Felix S is a Doctor of Administrative Sciences and Master of Management Sciences. Fellow Researcher and visiting professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Visiting professor at GBSB Global Business School, IEBS Business School, and University of La Rioja (UNIR). Published author with more than 8 titles available at Amazon. International speaker, business consultant, coach, and cross-cultural mentor with more than 17 years of teaching experience.
The main objective of this conference is to explain a theoretical model to understand the importance of disruption—in three of its dimensions, thinking, creativity, and innovation—developed and applied in the thinking and exercise of entrepreneurship and, at the same time, highlight the relationship of the disruption with competitiveness. Being competitive is one of the most demanding goals that entrepreneurs can and should set themselves; however, unlike established or traditional companies, usually the entrepreneur cannot promote competitiveness in the same way that they do. Taking these into account, it is necessary to use unconventional tools, or a different perspective methodology, for promoting creativity and innovation beyond the entrepreneurial activity itself. The model seeks to illustrate how disruptive currents can help entrepreneurs to be more competitive and, at the same time, boost their entrepreneurial spirit.
Start-up Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Leadership and Organization development
Business Management, Financial Management & Strategic Management
Business, Growth and Competitiveness
Women Entrepreneurship and Creative Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Learning and Communities of Practice
Speaking and Selling Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs