Frida Occelli has been working as a ï¬ eld archaeologist since 1993. She has directed hundreds of pres gious archaeological underwater and inland excava ons. As archaeologist, she is involved in many infrastructural projects, such as the high speed train connec ng Turin and Lyon or the underground lines 1 and 2 of Turin.
Simon Luca Trigona is a state offi cial of the Soprintendenza Archaeological, in charge of underwater archaeology in Liguria (North Italy).
The occupa on of the natural harbour of Vado Ligure since the Republican age was already known during the last century. The preven ve archaeology work and assistance carried out between 2014 and 2018 in the natural harbour of Vado Ligure, Liguria, Italy, for the realisa on of a large mul purpose port pla orm has brought to the acquisi on of an enormous mass of ï¬ nds datable between the Roman and Modern age. The diff erent inves ga ve methodologies have allowed the acquisi on of complex informa on which rendered necessary, in addi on to the classiï¬ ca on of ï¬ nds, a func onal
data management system which could contextually meet the study, conserva on and enhancement needs. For the realiza on of the systema za on ac vi es of the archaeological data acquired and the ï¬ ling of materials a computer informa on system was planned which would link the informa on contained in the rela onal ï¬ nds database with geo-stra graphic GIS informa on; the result of the interac on of these two data management systems enables us to manage and organize informa on from several points of view for analy cal needs (qualita ve, distribu ve, geographic).