6th Webinar on


April 26, 2022

Microbiology Webinar 2022

Theme: Recent Advantages in Applied Microbiology

Meetings international cordially invite all attendees to participate in our upcoming 6th Webinar on Microbiology which is scheduled for April 26, 2022, with the theme "Recent Advantages in Applied Microbiology". It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Microbiology.

Session 1: Host-Pathogen Interaction
Interaction between host and pathogen involves how the pathogen survives, grows, and causes an infection inside the host. There are multiple mechanisms followed by different pathogens that lead to the development of symptoms of a disease. Clinical Microbiology is offering a platform for the researchers that study host-pathogen interaction.
Clinical Health Webinar| Microbiology Webinar | Microbial Webinar| Airborne Webinar| Infectious Diseases Webinar

Session 2: Microbial Genetics
It involves the study of the genetic material of microorganisms which plays a pivotal role in their growth, replication, and infection. The transfer of genetic material from one microorganism to another causes the development of highly resistant infectious agents. Microbiology Event invites you to share your knowledge about microbial genetics.
Clinical Health Webinar| Microbiology Webinar | Microbial Webinar| Airborne Webinar| Infectious Diseases Webinar

Session 3: Antimicrobial Peptides and Antibiotics
Antimicrobial peptides are the short stretch of amino acids, involved in the innate immune response of all classes of life. Their antimicrobial property can be utilized in the production of advanced antibiotics. Researchers have gained their interest in these short peptides for the development of potent drugs. Microbiology Summit welcomes you to present your work on antimicrobial peptides.
Clinical Health Webinar| Microbiology Webinar | Microbial Webinar| Airborne Webinar| Infectious Diseases Webinar

Session 4: Air Borne and Infectious Diseases
Airborne ailments are invigorated by pathogenic organisms that are marginally sufficient to be exchanged from an unfortunate individual through wheezing, hacking, giggling, and convenient individual communication with the contaminated individual or aerosolization of the microorganism. An infection is the successful colonization of a host by a microorganism. Infections can lead to disease, which causes signs and symptoms resulting in a deviation from the normal structure or functioning of the host.
Clinical Health Webinar| Microbiology Webinar | Microbial Webinar| Airborne Webinar| Infectious Diseases Webinar

Session 5: Environmental Microbiology
Environmental microbiology is the study of microbial processes in the environment, microbial communities and microbial interactions, Soil environment and Microbial Activity, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Microbiology, Water Microbiology, Marine Microbiology, etc.
Clinical Health Webinar| Microbiology Webinar | Microbial Webinar| Airborne Webinar| Infectious Diseases Webinar
  • Host-Pathogen Interaction
  • Microbial Genetics
  • Antimicrobial Peptides and Antibiotics
  • Air Borne and Infectious Diseases
  • Environmental Microbiology