Miniaturization in flow analysis can be done by several ways, one of them is Sequential Injection Chromatography (SIC), which use monolithic columns for separation processes and presently is already becoming well-established analytical technique.
Florida International University, USA
Will update soon.
Valerie Taly is the research Director in the The French National Center for Scientific Research, France. Her group (Translational Research and Microfluidics, TRAM) aims at developping and using microfluidic systems to perform experiments that are out of the possibilities of existing technologies. We develop new tools, procedures and strategies for Cancer Research with three major focuses:
(i) Creating new generations of devices for the non-invasive detection of Cancer biomarkers with applications in personalized medicine, cancer recurrence detection and cancer diagnostics.
(ii) Highlighting of new Cancer biomarkers.
(iii) Developing whole platforms for toxicological analysis of chemical and drugs.
Medincell SA, France