P. B. Lohiya is a doctor of Western Medicine as well as Acupuncture.. He is founder Chairman of Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science & Indian Institute of Holistic Medicine. He is V. C. World Association of Chinese Medicine, Visiting Prof. Beijing Meridian Research Centre China, Prof. Emiratus at O.l.U.C. M. Sri Lanka. He has authored many books on Acupuncture.Presented over 25 papers of research in various international conferences throughout the world. He has been awarded many National & International accolades for his contribution to Acupuncture.
Time acupuncture according to Stem and Branches is an ancient Chinese method but the calculations are very tedious and so it is being rarely used. I have found out my own innovative method of calculations in order to find out the open point used to treat the point at a particular time. On each meridian there are five shu points related to five elements. They exist between tip of fingers / toes and elbow / knee. Shu points are sixty. Out of the sixty Shu points, each point is open for a period of two hours sucking energy from the cosmos. By rotation, 12 points are open on every day and the cycle is completed in 5 days. When we treat any patient we have to find out the open point at that time and use that point for treatment. Each cycle has 5 days while each day has 12 periods of 2 hours each. Days one to five begin and end with Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water elements respectively. Each day begins at 11 pm. On each day the Elements open in sequential order according to Mother Son cycle. In each element Yang meridian is followed by Yin. Hence odd periods are Yang while Yin periods are Yin. In order to find out the open point one has to calculate the Day Number, by summing up the numbers for Year, month and date. Each period has a Stem number and a branch number. By summing up the two, the open meridian and it’s open point is found out and used for Acupuncture treatment. In order to balance that point an additional point based upon Acting cycle is also used. Chinese method is very long and difficult. I have found my own way of simple calculations. Answer is same as that of Chinese method. In cases not responding to routine method, I drop all routine points and use a set of 6 points based upon this method . It is extremely useful in difficult and non-responding cases.