ISA POWER, The Netherlands
Aô€…Œ er she recovered from her own eaô€†Ÿ ng disorder she wrote her fi rst book “When are you fed up?” and Set up ISA POWER in 2013. Her second book “The wolf in sheep’s clothing” off ers an insighô€†ž ul guide for those who want to help their loved one suff ering. Over the course of years ISA Power has earned a Reputaô€†Ÿ on for helping both local and internaô€†Ÿ onal clientele achieve full and lasô€†Ÿ ng recovery from a wide range of eaô€†Ÿ ng disorders, including
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Ea􀆟 ng Disorder and Ed-Nos. The mul􀆟 -disciplinary team includes professional coaches and therapists; NLP coaches, Life coaches, Counselors, die􀆟 cians, PMT therapist, EMDR therapist, psychologist, drama therapist and Hypnotherapists. The coaches have all fully recovered from their ea􀆟 ng disorder. They are the living Proof that recovery is possible. Isabelle Plasmeijer has a personal passion to help people in becoming the best version of themselves.
Statement of the Problem: Anorexia Nervosa is one the far
most deadly psychiatric illnesses there are. About 10%
of all pa􀆟 ents suff ering die because of medical condi􀆟 ons
or because they commit suicide. There are many forms of
ea􀆟 ng disorders. Most know is Anorexia Nervosa, but also
Bulimia, Binge Ea􀆟 ng Disorder and OSFED (Other Specifi ed
Feeding and Ea􀆟 ng Disorders). Although anorexia and
bulimia tend to get the a􀆩 en􀆟 on, OSFED actually makes
up 70 percent of all 24 million ea􀆟 ng disorder diagnoses in
the United States. A person with OSFED may be diagnosed
as such because she does not fully meet the criteria for
anorexia or bulimia. A person with OSFED may have some
symptoms of both disorders, but not severely enough to
warrant a diagnosis. Reason people develop an ea􀆟 ng
disorder can vary from bullying, violence at home, posttrauma
􀆟 c stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol dependency.
Many researchers have invesô€†Ÿ gated the cause, it’s cure,
treatment op􀆟 ons and a􀅌 ercare. Sadly enough there has
not been found a cure yet. Over the course of 5 years
Isabelle has wri􀆩 en 3 books. The last book she wrote
focusses on the limi􀆟 ng beliefs a person with an ea􀆟 ng
disorder has. It reveals the beliefs, excuses and fears that
people suff er from such as “I am not sick enough to get
help”, “If I recover now, everyone will think I dramaô€†Ÿ zed all
the ô€†Ÿ me”, “I can’t live without my eaô€†Ÿ ng disorder. I need
it to get by”. The main characterisô€†Ÿ cs of people suff ering
from an ea􀆟 ng disorder are that they are; caring, pleasers,
perfec􀆟 onist, insecure, low self-esteem, over achievers. In
therapy Isabelle beliefs helping a person to eat are simply
not enough. Ea􀆟 ng disorders are not about food or ea􀆟 ng.