Rakesh Goyal has completed his Master of surgery in field of orthopedics from Gujarat University, India. Previously he has worked as Senior Resident in Sir GangaRam Hospital, New Delhi. He is currently working as Senior Resident in department of orthopedics in Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
A giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a benign
lesion whose presence in Hoffa’s pad has been rarely reported. In this case report we have demonstrated a case of GCTTS in a 37 year old female in Hoffa’s fat pad of knee. The patient had presented with the symptoms of pain and swelling in her left knee and provisionally diagnosed as ganglion cyst. The radiographic findings were inconclusive. The diagnosis was confirmed with excisional biopsy after the tumor was completely removed. This is a unique case report which shows
the presence of a large tumor (5×3×2 cm) in Hoffa’s fat pad
which was diagnosed as GCTTS and managed with openresection due to its size. Oxford knee score has improved
from 34 from the time of presentation to 58, six months post
surgery. The patient was pain free, had full range of motion
and had returned to previous level of activities and there was
no sign of any recurrence. Giant Cell Tumor should be kept
as a differential of non-traumatic chronic knee pain in young