I have a Master’s Degree in nursing and 8+ years of proven experience effectively and efficiently managing both patients and staff. I am an extremely organized, calm, and patient professional with excellent healthcare skills. I have a passion for providing quality care to patients, and the necessary leadership skills to inspire other staff members to strive to provide above standard levels of service.
Due to covid 19 pandemic, on 24th march, the prime minister ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, affecting the entire 1.3 billion population of india. On 14th april, the prime minister extended the ongoing nationwide lockdown till 3rd may. On 1st may, lockdown across the country was further extended by two more weeks till 17th may. Aim: the purpose of the study was to assess the stress and best coping strategies people residing in gujarat during covid 19 pandemic lockdown situation. Method: a descriptive research design and quantitative approach has been used in the study with the use of perceived stree scale. Sample: the study consisted of 226 people residing in gujarat during covid 19 pandemic national lockdown. Design:for the present study, non experimental descriptive design was adopted, as it was a virtue of a situation that naturally happens.