactions in nano-gap space between NPs. Both experimental and theoretical approaches were employed in an effort to understand the plasmonic properties of the NP sheets. This work provides an important principle to design high-efficient thermal-shielding activity.
ITO NPs were fabricated by a thermo-chemical technique based on metal-organic decomposition. The surfaces of NPs were terminated by organic molecules of fatty acids, which could be facilitated the production of E-field interactions between the NPs due to the creation of narrow crevices in the particle interfaces. The E-field coupling along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions in the assembled NP sheets allowed for resonant splitting of plasmon excitations based on dipole modes, leading to selective high reflectance in the near- and mid-IR range, respectively [Figure 1]. That is, the interparticle gaps and their derived from plasmon coupling played an important role for high reflective performance. In addition, the assembled NP sheets could be extended to produce large-size flexible films, which also possessed microwave transmissions essential for telecommunications. This study showed new insight for harnessing IR optical responses on plasmonic technology for solar thermal-shielding applications based on oxide materials
Due to the increasing demand for gas consumption during cold seasons, it is a sense of urgency to provide a reliable resource for gas supply during these periods. The objectives of this comprehensive research entail reservoir core analysis, reservoir fluid study, investigation and optimization of improved condensate recovery during gas storage processes in one of Iranian-depleted fractured gas condensate reservoir. We have attempted to make a balance among reservoir petrophysical and operational characteristics such as production rate, ultimate reservoir pressure after production, cumulative condensate production, number of wells and the required time periods for the reservoir depletion, to obtain an optimum condition for the gas storage process. It’s a foregone conclusion that the quality of management decision-making regarding reservoir depletion, maximum gas recovery and natural gas condensate production subsequently optimize at the minimum pressure drop. Furthermore, according to the simulation analysis, pipeline gas injection may lead to condensate recovery improvement
Mr. Kennedy earned a Masters in Political Economics & Public Policy at Washington University, St. Louis. Mr. Kennedy is an independent consultant for the mining and financial industry. Mr. Kennedy also works on critical materials, energy and national security issues at the U.S. Federal level, including direct participation on related legislation in the U.S. Congress. Mr. Kennedy actively consults with the United States Congress, with the current and past Administrations and the Pentagon. Mr. Kennedy is a published author, including a number of technical papers on rare earths. Mr. Kennedy is also a recognized expert in matters relating to thorium and nuclear energy.
This presentation will provide various graphic representations of global trends in international patent filings relating to rare earths on a comparative national basis (beginning in 1950 to the present) and outline other macro trends related to rare earths research. The focus of the presentation is to draw attention to the widening gap in materials science research and related investments into intellectual and commercial capital across various nations. The scale of the investment differential across nations appears to be compounding the disparity between nations through a feed-back loop of increasing government sponsorship (or lack thereof), rapid commercialization of rare earth dependent components, products & industries that are leveraged through advantageous national policies (or lack thereof) and the consequential drive for greater research in material science from a growing concentration of commercial enterprises (or conversely shrinking) across nations. The scale of asymmetric investment appears to be too large for any one nation to meet. Collective action is a possible solution. This presentation concludes with the outline of a multi-national solution that is currently under consideration with the current U.S. Administration.
Varun Vohra received his PhD from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) in 2009 for his study on organic semiconductors funded through a Marie Curie Fellowship. Between 2010 and 2014, he investigate polymer solar cells at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology through two prestigious JSPS Fellowships. Since 2014, he is Assistant Professor at the University of Electro-communication where he leads a research group focusing on next-generation polymer optoelectronics. He has published over 30 papers on academic journals including Advanced Materials or Nature Photonics.
Since 2015, several studies have demonstrated that polymer solar cells (PSCs) can yield power conversion efficiencies over 10%.[1] As they employ thin semi-transparent active layers, PSCs have a great potential for the fabrication of low-cost transparent technologies such as photovoltaic windows produced through high volume roll-to-roll processing. However, the conventional methods for active layer and electrode deposition, namely, spin-coating from chlorinated solvents and vacuum metal evaporation, considerably increase the material and chlorinated solvent wastes generated during device fabrication.
Here, I will present studies in which costly evaporated silver or gold electrodes were successfully replaced with conductive polymers, silver nanowires or graphene electrodes deposited in air.[2] These alternative materials and processes remove the necessity for costly equipment such as vacuum evaporating chambers, shorten the production time by avoiding the long waiting periods necessary to achieve vacuum conditions and decrease the amount of costly material wasted on the vacuum chamber walls. Similarly, when it comes to active layer fabrication, spin-coating generates materials and solvent wastes that are ejected outside of the substrate through centrifugal forces. Chlorinated solvents are extremely harmful to the human health and the environment. Our recent works on conjugated polymer nanoparticle dispersions in water[3] and the eco-friendly push-coating process[4] provide solutions for sustainable fabrication of efficient PSC active layers.
Although most researchers in the PSC field focus solely on increasing their photovoltaic performances, our group develops original processes which open the path to sustainable yet efficient PSC fabrication through high volume production, which may facilitate their large-scale commercialization
Varun Vohra received his PhD from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) in 2009 for his study on organic semiconductors funded through a Marie Curie Fellowship. Between 2010 and 2014, he investigate polymer solar cells at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology through two prestigious JSPS Fellowships. Since 2014, he is Assistant Professor at the University of Electro-communication where he leads a research group focusing on next-generation polymer optoelectronics. He has published over 30 papers on academic journals including Advanced Materials or Nature Photonics and has fabricated
Since 2015, several studies have demonstrated that polymer solar cells (PSCs) can yield power conversion efficiencies over 10%.[1] As they employ thin semi-transparent active layers, PSCs have a great potential for the fabrication of low-cost transparent technologies such as photovoltaic windows produced through high volume roll-to-roll processing. However, the conventional methods for active layer and electrode deposition, namely, spin-coating from chlorinated solvents and vacuum metal evaporation, considerably increase the material and chlorinated solvent wastes generated during device fabrication.
Here, I will present studies in which costly evaporated silver or gold electrodes were successfully replaced with conductive polymers, silver nanowires or graphene electrodes deposited in air.[2] These alternative materials and processes remove the necessity for costly equipment such as vacuum evaporating chambers, shorten the production time by avoiding the long waiting periods necessary to achieve vacuum conditions and decrease the amount of costly material wasted on the vacuum chamber walls. Similarly, when it comes to active layer fabrication, spin-coating generates materials and solvent wastes that are ejected outside of the substrate through centrifugal forces. Chlorinated solvents are extremely harmful to the human health and the environment. Our recent works on conjugated polymer nanoparticle dispersions in water[3] and the eco-friendly push-coating process[4] provide solutions for sustainable fabrication of efficient PSC active layers.
Although most researchers in the PSC field focus solely on increasing their photovoltaic performances, our group develops original processes which open the path to sustainable yet efficient PSC fabrication through high volume production, which may facilitate their large-scale commercialization