Nursing Practice 2021 Webinar is designed to inform nurses and medical professionals on a wide range of pertinent topics delivered through our on-demand sessions. A platform that will give significant importance to the nurses from both academic as well as clinical settings, and endure new ways to future advancements in care and practice. On that note, we are thrilled to announce our webinar on "Nursing Care and Nursing Practice" to be held on May 31st, 2021 at 5:30 pm GMT. The theme of the webinar is based on "Advanced Clinical Practitioners in Hospital and Pre Hospital".
Nursing Practice Webinar has been structured to provide both multi- and interdisciplinary tracks by sorting a comprehension approach for both academic and industry specialists in a single virtual window. This gathering will encourage nursing students, nurses, registered nurses, doctors, specialists, business delegates, and young researchers across the globe to deliver their discoveries and ideas to the world. A grand chance to witness invaluable scientific discussions and believing in the virtue of contributing to innovation and bringing change to the old norms in the field of nursing care and practice.
Nursing Practice 2021 webinar focuses on connecting professionals in the field of nursing to bring the best of theories on care and practice, and discuss to implement new rules and regulations as well as motivate people to join the nursing as it is always a privilege to care, serve and save lives.
Session 1: Clinical Nursing
Clinical Nursing offers identification, treatment, and current management of patients. They supply direct care to patients. Clinical nurses support the work of other nurses and drive health care innovation within their organization and the wider community. They may also perform traditional nursing duties, including diagnosing and treating patients, but they typically focus on consulting and research. Clinical nurses work in a variety of health care settings including hospitals, community health centers, mental health facilities and at the homes of patients receiving in-home care. These environments can be fast-paced, especially during medical emergencies. They may work in high-risk settings, where they may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens and chemicals, depending on their area of specialty. Nursing Practice 2021 would be featuring subject like:
Session 2: Advanced Nursing Practice
Highly knowledgeable and skilled nurses are increasing in popularity as a solution to many of the challenges that healthcare faces today: advances in technology, the increasing complexity of health services, structural changes in healthcare delivery, and changing healthcare needs. The need for a more flexible and cost-effective approach to the delivery of care has never been more appropriate, as the needs of disadvantaged communities and vulnerable populations are being addressed. Advanced Nursing Practice discusses some of the controversial issues such as prescribing, diagnoses, and hospital privileges. It takes a hard look at competencies and task reallocation and addresses the development of education for this role, including teaching methods and clinical practice. Discussions on subjects like:
Session 3: Nursing Practice and Research
Advanced nursing practice (ANP) matures attention on advanced clinical expertise remains the focus while additional core competencies such as leadership and research have become included when characterizing advanced practice nursing (APN) roles. The inclusion of research as a role component may vary on country context and the comparative significance in the roles of clinical nurse specialists versus other categories APNs. Evidence-based practice is viewed as the incorporation of research findings (evidence) into clinical decision-making and delivery of care. Evidence-based data are also useful for development of practice guidelines and to confirm the presence of outcomes associated with ANP. View point on topics like:
Session 4: Emergency and Critical Care
Emergency and intensive care nurses must be prepared to deal with life-threatening problems and complex situations in extreme environments, reasons why they should be endowed with specific knowledge, skills and attributes to provide care to critically ill or unstable patients and their families. Emergency nurses must be able to prioritise patient care and to provide accurate assessment and effective on-going management for a diversity of patient populations in situations ranging from life- saving interventions to managing critical situations. Talk on:
Session 5: Situational Ethics
The issue of ethical decision making is fundamental to all nursing practice; however, the APN is in a position as a clinical leader to take on a more vital role in identifying moral and ethical dilemmas, creating ethical environments, and promoting social integrity within healthcare systems. It is not within the scope of this chapter to provide an in-depth discussion of ethics and ethical decision making, but to draw attention to the level of ethical decision making manifest in ANP. Focusing on:
Session 6: Current Trends in Nursing Practice and Care
Nursing Professionals around the world are experiencing an array of changes as the healthcare industry is continuously adapting more advanced technology and medical trends. Nurses adapt themselves to various fields of medicine and medical researchers, and many new fields of medical research require the assistance of nurses. This session covers such new fields and its requirements. Strategies to support ANPs should be encouraged.
Some of them are:
A great opportunity to network with your peers from academia and industry:
Be the first to showcase your research, innovation and brand to gain competitive advantages. Meet your target audience and explore your product and services.