Agricultural Research System, Pakistan
Mr. Muhammad Usman, Former Director General of Agricultural Research System, Government of Pakistan who retired from service after a spotless career of about 32 years with senior level experience on research and development of integrated agricultural production, industries, Agriculture & Horticulture and bioenergy on a sustainable way.He is consider as the senior most scientist in the world, always participated in the international conferences as a plenary speaker, keynote speaker, renowned speaker, organizing committee member as well as moderator of the conferences around the world. Mr. Usman established “Prominent Agro Based Industries, Agro Based Industries and Consultancy SDN BHD†in Malaysia and “Foundation for Rural Development in Pakistan, with primarily aims to work on integrated agricultural project for Rural Development through improvement in agriculture and consultancy services to the formers at Malaysia.
The aim of presentation consists of aquaculture, marine biology, health, daily use of life, employment, income, economy, crises, poverty and hunger were studied and reported that aquaculture and marine biology is the major industry for the development of health, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reducing financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in south Asia.  The study reported that Aquaculture is the breeding, rearing and harvesting of fish, shellfish, plants, algae and other organism in all types of water environments including ponds, river, lakes and the ocean. Aquaculture is consisting of two main types i. fresh water plants and animals ii. Marine water plants and animal. The main difference between fresh water and marine life is freshwater fish lives in stream, rivers and lacks that have salinity of less than 0.05 percent, however marine life refers to fish living in ocean and seas. The study reported that Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms that live in salt water. A marine biologist, by definition, is a person that studies, or works with a salt water organism or organisms. In other words Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviors and interactions with the environment. Marine biologists study biological oceanography and the associated fields of chemical, physical, and geological oceanography to understand marine organisms. The study reported that the total countries available in the world are 225, consist of (Developed countries = 49, developing countries = 150, observer state = 4, state without partial recognition = 8, unrecognized state = 14). Similarly, South Asia comprises the countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In the light of above study, it is proposed that aquaculture and Marine Biology should be commercialized for the development of health, basic need of daily life, create employment, generate income, stronger economy, reducing financial crises, global Poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world particularly in south Asia.