Nidhi Puri has done MBBS and MS(Anatomy) from IGMC Shimla, H.P. India.She has a meritorious academic record throughout. Her total teaching experience in anatomy is23 years . She has been professor since last 7 years and has been heading the department of anatomy since last 4years. She is an innova ve and enthusias c teacher and also has keen interest in research. She has 22 publica ons in various peer reviewed and reputed na onal and interna onal journals. She has also presented her work in various na onal as well as interna onal conferences. She has supervised various thesis projects of MD students and PhD scholars. She has also been awarded on interna onal women’s day in 201 for her contribu ons to the society.
Introduc on: Coronary collaterals are an alterna ve source of blood supply to myocardium jeopardized by ischemia. In comparison with other species, the human coronary collateral circula on is well developed in some pa ents. Method: This is a retrospec ve study done on 200 preopera ve angiograms in pa ents with coronary artery disease. Pa ents were classiï¬ ed according to age, gender and degree of obstruc on in major vessels. Collateral vessels were graded according to the Rentrop classiï¬ ca on. Pa ents with collaterals were further classiï¬ ed on the basis of intensity of collaterals into 3 groups: those with no collateraliza on (Grade 0), poor collateraliza on (Grade 1) and those with adequate collateraliza on (Grade 2 - 3). Result: Coronary collaterals were seen more o en in pa ents with more than 90% occlusion of coronary, age more than 70 years and history of previous myocardial infarc on. Pa ents with comorbidi es like diabetes and hypertension had poor collaterals. Pa ents with ï¬ rst acute MI had poorly developed collaterals with recent onset ischemic heart failure and worst outcome. Pa ents with chronic ischemic heart failure with ejec on frac on less than 25% had usually good collaterals and be er outcome a er revasculariza on in comparison to those who had no collaterals. Conclusion: Young pa ents with acute ischemic heart failure following ï¬ rst MI usually had poor collaterals and worst outcome, pa ents with chronic ischemic heart failure and less comorbidi es had good collaterals and tolerated revasculariza on procedures be er.
Current Trends in Cardiology
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Engineering, Biomimetic and Implants
Cardiac Nutrition and Public Health
Cardiology Genetics
Brain-Heart disorders and Neurocardiology
Pediatric & Fetal Cardiology
Clinical Cardiology: Pharmacology and Toxicology
Diagnostics, Cardiac Imaging and Nuclear Cardiology