Meetings Int announces the Webinar on Organ-on-a-Chip 2021 which is an online event bringing together decision makers from the pharma & biotech industry, clinicians, organ-on-chips suppliers, regulatory experts and research organizations.Liver cells collected on-board contributes a physiologically-pertinent design utilizing microfluidics can, for example, be used for harmfulness screening and the capacity to gather organ pieces ex vivo can give an impeccable way to reproduce natural procedures (both physiological and obsessive) "in a dish" or "on a chip." various chips such Lung-on-a-Chip, Brain-on-a-Chip, Gut-on-a-Chip, Marrow-on-a-Chip, Bone-on-a-Chip, Nerve-on-a-Chip among others have been fabricated and will be introduced and investigated at this meeting. We will also focus on "disease-on-a-chip", cancer-on-a-chip, and immune system-on-a-chip.