Webinar on Material Technology welcomes every one of the members over the globe to attend the Material Technology 2020 Webinar during September 09, 2020 in London, UK (Time Zone). Theme of the Conference is “Highlighting and Focusing on future prospects in Materials Science & Engineering" with a target to support youthful personalities and their research abilities by giving a chance to meet the specialists in the field of Materials Science, Engineering and Nanotechnology. Materials Science events are intended to investigate different applications in various fields of Materials Science and Technology.
Session 1: Materials Science and Materials Engineering
Materials science is a syncretic discipline hybridizing metallurgy, ceramics, solid-state physics, and chemistry. The interdisciplinary field of materials science, also commonly termed materials science and engineering is the design and discovery of new materials, particularly solids. It includes chemistry, physics, and engineering to understand ancient, phenomenological observations in metallurgy and mineralogy. Materials Science is an emerging and challenging field to study and acquire the knowledge of materials which are composite to be understood. Materials science has provoked and contributed to the emergence of various nonmaterial’s, biomaterials, electronic, optical, magnetic materials, piezoelectric materials, ceramics, glasses, polymers, metal alloys, smart materials, semiconductor materials and design of complicated structures through the innovation of technology by the advancements in the study of materials science. The research in the field of materials science has an exponential growth throughout the globe and on materials science by providing platforms where the latest trends in such researches are accelerated by gathering world renowned scientists under one roof.
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Session 2: Materials for Energy Applications
The basic vision of Materials for Energy Applications is to enable a changeover to energy system and to create world-recognised assistances in the field of energy applications by fundamental materials research. Biopolymers occur in nature, carbohydrates and proteins are the examples of biopolymers. Organ Implants are used for the transplantation of organs in humans. The profile supports interactions between resources for harvesting, passage and storage, and transformation of energy, and strives to reduce the distance between research and submissions. The Materials for Energy Applications profile comprises many prominent research leaders that are at the research front of their corresponding fields. The terms like bio polymeric materials and organ implants also comes under the category of materials for energy applications. Bio mineralization is defined as the creation of inorganic materials with complex form in all groups of organisms from prokaryotes.
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Session 3: Structural Materials and Characterization
Characterization alludes to the broad and general process by which a material's structure and properties are analyzed and measured. It is a fundamental methodology in the field of materials science, without which no legitimate perception of materials could be discovered. An enormous scope of methods is utilized to portray different plainly visible properties of materials, including: Mechanical testing, including elastic, compressive, and torsional, crawl, exhaustion, durability and hardness testing. Differential warm investigation (DTA) Dielectric warm examination and so on.. Structure is a champion among most essential part in the field of materials science. Materials science examines the structure of materials from the nuclear scale, quite far up to the full scale. Depiction is the way materials scientists assess the structure of a material. This incorporates procedures, for instance, diffraction with X-shafts, electrons, or neutrons, and diverse sorts of spectroscopy and substance investigation, for instance, Raman spectroscopy, vitality dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), chromatography, warm examination, electron magnifying instrument examination, et cetera. Structure is found out at various levels.
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Session 4: Materials characterization and Latest Research, Innovation and Technology
Characterization describes those features of composition and structure (including defects) of a material that are significant for a particular preparation, study of properties, or use, and suffice for reproduction of the material. It’s having two aspects: Accurately measuring the physical and chemical properties of materials; accurately measuring (determining) the structure of a material.
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Session 5: Nanotechnology & Nano materials:
In the massive field of Nano-materials and technology, chemical compound matrix based mostly Nano-composites became an outstanding space of current analysis and development. Exfoliated clay-based Nano composites have dominated the compound literature. However, there are an outsized variety of different important areas of rising interest. In this scientific session of the Polymer Science conference, relatively larger scale counterparts of the topic shall be discussed.
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Session 6: Nanotechnology-Basics to Applications
Nanotechnology is the coordinated effort of the physical science, chemistry, biology, computer and material sciences incorporated with designing entering the nano scale. This implies science and building concentrated on making the particles things and gadgets at the nuclear and atomic scale. The Study of the Controlling of Matter on an atomic and sub-nuclear scale. Generally Nanotechnology Deals with Structures Sized between 1 to 100 Nanometer in no short of what one Dimension, and incorporates making or changing materials or devices inside that size.
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Session 7: Advanced Graphene and 2D Materials based Nano Composites
The remarkable physical properties of graphene and other 2D materials can possibly both improve existing technologies and furthermore make a scope of new applications. Pure graphene has an exceptionally wide range of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Graphene can also greatly improve the thermal conductivity of a material improving heat dissipation. In applications which require very high electrical conductivity graphene can either be used directly or as an additive to other materials. Graphene has the capacity to store electrical energy at high density.
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Session 8: Polymer Science and Technology
Polymers will be the material of the new millennium and the production of polymeric parts i.e. green, energy-efficient, high quality, low-priced and high sustainability, etc. will assure the accessibility of the finest solutions round the globe. Synthetic polymers have since a long time played a relatively important role in present-day medicinal practice. Polymers are now a major materials used in many industrial applications. The prediction of their behavior depends on our understanding of these complex systems. Polymerization and polymer processing techniques thus requires molecular modeling techniques. As happens in all experimental sciences, understanding of complex physical phenomena requires modeling the system by focusing on only those aspects that are supposedly relevant to the observed behavior. Once a suitable model has been identified, it has to be validated by solving it and comparing its predictions with experiments. Solving the model usually requires approximations.
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Session 9: Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials:
Materials with novel and controlled electronic, optical, and magnetic properties have widespread applications, including computers, lighting, sensors, medicine, and sustainability. Research in electronic, optical, and magnetic materials includes processing techniques for obtaining materials with controlled compositions and structures, characterization, and applications of these materials. For any electronic device to operate well, electrical current must be efficiently controlled by switching devices, which becomes challenging as systems approach very small dimensions.
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Session 10: Spintronics
Spintronics is the usage of a basic property of particles known as turn for information planning. From various perspectives, spintronics is undifferentiated from contraptions, which rather uses the electrical charge on an electron. Passing on information in both the charge and turn of an electron perhaps offers contraptions with more imperative contrasts of handiness.
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Session 11: Advanced Emerging Materials
Specialty chemicals are enabling the creation of new components and devices including displays, batteries, super capacitors, printed electronics, stretchable electronics and much more. On the level of materials science research, represents a new genre of materials with its own logic of effect that cannot be described simply in terms of the usual categories of heavy and light or form, construction, and surface. The materials like Salmon leather, Wood-Skin flexible wood panel material, Re Wall Naked board, Coe Lux lighting system, OLEDs, Organic solar cell, Bling Crete light-reflecting concrete, digital genome , 3D printing , memristor and many other new innovations have created amazing and unique characteristics of the materials, for example Coe lux lightening system where the scientists used a thin coating of nano particles to accurately simulate sunlight through Earth’s atmosphere and the effect known as Rayleigh scattering. Soft materials are another emerging class of materials that includes gels, colloids, liquids, foams, and coatings.
The surface mount technology (SMT) market was valued at USD 2.70 billion in 2014 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.84% between 2015 and 2020. The base year used for study is 2014, and the forecast period is from 2015 to 2020. The global surface disinfectant market is expected to reach USD 542.55 Million by 2020 from USD 312.17 Million in 2015, growing at a CAGR of 11.69% between 2015 and 2020.
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Session 12: Next-Generation Materials
Next-generation materials include super-light materials and active materials that react to changes in their environment and ultimately smart materials that explain how they are doing. Advancement in health care, energy, computing and numerous other fields depend on new findings in materials science. Next-generation materials include superomniphobic materials which are inspired by water bugs, super-light materials and active materials that react to changes in their environment and smart materials. Auxetic materials when stretched convert into a thicker perpendicular to the applied force that arises due to their hinge-like structures. Auxetics are useful in applications such as body armor, packing material, robust shock absorbing material, and sponge mops, knee and elbow pads. Thermally activated bimetals (Thermo-bimetals) allow for panes of glass capable of becoming shades when exposed to the sun.
