Dr. Yifan Zhu graduated from Henan Medical University and worked as a surgeon from 1991, 2007 got doctoral degree in Heidelberg University, Germany, finished post doctoral trainining in Hongkong University in 2010. Now work as a chef surgeon and director of clinical research laboratory. Based on his many years clinical experience and research work, in 2018 Dr. Zhu proposed his original clinical thinking theory, published one book in China named as "Basement and method of clinical thinking".
Clinical thinking is the way of clinicians to judge, evaluate and make decisions for patient disease. One fact that all clinicians in different clinical departments received the same or similar medical education in medical universities suggests medical knowledge is necessary in clinical thinking and routine work.
At present, in medical universities the connection of each basic medical courses and their binding with clinical knowledge are not clearly proposed, at least in China. Thus makes students cannot set up a knowledge frame composed of basic and clinical knowledge based on their intrisic connection, thus results in non-organized medical knowledge on which clinical thinking is hardly constructed. A well- organized medical knowledge frame is the basement of correct clinical thinning.