Elizabeth Njoki Mwai is a trained Nurse in Kenya. Currently she is pursuing her masters in international health. She has worked in the resource limited settings for 9 years now, coordinating a HIV/TB program that has enrolled over 6000 patients cumulatively. She is passionate in her work and has been awarded severally for good performance working in hardship environment.
The present case study investigated a successful journey of a 49-year-old patient diagnosed with HIV and later on developed colorectal carcinoma that was treated and healed in a period of 4 years. Colorectal carcinoma refers to bowel cancer of the colon and rectum. According to Kenya health policy, cancers lead as the third cause of death in Kenya. According to Saidi et al, colorectal cancers account for 4050% of all cancers in the large bowel. Its incidence is amongst older people of 50 years and above. Agnes came as a stable patient, was enrolled into the HIV/TB clinic on 27/11/2012. Her CD4 at enrollment was 993 cell/ul.