Medical City Online, UK
Title: Tele-Supervision of Operative Procedures, a Humanized Robotic approach
Dr Suhail Chughtai, a fellow of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, is a London based Orthopaedic Surgeon. He has over 20 years of clinical orthopaedic experience at a consultant level in UK, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He is also a Microsoft Certified Specialist with over 15 years’ experience as a Medical IT and Telehealth Expert. He founded Medical City Online, a Telehealth Software Production Company. Apart from teaching Medical IT, he has designed over 20 Telehealth projects for healthcare institutions and organizations in various countries.
Clinical supervision has a vital role in postgraduate medical education. The desirable effect also includes enhancing Patient Safety which particularly applies to surgical fields. This system enables a doctor operating on a Monitor-based procedure (like angioplasty, gastroscopy, arthroscopy, cystoscopy, laparoscopy) to be supervised by another suitably qualified colleague from a remote location. The remotely based supervising medical colleague has the ability to draw back on the monitor image of the operating doctor to illustrate advice and tips. This cloud based software system is suitable for all surgical procedures carried out using a Monitor to view such as Angioplasty, Arthroscopy, Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, Laparoscopy, Cystoscopy etc. Procedure carried out at a remote location (a smaller hospital in the catchment area of large City Hospital) is supervised by a Senior Surgeon in the Central Hospital. Digital Tools are provided to the Senior Surgeon supervising the procedure remotely to guide the Junior Surgeon during the procedure. The setup is simple and does not require expensive or specialized equipment. The entire system can be provided as one unit for the operating theatre and can be easily built up using the existing equipment.
University of Stanford, USA
Title: Tele-Supervision of Operative Procedures, a Humanized Robotic approach
There is a vast volume of published orthodontic articles that may be accessed from the Internet. The accumulated publications are good sources of information that may be used as basis for the formulation of evidence-based clinical treatment plans.
There is a vast volume of published orthodontic articles that may be accessed from the Internet. The accumulated publications are good sources of information that may be used as basis for the formulation of evidence-based clinical treatment plans.
Medical City Online, UK
Title: Tele-Supervision of operative procedures, a humanized robotic approach
Dr Suhail Chughtai, a fellow of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, is a London based Orthopaedic Surgeon. He has over 20 years of clinical orthopaedic experience at a consultant level in UK, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He is also a Microsoft Certified Specialist with over 15 years’ experience as a Medical IT and Telehealth Expert. He founded Medical City Online, a Telehealth Software Production Company. Apart from teaching Medical IT, he has designed over 20 Telehealth projects for healthcare institutions and organizations in various countries.
Clinical supervision has a vital role in postgraduate medical education. The desirable effect also includes enhancing Patient Safety which particularly applies to surgical fields. This system enables a doctor operating on a Monitor-based procedure (like angioplasty, gastroscopy, arthroscopy, cystoscopy, laparoscopy) to be supervised by another suitably qualified colleague from a remote location. The remotely based supervising medical colleague has the ability to draw back on the monitor image of the operating doctor to illustrate advice and tips. This cloud based software system is suitable for all surgical procedures carried out using a Monitor to view such as Angioplasty, Arthroscopy, Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, Laparoscopy, Cystoscopy etc. Procedure carried out at a remote location (a smaller hospital in the catchment area of large City Hospital) is supervised by a Senior Surgeon in the Central Hospital. Digital Tools are provided to the Senior Surgeon supervising the procedure remotely to guide the Junior Surgeon during the procedure. The setup is simple and does not require expensive or specialized equipment. The entire system can be provided as one unit for the operating theatre and can be easily built up using the existing equipment.
Medical City Online, UK
Title: Tele-supervision of operative procedures; A humanized robotic approach