Deanna was a full time carer for her mother who had dementia. Diagnosed January 2013, they had no debt and Deanna single-handedly looked after her for 6 years at home. Deanna has been through hell by unjust government legislation and policies in Australia. When her mother was dying, she could not access any assistance as Centrelink had lost her financial paperwork 4 times, drowning in debt including $72k on credit cards and a huge mortgage thanks to mandatory council fire orders. 2nd July 2018 NSW Chief Tax Commissioner threatened to default her mortgage (which means she would lose everything) unless she continued to pay NSW Revenue unjust land tax of $12,000. Deanna is a fighter and won’t stop until justice for carers is deservedly served.
Carers have 2 choices either sell or sacrifice everything to look after your loved one at home. It is absolute hell on earth being a full time carer for a loved one with dementia at home without any assistance. Zero tax concessions = huge unjust financial worries, sleepless nights and living on my overdraft since 2015. Dementia sucks the life out of you, being endlessly patient, showering and dealing with double incontinence, makes us all feel like the walking dead from sheer exhaustion 7 days a week. Governments cannot destroy our health, financial security and expect us to pay for everything. With no help, nor tax concessions when we have given up our careers, spent our super and when we are close to 60 and cannot return to our former careers. If this is not addressed in a holistic way, governments are leaving a gigantic legacy of the biggest generation the baby boomers forced onto welfare which all children and grandchildren will have to support for the next 30 years. I created a carers cheat sheet with links to services and strategies to protect all our futures. Including taxation, respite care, care expenses, superannuation, national carers card, carers support services for children who are carers and legal protection