Yudith Quispe Landeo has her expertise in evaluation and managing patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She is the President of the Alliance for the Salvatage of Diabetic Foot Perú. She has years of experience in teaching in different universities and actually she is developing a research work with national impact, calling for participation of representatives of the different regions of Perú. She is a member of the American Diabetes Association and the Latinoamerican Diabetes Association (ALAD).
Determine the efficacy of transcutaneous oximetry (TcPO2); In diabetic foot ulcer patients, the absence of pedal pulses has been shown to be an indepen- dent risk factor of non-healing. Moreover, if revascularization is not possible, this particular patient population is at high risk of both non-healing and amputation. However, the quantitative assessment of tissue perfusion and microcir-culation to stratify patients at risk of non-healing remains a diagnostic challenge in daily routine although there are numerous sophisticated tests available that accurately quantify the macro- and microcirculation in research settings. Since the first clinical evaluation of transcutaneous oxygen tension measurement (tcpO2), this noninvasive technique has been recommended as a reproducible, sensitive, and quantitative method for assessing dermal oxygen supply in a de- ned cutaneous area From January to December 2018 was made Retrospective study carried out in Lima-Perú where the database of the Diabetic Foot Unit was reviewed and patients with diabetes were selected with active ulcer, who underwent TcPO2 in 2018, being followed up for a year to define the prognosis of the extremity. The average of 2 measurements on the affected foot was taken, the Texas classification was used and 2 groups of results were formed: patients with TcPO2 equal to or less than 20 mmHg and TcPO2 greater than 20 mmHg. Statistical analysis is presented as mean and standard deviation.
Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Wound Care and Management
Endocrinology and Metabolic Syndrome-Metabolic Disorder
Pathophysiology: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Cardio metabolic Disease
Diabetes Diet, Eating, & Physical Activity
Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment
Paediatric Diabetes, Diabetes Eye Diseases, Paediatric Endocrinology and Gynaecology Endocrinology