Hossam Abdelmagyd is working as an Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Supervisor of postgraduate studies, MDS Periodontics program Director, Dental internship program Director and Chairperson QA & Program evaluation Committee College of Dentistry GMU for the last five years. He finished five funded research grants from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Dubai with more than 50 publications in peer reviewed indexed international journals. Prof. Hossam, awarded master degree of health profession education program offered by GMU in collaboration with FAIMER for two years (2020). He has been selected by CAA UAE to lead the developing of the competency framework of MDS Periodontics programs in the UAE Universities. Before moving to UAE, Prof. Hossam has taken different academic and clinical positions in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Prof. Hossam last position was Associate Professor and Coordinator of division of Periodontics, member in different committees at College of dentistry, King Khalid University.
Statement of the Problem: Dentists awareness about the bidirectional relationship between diabetes and periodontal health and the role they can play to improve glycemic control is needed. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic debilitating disease that is gaining ground as a global epidemic. Given the potential for severe oral health complications of diabetes and the steady increase in the incidence of the disease, it is crucial to understand the role of dentist in this context Research has documented relationships between diabetes and oral health diseases such as periodontitis. Concerning the effects of diabetes on the periodontium, there is a strong relationship between periodontal health and glycemic control. On one hand, poor glycemic control in patients with diabetes is related to increased severity of periodontal disease On the other hand, severe periodontal disease can result in poor glycemic control and other complications.These relationships have been widely investigated and the consensus is that there is a two-way relationship or bidirectional relationship between these chronic conditions.Â
Oral and Public Health Dentistry
Advancements in Dentistry
Endodontics and Orthodontics
Restorative Dentistry and Dental Materials
Oral Medicine and Pharmacology
Advanced Tools and Treatment Techniques in Dentistry