Louise Scheuer teaches anatomy and dental anatomy to undergraduates, and forensic and archaeological osteology at the postgraduate level at various medical schools thoughout London. She holds degrees in zoology and anatomy, and is particularly interested are in the developmental anatomy of the juvenile skeletons, the biology of past peoples, and in the field of skeletal identification in forensic investigations.
Sue Black holds a Ph.D. Human Anatomy. She has done research into methods of identification from human skeleton. Her research interests include all aspects of skeletal identification, particularly in relation to forensic investigations.
The four main features of biological identity are sex, age, stature, and ethnic background. The forensic osteologist aims to establish these attributes for an individual from their skeletal remains. Many techniques are available for the osteological determination of sex in the adult but it is one of the most difficult biological factors to ascribe to juvenile remains. Conversely, there are a multitude of markers to estimate age in the young skeleton but ageing becomes less accurate with increasing years. Stature is usually a relatively straightforward parameter to establish in the adult. In the juvenile, it is naturally correlated with age but is complicated by differences in rates of growth both between the sexes and between individuals. Determination of ethnic identity is the least reliable and is hampered by lack of data on many populations.
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