Oncology Nurse Navigator Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Atlanta, Georgia, usa
Title: A Cannabis Compass for the Cancer Journey
Works at Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Overview and Objectives:This presentation was developed in response to the many questions posed to me by navigator colleagues, patients and physicians about the veracity of medicinal cannabis as an adjuvant to cancer treatment. It became obvious to me that there is a crucial need for accurate, evidence-based factual information to empower navigators to disseminate to their patients as well as patients being empowered with credible data, with which to base their treatment choices upon as well as avoiding poor choices which could be detrimental to their care, their experience along their journey as well as their pocketbook.
The essential question is how can Cannabis provide quality of life for a cancer patient with an emphasis on restoring joy and re-actualization to a sense of self?
The value of Cannabis used for symptom management, including pain, anorexia, depression and sexual issues will be explored with expert experience and case studies overview. Oncology Nurse Navigation has demonstrated benefits for patients at risk for or diagnosed with cancer. Benefits include shorter time to diagnosis and treatment, increased patient and caregiver knowledge, better adherence to care, and improved quality of life. Now these navigators have an additional tool; Cannabis.
At the completion of this presentation the attendee will be
1. Provided with a comprehensive historical view of cannabis as a medicinal adjuvant to the medicinal modalities provided.
2. Provided with evidence-based information and implementation in various medical conditions
3. Provided with actual case studies of real-life patients who have uniquely benefited from medicinal cannabis
4.Provided with documented references and information with which to guide their patients to make informed decisions about their use of medicinal cannabis.
1. The author will present an historical as well as a present-day perspective of medicinal cannabis in this country and establish real-time scenarios related to various forms and cultivars of cannabis.
2.This information will be completely evidence-based to enable the attendee to partner with and guide their patients to make educated decisions related to the use of CBD and THC along with an understanding of terpenes and cannabimimetic’s and their physiologic components
This presentation is structured to provide a practical, multifaceted resource, enabling those of us who will guide our patients to factually answer the many questions patients and other medical professionals are seeking valid answers to.
Navigation is a multifaceted and ongoing process that must include education, emotional and psychosocial reinforcement, all geared toward empowering patients to become partners in their care and re-partner with themselves as individuals who can experience joy in their lives.
With the plethora of information and references to real life experiences this presentation will offer navigators an invaluable addition to their “tool-kit” as part of the unique and intimate marriage of navigator and patient (as well as those who care for them) as together they traverse the cancer journey from initial diagnosis throughout the continuum of care.
The restoration of joy in life is the ultimate gift we can offer those who put their trust in us as their guides.
The Overlooked systems (HPA Axis, Vagus Nerve which interfaces with the Parasympathetic controls of the heart, lungs & digestive tract, Krebs cycle + more) which cannot function in concert of one another without the ECS being supplemented beyond cannabis alone. Presenting a multi-tiered wholistic lifestyle approach.