Ghassan H Halasa has retired from University of Jordan as Professor of Electrical Engineering. His early education was in Physics. He is a Fulbright Scholar at Murray State University in 2004 and a Visiting Professor at Western Michigan University in 2008. Most of his recent published work was in Electrical Engineering in the field of Renewable Energy. Recently, he published a book as an alternative to the Big Bang Theory.
Classical physics confirms that inertial reference frames can exist at any speed including at and above the speed of light. Relativity theory does not exclude inertial reference frame from existing at the speed of light as long as they did not accelerate to that speed from higher or lower speeds. Lorentz transformations restricted masses from reaching the speed of light, but they did not rule out the existence of reference frames at the speed of light.
In a reference frame traveling at the speed of light 13.8 billion years ago , two particles were ejected in the direction of motion in opposite directions with equal momentum and energy. One particle obtained a speed faster than the speed of light which is the electron, while the other came to rest which is the proton.
According to Lorentz transformations an observer at rest finds two particles emerging from nowhere propagating in an expanding space. The two particles maneuver to return to the speed of light by attracting one another, unable to reach that speed because of their increased masses; they stop at a distance forming the first hydrogen atom. The speed of the electron in orbit was calculated and found to be 9.9X106 m/s, little above Bohr’s speed. The excess speed from Bohr’s was calculated and found to be kinetic energy converted into heat associated with the newly formed hydrogen atom at a temperature of 1.58x106 degrees Kelvin.
In conclusion, the universe was created from an unobserved location as over-heated hydrogen atoms.
Applied Physics and Mathematics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Quantum Physics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Nano Physics and Nano Technology
Statistics and Applied Probability
Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing