With 30+ years as a Mental Health Trauma Therapist, Patricia realized that there was insufficient capacity in that role to give people what they needed to be fully in charge of their total health. She embarked on a 10-year journey of studying valid Functional research to increase her ability to empower people with the proper knowledge, tools, and resources to allow them to be more in charge of their whole health.
Age is not the definitive factor it’s made out to be when it comes to our health. Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not. What society thinks of as aging poor memory, weight gain, aches and pains, decreased mobility, wrinkly skin, is abnormal aging, and it doesn’t have to be this way.
The problem is that the general public are not getting the information they need to make more conscious decisions on how they can be more in control of their health. They are informed by advertising, their parents habits derived from misinformation, the Governments misrepresented guidelines, and their Doctors perspective limited by the Medical Board.
The intention of this talk would be to briefly outline some of the epigenetic factors that contribute to the pathways to disease and health, then present simple ways, without prejudice, of regeneration from recent research that are affordable and doable in a manner that can engage the general public to be more proactive in their self-care NOW before they have devastating symptoms. I will introduce topics of Interval Fasting engaging autophagy, Interval Exercising utilizing nitric oxide, and three main ways of assisting Stem cell growth.
The body wants to come back to homeostasis and wants to not just be good, it wants to be great. People will discover that it is possible to live younger longer with vitality-“Youthing”.