Koshun Suto majored in chemistry and Buddhist studies at the university. Suto is a representative official of a Buddhist temple. Suto uses his leisure time to study physics. Suto previously derived an energy-momentum relationship for a bound electron in a hydrogen atom. Solving the relationship, we can see that an
electron with negative energy (mass) exists. Suto presented a candidate for dark matter
This paper discusses ultra-low energy levels of the hydrogen atom which was not predictable with quantum mechanics. The author has derived the following relationship for a bound electron in a hydrogen atom, which must take into account the Coulomb potential Here, is the relativistic energy of the electron, also is the rest mass energy. This paper theoretically predicts that if the energy level of the hydrogen atom is expressed relativistically as then the relativistic energy levels exists in the hydrogen atom. There is a negative relativistic energy solution, just like the Einstein’s energy-momentum relationship which holds in free space. An electron at the negative relativistic energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus (proton). Under the classical description, the radius of this undiscovered hydrogen atom is extremely small. The radius is about 1.331×10-5 the radius of an ordinary hydrogen atom in the 1s state. An electron at the negative energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus. Also, Here, is the proton radius. Triplet production is an experiment which strongly supports the existence of an electron at this extremely low energy levels. (However, an interpretation different from the conventional interpretation is needed in order to regard triplet production as evidence for the prediction in this paper.) The matter formed from a proton with positive mass, and an electron with negative mass that orbits near that proton, is smaller than an ordinary hydrogen atom to an extreme degree. When this unknown matter gathers in large amounts, it becomes a huge mass. This paper identifies such matter as the true nature of dark matter, the mysterious matter that physicists are currently searching for
Materials characterization,Nuclear Materials and Emerging Smart Materials
Materials for energy conversion and storage devices
Batteries and energy materials
Polymer Materials Technology
Materials for Green Technology
Mechanics and Behavior of Smart Materials
Materials for Energy Storage and Applications
Materials Chemistry
Physics and Chemistry Of Materials
Materials Science and Engineering and Applied Physics