K. M. Yacob
Marma Health Centre, kaloor, Kochi, Kerala, India
A practicing physician in the field of healthcare in the state of Kerala in India for the last 36 years and very much interested in basic research. My interest is spread across the fever, inflammation and back pain. I am a writer. I already printed and published Ten books on these subjects. I wrote hundreds of articles in various magazines. I have published 11 articles on fever in various journals.
After scientific studies, we have developed 8000 affirmative cross checking questions. It can explain all queries related to fever. For the past 36 years, I have been studying the cause and treatment of back pain, neck pain, joint pain, pain in many types and forms of pain, and inflammation
Nerves carry messages from the brain to other parts of the body and back. Like telephone cables, nerves are built to carry messages, but arteries and veins are built to carry blood, like water pipes. Pressure or blockage in a vein or artery can reduce or stop blood flow. This can cause pain and numbness Similarly, if the nerve that carries the messages is stressed or injured, the messages that pass through them, including pain, are reduced or blocked from reaching the brain. Because of this, the pain will never increase. Instead, the pain will lessen or disappear. Loss of pain sensitivity is common when nerves are cut and bruised after accidents or operations.
How can the average person recognize that the center of the disc(Nucleus pulposus) pressing on the nerve is not causing pain?A major test of modern science to prove something is true is whether it can be reproduced.The absence of pain when the center of the disc is pressed against the nerve is not only an individual human and non-human experience but can be reproduced by anyone.Pressing on the nerve can recreate the fact that there is no pain. No nerve, including the sciatic nerve, experiences pain when pressed 100 times the pressure exerted by the disc.
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve that starts in the buttock and runs down the back of the leg. In this nerve, I put on 50 kg and pressed for six months. I have no pain, numbness, or weakness. I've tried it on hundreds of my friends over the last 36 years, and not one of them has had pain or numbness from pressing on the nerve. The messages passing through their nerves were not interrupted.The belief that the pain is caused by the soft nucleus of the disc pressing on the nerve is incorrect because modern science cannot reproduce the pain by pressing on the nerve.The reason why the pain does not go away after the operation is because the pressure on the nerve does not cause pain.
I can have swelling in anyone's body, reduced blood flow, back pain, neck pain, and fever. All of these can lead to re-inflammation and death. Likewise, by doing the opposite, inflammation can increase blood flow and reduce or even eliminate back pain, neck pain, and fever.
It's no secret that anyone who has studied the various swelling types and forms I've discovered over the past 36 years can do this. It is an absolute scientific truth that pressing on a nerve does not cause pain.If there is a mistake, deficiency, or incompleteness in what we say, there will be many unanswered questions and doubts. And a gap is felt between many things that do not fit together. But here all questions are answered without a doubt that pressing on the nerve will not cause pain.
The key question is whether surgical removal of the disc is the symptom of pain, the cause of the pain, the cause of the disease, or the disease itself. To answer this, you need to know the exact differences between them.
- Precision Pain Medicine
- Neurobiology of Pain
- Digital Health Solutions for Pain
- Mind-Body Medicine
- Emerging Therapies
- Pain and Sleep
- Pain in Special Populations
- Environmental and Lifestyle Factors
- Psychoeducational Interventions
- Â Global Perspective on pain