It is a great honor to have the opportunity to invite all the Speakers, Delegates, Researchers, Students and Industrialists to attend "Webinar on Microbiology and Immunology" during October 17, 2020. The primary topic of the webinar is “Novel Insights and Innovations in Microbiology and Immunology”.
By sharing new technology participating in forums and collaborating with one another, your work will continue to impact many lives and truly benefit the scientific community. The webinar includes Keynote lectures, Oral and Poster presentations.
Clinical Microbiology is a branch of medical science which mainly deals with the prevention, diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment of infectious diseases. It is concerned about different clinical applications of microbes for the improvement of health. Clinical Microbiology plays a key role in patient care by providing the cause of infection and antimicrobial susceptibility data to physicians. Rapid diagnosis of pathogens is mandatory for the successful administration of antibiotics and to increase treatment rates. It has various methods of analysis used to identify and isolate the microbes.
A vaccine is a substance that is introduced into the body to stimulate the immune response. It is given to prevent an infectious disease for developing the person becoming ill. It is made up of using several different processes. It made from microbes that are dead so they are unable to cause disease. Merely segments of the pathogen (this includes both sub unit and conjugate vaccines). If the vaccinated person then comes into contact with the disease-causing microbe, the immune system remembers the antibodies it made to the vaccine and can make them earlier .The person is claimed to be resistant to the pathogen
Infectious diseases & its types
Infectious diseases can be caused by many pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites which will cause illness and disease. For humans, transmission of pathogens may occur in a variety of ways. Spread from person-to-person by direct contact, water or food-borne illness of infected particles in the environment and through insects (mosquitoes) and ticks. Mild infections to take rest and home remedies, while some life-threatening infections may have hospitalization
Food Microbiology is the flora and sources of microorganisms in food. Methods of detection and enumeration of microorganisms in foods. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of food that effects of microbial growth and survival. Roles of microorganisms in spoilage, food borne diseases and in food products. It preservatives the quality control and microbiological standards. It is the source of food to man are of the plant and animal origin. Food safety may be a major focus of food microbiology.
Clinical Bacteriology & Virology
Clinical bacteriology is the study of bacteria and their relation to medicine and to other areas such as agriculture and industry. These are the single-celled microorganisms which can live as independent organisms or dependently like a parasite. Clinical microbiologists use microscope to look at smears of original samples to get early information.
Clinical virology is that the study of viruses and virus-like agents, including their classification, disease-producing properties and genetics. It is often considered a neighborhood of microbiology or pathology. Viruses have conventionally been viewed in a negative milieu responsible for diseases; however viruses also have certain beneficial properties that can be exploited for useful purposes such as role of virus in gene therapy.
Biofilms are the aggregation of microbial cells, which are associated with the plaque, pond scum, or the slimy build up in sink. This formation involves sequence of steps like conditioning, attachment, metabolism, and detachment. It consists of water channels, EPS (Exopolysaccharide), and EDNA (Environmental DNA), which plays an important role in nutrient circulation, its development, and structure stabilization. Resistance of planktonic bacteria against antimicrobial agents gets increased on the formation of biofilm, which may be the presence of diffusive barrier EPS or neutralizing enzyme, cells undergoing starvation, or due to spore formation. There are numerous factors, which affects biofilm formation such as substratum effects, conditioning film on substratum, hydrodynamics, characteristics of the aqueous medium, cell characteristics, and environmental factors. It can cause industrial, medical, and household damage and is a reason for loss of billions of dollars every year. Development of biofilm on catheters, medical implants. A major cause of infections and surface in almost an irreversible manner. It exists in variety of forms like dental diseases in humans. Examples include Plaque, Native Valve Endocarditis, Otitis media, Prostatitis, Cystic fibrosis, Periodontitis, Osteomyelitis, etc.,
Clinical Veterinary Microbiology
Veterinary microbiologists learn to recognize external signs of infection or animal behaviors that point to an infection. It also learns the internal and population-wide progression patterns of infectious agents, as well as measures of control and prevention. It is the branch of study mainly focused on microbes that are causing diseases to animals. Veterinary pathology helps in the diagnosis of diseases caused to animals such as dogs, cows, etc. veterinary medicine is widely practiced by pathologist for the well-being of animals.
The term “cellular microbiology” was identifying an emerging discipline integrating the fields of cell biology and microbiology. The advent of genomics, proteomics, and post genomics has resulted in widespread understanding of the field of cellular microbiology among scientists. It is the scientific study of the properties of microbial cells. It combines techniques and approaches of classic cell biology and microbiology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology is an applied branch of Microbiology. It involves the study of microorganisms related to the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. It minimizing the number of microorganisms in a process environment, and ensuring the finished pharmaceutical product is sterile. Other aspects of pharmaceutical microbiology include the research and development of anti-ineffective agents. With both sterile and non-sterile products, the consequences can range from discoloration to the potential for fatality. The Pharmaceutical Microbiology evolved for pharmaceutical microbiology testing, including antimicrobial effectiveness testing
Immunology is nothing but the study of the immune system and is a most important branch of the medical and biological sciences. The immune system helps us to protect us from infection through various lines of defence. If the immune system is not working as it should, it can result in disease, such as autoimmunity, allergy and cancer. It has now become clear that immune responses contribute to the development of many common disorders not traditionally viewed as immunologic, including metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
The immune system is a vast system of structures and processes that has evolved to protect us from disease. Molecular and cellular components are involved in making the immune system. Science has divided the function of components into nonspecific mechanisms, those which are innate to an organism, and responsive responses, which are adaptive to specific pathogens. Fundamental or classical immunology helps in study of the components that make up the innate and adaptive immune system
Autoimmunity & Immune Responses
The way through a body reacts and defends itself against bacteria, viruses and other substances that are foreign and harmful is called as Immune response. It is the duty of the immune system to make our bodies free from harmful invaders be recognizing and responding to antigens. Typically proteins, antigens reside of the surface of cells, virus’s fungi or bacteria but antigens also may be nonliving, toxins, chemicals. Drugs and foreign particles like splinters. The work of immune system is to recognize and destroys antigen containing substances
Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy
The branch of biology that deals with interaction between immune system and tumor cells. This study is mainly applicable in outcome of new therapies for cancer treatment.