Machenja Maduhu
Registered Nurse Officer
A Registered nurse officer with three years of combined experiences in Clinical and Community health Services. My area of expertise includes but not limited to HIV/TB care, treatments and preventions, Sexual and reproductive health services, Health Promotion, Infection Prevention and Control just to mention few.
Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV in Tanzania is a great concern when come HIV/AIDS care, treatment and prevention. Since it infulences poor adherence to Antiretroviral Process
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV.
- Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Cancer
- Blood Transfusion Safety
- Recent Advancement in Techniques involved in HIV
- HIV /AIDS and Retro Viral Disease
- Evolution of HIV
- HIV and Pregnancy
- Living with HIV
- AIDS Research and Therapy
- STD, STIs and Infertility
- Gender Inequality and HIV
- Progress for HIV Vaccine
- Preventing STD & STI
- SDG & AIDS Care
- Reproductive Health & Contraception
- A World without HIV
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