Xuefeng Xia is currently working in Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, China.
Abdominal incisional hernia is a common postoperative complication. With upgrading of new type surgical anti-adhesion mesh and development, mesh repair is a widely adopted procedure, particularly in a laparoscopic era. However, there were few reports about abdominal cavity condition after using these new type surgical anti-adhesion meshes to repair incisional hernia. In this report, we presented two cases. One was a 72-year-old male and the other was a 62-year-old female. Both of those two patients suffered abdominal operations and had incisional hernias after the first surgeries, and underwent open incisional hernia anti-adhesion mesh repair operations. Both of them had recurrence incisional hernias after the first repair operations. During the second hernia repair operations with laparoscope, intestine tissue and omentum were found adhesive to the old meshes seriously. Adhesion in abdomen could cause many serious problems. We need pay much more attention to this issue, try to figure out the possible reasons and improve in our future work.
Advances in Gastroenterology
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Endoscopic Procedures and Surgeries
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Complications in Endoscopy
Gastrointestinal Diseases during Pregnancy
Liver Diseases and Gastroenterology, Digestive Diseases