Webinar on

Ophthalmology & Vision Care

September 29, 2021


Theme: Recent Innovations in Ophthalmology for the Treatment of Eye Disorders

We are delighted to announce our upcoming Webinar on"Ophthalmology & Vision Care”. Which is scheduled on September 29,2021 will help you to better understand how to develop the right formulation and delivery strategy with a strong scientific, clinical and commercial mind set and how innovative scientific techniques, emerging technologies and innovative devices and drug delivery. The Theme “Recent Innovations in Ophthalmology for the Treatment of Eye Disorders”.Ophthalmology  Webinar provides the perfect platform for Pharmaceutical, Clinical Research, Chemical professionals, researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals and executives to discuss and learn about novel findings in Vision Care.

Track: 1 Optometry Research

Optometry Research is a healthcare profession which involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease. Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Vision science is an interdisciplinary study of visual systems and perception and incorporates many disciplines, including optometry, ophthalmology, molecular genetics, neuroscience and physiological optics.

  • Optic and Radiations
  • Optical Power of the Eye
  • Stereopsis: 3D Vision
  • Biophysics of vision
  • Contact Lens
  • Spectacle Lens
  • Optical Power of the Eye
  • Optic and Radiations

Tacks: 2 Refractive Error and Disorders:

Refractive Error means that the shape of the eye does not bend light correctly, resulting in a blurred image. Refractive disorders are commonly treated using corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contact lenses surgery (such as LASIK) can also be used to correct some refractive disorders. A refractive error can be diagnosed by an eye care professional during a routine eye examination. Testing usually consists of asking the patient to read a vision chart while testing an assortment of lenses to maximize a patient’s vision. Special imaging or other testing is rarely necessary.

  • Myopia
  • Hyperopia
  • Astigmatism
  • Presbyopia

Track: 3 Thyroid Eye Diseases or Graves Eye Disease

Graves' eye disease is also known as the thyroid eye disease, and an auto-immune condition in which the immune cells attack the thyroid gland which responds by secreting an excess amount of thyroid hormone. As the result, the thyroid gland enlarges and the excess hormones increase metabolism. The hyper-metabolic state is characterized by fast pulse heartbeat, profuse sweating, irritability, high blood pressure, fatigue, weight loss, palpitations, heat intolerance, and loss of hair and alterations in hair quality. When the immune system attacks the tissues around the eyes, it causes the eye muscles or fatty to expand. The eyes are the particularly vulnerable to Graves' eye disease, because of the autoimmune attack often targets the eye muscles and the connective tissue within eye socket. This likely occurs because of these tissues contain proteins that appear similar to the immune system as those of the thyroid gland. In Graves’ eye disease the tissue around the eye is attacked, and the result is inflammation and swelling, causing:

  • Redness and pain
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Bulging of the eyes
  • Dry eye and irritation, occurring when the eyelids cannot close completely over bulging eyes

Track: 4 Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is an eye cancer that originates in the retina which is the delicate lining on the inside of the eye. Retinoblastoma frequently affects young children, but can hardly occur in adults. An uncommon form of eye cancer, retinoblastoma is the most common form of cancer distressing the eye in children. Retinoblastoma may happen in one or both eyes.

  • Eye Cancer
  • RB1 Gene
  • Genetic Mutations

 Track: 5 Ayurvedic Medicine In Ophthalmology

Ayurvedic Medicine physicians recognize three major body types Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These body types can be determined by heredity and is also known as "Prakriti". Physicians will observe and use a technique called pulse diagnoses to determine a patient’s body type, which is often a combination; such as Vata/Pitta. After determining body type, the physician will examine any imbalances and finds a solution to make it balance. This is often done through dietary changes.

  • Triphala
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Fennel Seeds & Almonds
  • Rose Water
  • Palming
  • Blinking
  • Zooming
  • Shifting


  • Optometry Research
  • Refractive Error and Disorders
  • Thyroid Eye Diseases or Graves Eye Disease
  • Retinoblastoma
  • Ayurvedic Medicine In Ophthalmology