As humanity advances towards the age of limitless possibilities, researchers, government agencies and private companies are making efforts towards the advancement of Artificial Intelligence. As intelligent machines begin their march on labor and become more sophisticated and specialized than first-generation cousins like Roomba or Siri, they have an outspoken champion in their corner. The robots haven’t just landed in the workplace—they’re expanding skills, moving up the corporate ladder, showing awesome productivity and retention rates, and increasingly shoving aside their human counterparts. One multi-tasker bot, from Momentum Machines, can make (and flip) a gourmet hamburger in 10 seconds and could soon replace an entire McDonalds crew. A manufacturing device from Universal Robots doesn’t just solder, paint, screw, glue, and grasp—it builds new parts for itself on the fly when they wear out or bust.
More so, artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and AI. These are robots that are controlled by AI programs. As robot intelligence increases, and as sensors, actuators and operating mechanisms become more sophisticated, other applications are now multiplying. There are now thousands of underwater robots, demolition robots and even robots used in long-distance surgery. A big increase is predicted for domestic robots for vacuum cleaning and lawn mowing. Robots to do these chores are practical today. An inexpensive house-cleaning robot was recently introduced – a little battery-powered vacuum cleaner that scurries around the floor, sweeping up dust and dirt as it travels. Called Roomba, it costs just $199 and, by all accounts, is selling very well.
This article gives a brief discussion into the immense benefits these Smart Robots will offer and how it will change the paradigm in both domestic and commercial affairs. “Humans are limited in the attention, kindness and compassion that they can expend to others, but AI based compassionate robots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building compassionate relationships in the society.” This quote is stated by Amit Ray. Hence the author of this article gives an overview insight into a future of limitless possibilities championed by AI Robots. The author of this article Kelvin Ogba Dafiaghor is a chemical engineering graduate from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. He has an MBA in leadership and management from the Accra Business School, Accra, Ghana. He is the founder of Ogba Educational Clinic, a dynamic organization solving the Educational needs of young Africans and Artificial Intelligence Hub, a technology organization that empowers young people with tech skills relevant for future jobs brought by the fourth industrial revolution. Kelvin has been to Morocco, Ethiopia, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, and many African countries, advancing the frontiers of Artificial Intelligence. Kelvin is a Mentor at Digital peace and an Ex mentor at the Global Stem Alliance, a professional member of The New York Academy of Sciences, a member of Afrilab and a top fan World Economic Forum, He was recently nominated for the Global Award 2020 Womentech Network and has been duly recognized for his immense contribution towards societal development.
Jesus Castañeda Rivera is a math and educator. Professor principal in Center of investigation and Teaching of the Mathematics (CIEM). The Dr. Castañeda is laurate Mixbaal Prize (2009), UNID medal (2011) and Merit Award Prize of Morelia (2006).
A finite machine is a sextuple M = (E, I, O, fE, fO, eo) formed by three non-empty finite sets E (set of states, eO is the initial state), I (set of inputs), O ( set of greetings), the transition function and the exit function
. The finite machine concept is widely used in computational theories and artificial intelligence. In this work, we will prove the theorem that if M is a finite machine and S (M) is the set of all submachines of M, it is verified that
it is a bounded and distributive lattice
Kashyap is a published AI and Deep Learning Researcher and patent author who has performed AI internships from ed-tech startups to multi-billion dollar firms to NASA. He’s also presented a demo on Deeply Inclusive AI at the United Nations AI for Good Global Conference at Geneva, Switzerland, as part of IVOW, and at a TEDx Conference in Cape May where he presented on cultural AI. He was the Dean of the Princeton School of AI where he taught over 780 students in the local community and had 18,000 students across 152 countries as part of his online AI course.
100 Billion Dollars. That’s how much AI spending is projected to rise to in a mere 3 years. With such rapid investment in a next-generational technology, its safety becomes of heightening concern to everyone that comes in touch with it from customers to vendors alike. Questions about the AI models safety across any potential security risks, particular bias towards a minority group, a lack of transparency in the decision-making process, or compliance violations from the AI environment are raised, and don’t have a proper answer. These questions don’t just apply to a specific vertical but it’s domain-agnostic and ensuring that a businesses AI is safe is what will set them apart from their customers. This talk will explore what AI safety is, why we need it, and how to ensure that one’s AI model is safe both technically and procedurally.
Balaji Thirunauvkkarasu, born in Tamil Nadu, India on 13th May 1989, obtained his B.E degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 from the Anna University, Chennai and he has completed his M.Tech in Robotics at SRM University, Chennai. He is presently serving as Assistant Professor at Vel Tech University, Chennai, with his thirst for research in Robotics. He has successfully completed a Government Project on Solar Aircraft of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design funded by the Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, during 2011.
This budding researcher has also received Best Project Awards and the Young Scientist Award for his innovative projects on Robotics /Aircraft Design in various forums from different organizations. He has also published more than 12 papers in leading national and international conferences and reputed journals. He has developed many products for educational based robot and has delivered several lectures for schools and colleges. He published book for technical –How to Make Robot,Mr.Balaji has visited many countries, including like USA, JAPAN and given interviews in local TV Channels, Magazines and some Daily news media. Media have given enough coverage to his models on Robotics to foster his quest for innovation.
The multifunctional controller vehicle comprises of three primary capacities. Initial one is bomb distinguishing. Second one is putting out fires and last one is sun powered grass shaper. These capacities are very utilize full in numerous applications. For example, armed force, homegrown, mechanical, timberland insurance and etc.,the bomb identifying give an additional line safeguard to the military warriors and the bomb crew. The putting out fires framework go about as a fire douser during fire mishap and the sunlight based grass shaper is utilized to cut the grass with the assistance of sun based force and straightforward instrument. In this sun based grass shaper framework the sun based vitality utilized as source vitality so contamination is decreased and fuel isn't too used to even consider running the vehicle.
The principle point of the Multifunctional Remote Control Vehicle (MFRCV) is to decrease the expense and development space and increment the work proficiency. In this task the three capacities are included. The bomb identifying framework is utilized to distinguish the bomb in the war place and some other spot. These bomb recognizing frameworks comprise of electromagnetic sensor. This sensor is worked by the guideline of electromagnetic enlistment. At the point when the current conveying Material to be set close to it, it will deliver attractive acceptance.