Al-Hamd Skin Hospital, Pakistan
Title: Chemabrasion sheikhing treatment of difficult acne and acne scarring
Iftikhar Sheikh Mohammad is currently working as consultant dermatologist at Alhamd skin clinic. He received his Doctoral degree from the University of Punjab, Lahore. He completed his Diploma from the University of Wales, Cardiff. He then worked at Alhamd skin clinic, Lahore, served as Consultant Dermatologist. He has authored several publications in various journals. His publications reflect his research interests in dermatology. He is also an Associate Editor of the Journal of Cosmetology, medwin publishers. He is serving as a member of Pakistan Association of Dermatology (PAD). He is awarded many times in national and international conferences for presentation of his research papers, including Best Poster Bronze Award during world congress of dermatology, 2011- Seoul Korea.
Background: Acne affects more than 70% of adolescents with variable severity,having increased sebum excretion rate (SER),Obstructive horny plugs, inflammation, cysts, pigmentation and scarring. This study is to treat acne and scarring with a new idea where
microdermabrasion is combined with immediate chemical peeling called CHEMABRASION.
Object: Severity of acne is directly proportional to SER. Raised SER is often due to end organ hypersensitivity i.e sebaceous glands, mostly at normal levels of circulating androgens. Our hypothesis is that the end organ is attacked directly and selectively in this procedure to cause partial destruction or shrinkage of sebaceous glands. So chemabrasion causes a decrease in no. and size of sebaceous glands.
Methods: A study of chemabrasion was done over 100 patients, 13 males, 87 females, from July 2005 to July 2009. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, result criteria and study Performa with follow-up details was formed. Before and after photos taken. All patients had 4-5 chemabrasion sessions with interval of 10-14 days. Before each session skin of face dried
intensely for better abrading. During each session microdermabrasion done with aluminum oxide crystals followed by immediate chemical peeling. Topical antibiotic prescribed. Most pts healed in 2-3 days.
Results: All Patients had remarkable improvement. Number of new lesions and greasiness of skin (SER) decreased (measured by casual level method). Open Pores and scars improved much. Proposed result criteria: Complete response (80-100%): rare new lesions in 12 months, obvious decrease in SER. Partial response (50-80%): few small lesions 4-5 per month healed fast without pigm SER same. Our results were: Complete response in 77%, Partial response in 23%, No response in 0%.
Conclusion: Chemabrasion proved safe and effective treatment for acne and acne scarring. The main point is that the microdermabrasion produces controlled removal of skin layers in successive sessions and chemical peeler (Jessner’s solution) absorbed selectively through abraded follicular openings causes partial destruction of sebaceous glands.