Francis Sgambelluri was born in South Italy and of 77 years old. Although he is not a scientist or a philosopher, he is still inclined towards the scientific research and observation. Being a free thinker, Francis feed himself from the universal table of ideas.
Einstein, in his famous equation E=mc2 (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared), says that mass is energy and energy is mass. This is correct only if we see first the mass and then the energy, not the other way around. Differently said, energy doesn’t exist without mass, but mass without energy does. The existence of energy depends on the mass. No mass, no energy. The equation should have been written M=ec2 (mass equals energy times the speed of light squared) and no viceversa. Now, time, space and energy don’t exist, if so, what is left of Einstein’s special and general relativity?
The questions about space, time, energy and special or general relativity don’t end here. Einstein almost silenced Newton's gravity and in its place placed Maxwell's electromagnetism and his space-time. The Earth no longer revolves around the Sun, like in the old days, but it shoots straight ahead. The theory of general relativity imposes this concept. Let’s suppose now for an instant that the Sun is no longer there, what will happen to the Earth? Will it continue to go around and around even without the Sun or it will start darting into deep space?