We are delighted to invite all the participants globally to attend “Webinar on Nanomaterials which is going to be held by Meetings International during 24 September, 2020 which includes incite keynote and oral Presentation. It emphasizes on the theme "Techniques for learning the new technologies in the field of Nanophononics". It provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, as well as for launching new applications and technologies. The principle focal point of nanomaterials is the thriving to vary the analysis cycle in optics, nanophotonic and lasers.
Session 1: Nanophotonics & Plasmonic
Nanophotonics & plasmonics focuses on light at the nanometer-scale. Light can only be focused to a spot roughly half its wavelength in size (a few hundred nanometers for visible light). This limit can be surpassed by coupling light to electrons at the surface of a metal and creating surface plasmons. This area of nanoscience, called nanophotonic, is defined as “the science and engineering of light matter interactions that take place on wavelength and sub wavelength scales where the physical, chemical or structural nature of natural or artificial nanostructured matter controls the interactions”.
Session 2: Nanofabrication and characterization
Nanofabrication is the design and manufacture of devices with dimensions measured in nanometers. One nanometer is 10 -9 meters, or a millionth of a millimeter. Nanofabrication is of interest to computer engineers because it opens the door to super-high-density microprocessor s and memory chips. It has been suggested that each data bit could be stored in a single atom. Carrying this further, a single atom might even be able to represent a byte or word of data. Nanofabrication has also caught the attention of the medical industry, the military, and the aerospace industry. The market for nanofabrication equipment will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.4 percent over the period 2009 to 2014 and reach $90.4 billion in that year, according to Innovative Research and Products Inc. (Stamford, Connecticut).Over the same period the market for semiconductor wafers will grow at a CAGR of 14 percent to double and reach $20.6 billion in that year, the company said.
Session 3: Advance Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials are defined as materials with at least one external dimension in the size range from approximately 1-100 nanometers. Nanoparticles are objects with all three external dimensions at the nanoscale1. Nanoparticles that are naturally occurring (e.g., volcanic ash, soot from forest fires) or are the incidental byproducts of combustion processes (e.g., welding, diesel engines) are usually physically and chemically heterogeneous and often termed ultrafine particles. Engineered nanoparticles are intentionally produced and designed with very specific properties related to shape, size, surface properties and chemistry. These properties are reflected in aerosols, colloids, or powders. Often, the behavior of nanomaterials may depend more on surface area than particle composition itself. World demand for nanomaterials will rise more than two-and-a-half times to $5.5 billion in 2016. Nanotubes, nano clays and quantum dots will be the fastest growing types. The energy storage and generation and construction markets will offer the best growth prospects. China, India and the US will lead gains among countries. This study analyzes the $2 billion world nanomaterial industry. It presents historical demand data for the years 2001, 2006 and 2011, and forecasts for 2016 and 2021 by material (e.g., metal oxides, chemicals and polymers, metals, nanotubes), market (e.g., health care, electronics, energy generation and storage, construction), world region and for 15 countries.
Session 4: Nanoelectronics and Microsystems
Nanoelectronics holds some answers for how we might increase the capabilities of electronics devices while we reduce their weight and power consumption. Improving display screens on electronics devices. This involves reducing power consumption while decreasing the weight and thickness of the screens. Increasing the density of memory chips. Researchers are developing a type of memory chip with a projected density of one terabyte of memory per square inch or greater. Reducing the size of transistors used in integrated circuits. One researcher believes it may be possible to "put the power of all of today's present computers in the palm of your hand”. Microelectronics is one of the main subfields of electronics. As the name indicates, microelectronics is highly related to the study and manufacture of microfabrication of very small electronic components. Micro-sensors that combine optical and mechanical sensor functions with integrated electronic signal processing are rapidly growing in areas such as safety, health, environmental monitoring, and energy control. Relevant examples are collision sensors for airbags and instruments for endoscopy. The global market for nanoelectronics is expected to reach $409.6 billion by 2015, as stated by the new market research report. Nanoelectronics is expected to exercise a considerable influence on semiconductors, displays, memory and storage devices and communication devices.
Session 5: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology
Molecular nanotechnology has been defined as the three-dimensional positional control of molecular structure to create materials and devices to molecular precision. The human body is comprised of molecules; hence the availability of molecular nanotechnology will permit dramatic progress in human medical services. More than just an extension of "molecular medicine," Nanomedicine will employ molecular machine systems to address medical problems, and will use molecular knowledge to maintain and improve human health at the molecular scale. Nanomedicine will have extraordinary and far-reaching implications for the medical profession, for the definition of disease, for the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions including aging, and ultimately for the improvement and extension of natural human biological structure and function. “Nanomedicine is the preservation and improvement of human health using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body. “Nanobiotechnology is a new frontier for biology with important applications in medicine. It bridges areas in physics, chemistry, and biology and is a testament to the new areas of interdisciplinary science that are becoming dominant in the twenty-first century. This course provides perspective for students and researchers who are interested in nanoscale physical and biological systems and their applications in medicine. It introduces concepts in nanomaterials and their use with biocomponents to synthesize and address larger systems. Applications include systems for visualization, labeling, drug delivery, and cancer research.
Session 6: Nanotechnology in energy and environment
Research into hydride materials for energy applications typically focuses on enhancing gravimetric storage density and ion transport of the materials. However, the requirements for stationary applications such as fuel cells can be significantly different and amenable to a broader class of potential materials. Multiple geophysical and social pressures are forcing a shift from fossil fuels to renewable and sustainable energy sources. To effect this change, we must create the materials that will support emergent energy technologies. Solar energy is the utmost priority to develop photovoltaic cells that are efficient and cost effective. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, conducting extensive research on Photovoltaics, Energy storage and Hydrogen storage to meet global Energy requirements.