Faridpur Medical College, Bangladesh.
Title: Improvement of Quality of Semen by Swim up Method during Intrauterine Insemination
Shafeya Khanam has completed undergraduate degree in medical science (MBBS) from Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh in January 1987 under Dhaka University, Bangladesh. She has completed the post-graduation MS degree on Gynaecology & Obstetrics under Dhaka University, Bangladesh in the year of 2014. She has also completed the Fellowship FCPS under Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) on January 2015. She has 5 years of teaching Experiences. She is also working in Hope infertility Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh in the field of primary and secondary infertility for last 5 years. She is regularly practicing IUI among the infertile couple. She is working in a private hospital (CHL) in Dhaka for last 15 years and is performing different types of laparoscopic surgeries and also hysteroscopy. She is also well-experienced in different types of routine gynaecological surgeries and also obstetrical cases. She has 21 years of working experience under MOHFW.
Background: Improvement of quality of semen is very important during intrauterine insemination for the treatment of infertile couple. Objectives: The purpose of this present study was to observe the improvement of semen quality with swim up method during intrauterine insemination. Methodology: This analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at a private infertility centre (Central Hospital Limited, Dhaka) in Dhaka city of Bangladesh from January 2012 to December 2017 for a period of 6 years. Infertile couples who already had undergone natural cycles of super-ovulation for six months or whose duration of infertility was more than one year were included. Semen samples were collected by the process of masturbation in semen production room after three days of abstinence in sterile, labelled container. After production all samples were placed in an incubator at 370 C for 30 minutes for liquefaction. Routine semen analysis was performed using World Health Organizations’ (WHO) semen analysis criteria. Then the samples were randomly assigned to be processed either with swim-up or density-gradient procedure. Result: A total number of 789 male respondents were recruited for this study. The mean age±SD of the study population was 28.96±5.382 years (range 19 to 46 years). The mean difference of sperm concentration before and after swim up method was 52.70±42.88 (95% CI 49.58 to 55.82; p=0.000). The mean changes of sperm motility before and after swim up method was 29.03±14.849 (95% CI 30.11 to 27.95; p=0.000). The mean changes of sperm morphology before and after swim up method was 23.96±11.328 (p=0.000). Conclusion: There is a significant changes of quality of semen after swim up method during intrauterine insemination.