International Aquaculture Consultant, Malaysia
Dr Nyan received his Marine Biology from the University of Tasmania, Australia under Colombo Plan Fellowship. On his return he rejoined as assistant lecture at Rangoon Arts and Science University. Later he joined Fisheries Corporation to head the R&D department. In 1983, he became Project Manager for ADB Inland Fisheries Development Project and technical counter-part for JICA projects in Myanmar. In 1988, he joined the FAO of the UN and served in aquaculture projects in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines culminating the position of Chief Technical Advisor. Dr Nyan had supervised 13 Master’s theses for Zoology Department, Rangoon University and also published a book entitled ‘Prawn Culture in Burma’ in 1984. He has published and presented over 80 papers and co-authored a chapter in the book by Yoram Avnimelech on Biofloc Technology: A Practical Guidebook (2012 & 2014).