Simon Raymond is a Consultant specialising in Medical and Scientific Research and an Alumnus of Melbourne University (Rank of Number 1 in Australia and Number 33 in the World). The above stated Researcher has acted as a Reviewer for the respected Medical Journal of Australia, has received invitations internationally to review from prestigious medical journals including Journal of American Medical Association Network. He has received award in recognition of his research by Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (PSC, 2006) and invited to conferences internationally as an official Delegate and Researcher, including that in USA and China. He has worked as the Principle Researcher in the highest-powered form of medical trial—Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT). The above stated Researcher is also a Member of the Golden Key International Society for Honoured and outstanding Academics and has been cited as a Notable Global Leader. Dr Simon Raymond’s research has been indexed by well respected respected universities including Cornell University.
Part of the global crises in respect of infectious disease is represented by antibiotic resistance. Therefore, seeking a solution would seem to involve considering solutions which offer a degree of endurance. Stem cell therapy (stc) based site attachment inhibition (new generation immunization) would seem worthy of consideration given that the hereditary mutations provide life long resistance (immunity) to the given infective agents, in addition to the procedure being stc based.
Any deviation from this would include suspicion of other causes including: mal practice (and, terrorism) in development of strains or variants that are not covered by the procedure as new to the environment.
The current researcher addresses, in the below conference, issues surrounding dysfunction genetics and premature ageing reported in China. The current researcher discusses the issues regarding direct copying and uses a well known case, namely Dolly the sheep, as a centre of focus to discuss the issues that connect with direct copying involving stem cell research and therapies.
Orphan Drugs
Clinical Research on Orphan Drugs
Orphan Drugs and Ethical Issues
Orphan Drugs and Potentiality
Orphan Drugs strategies and developmental trends
Challenges in Rare Diseases Treatment
Clinical Case Studies on Rare Diseases
Immunological Rare Diseases
Rare Oncology
Rare Neurological Disorders
Treatment and Advanced Therapies for Rare Diseases