Giant magneto resistive effect is the effect observed as a significant change in the electrical resistance depending on whether the magnetization of adjacent ferromagnetic layers are in a parallel or an anti parallel alignment, Quantum Dot Tracking Smart materials are designed materials having one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, temperature, moisture, pH, electric or magnetic fields. Some other next generation materials are Super-light materials, Smart materials, Auxetic materials, Shape memory alloys, Piezoelectric materials, Electro active polymer composites, Quantum-tunneling composite, Electroluminescent materials, Thermo chromic materials, Self-healing materials, Fuel-cell vehicles, Next-generation robotics, Recyclable thermo set plastics, Precise genetic-engineering techniques, Additive manufacturing, Emergent artificial intelligence, Distributed manufacturing, Neuro morphic technology, Digital genome, solar micro grid, soft lithography, etc,.
Materials Technology Conference | Material Science and Technology Congress | Material Science and Technology Conference | Material Science and Technology Event | Material Science and Technology Summit | Nanotechnology Conference
Materials Science is an acclaimed scientific discipline ranging from polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and bio materials. Materials science and engineering, involves the discovery and design of new materials. The global market is projected to reach $6,000 million by 2020 and register a CAGR of 10.2% between 2015 and 2020 in terms of value. The market growth is speculated to be driven by the increasing demand for aero gel materials from oil and gas and construction applications. The Europe market is estimated to be growth at a steady rate due to economic recovery in the region along with the increasing concern for the building insulation and energy savings. Newly released figures for 2012 put BLS Code 19-2032 (an occupational group encompassing materials scientists) in 82nd place in yearly wages. The group, which includes 7,970 employees across the country, posted an average annual salary of $89,740.
Scientific index of countries’ ability to take advantage of emerging technologies indicates that the US, Germany, Taiwan, and Japan have the combination of academic excellence, skilled work forces, and capital to ensure effective technology transfer. Corporate research and private funding were thought to have surpassed government funding figures as far back as 2003. But China is speculated to spend US$2.25 billion in nanotechnology research while the US will spend US$2.18 billion. In real dollar terms, adjusted for currency exchange rates, China is only spending about US$1.3 billion to the US $2.18 billion.
Nano materials Market was valued at $14,741.6 million in 2015, and is expected to reach $55,016 million by 2022, supported by a CAGR of 20.7%. Nano materials can be defined as the materials with at least one external dimension in the size range of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers.
According to the perspective of leading companies, the factors that drive the demand for nanomaterials in various end-user industries are growing investment in research and development, increasing popularity of nanomaterials in various application industries, and the excellent physio-chemical properties of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials are usually added in small quantities to improve the performance of the base material. However, factors such as stringent environmental regulations and high price of nanomaterials may hamper the market growth. Currently, the paints & coatings, adhesives & sealants, electronics & consumer goods, and personal care segments are the major end-user markets for nanomaterials.
United States Materials Science industry:
Research and study the structures and chemical properties of various natural and synthetic or composite materials, including metals, alloys, rubber, ceramics, semiconductors, polymers, and glass. Determine ways to strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials with new or specific properties for use in a variety of products and applications. Includes glass scientists, ceramic scientists, metallurgical scientists, and polymer scientists.
Scope and Importance
The field of MSE has become a basic instrument in bringing about technological changes. Discoveries of new materials and improvements to old ones—all undergirded by deeper understanding of the intimate relations between the processing, composition, and structure of materials on the one hand, together with their properties and function on the other—lead repeatedly to higher performance and efficiency in existing technologies (e.g. improved process for extracting titanium) and to the creation of new ones (e.g. silicon and the solid-state electronic industry). By the same token, a breakthrough in understanding the physics and chemistry of biocompatibility of synthetic materials could have a dramatic effect on the prosthetics industry.
Whether MSE is operating in a creative or a responsive mode, it is having a technological and social impact at a very basic level. Materials as such are usually not very visible to the public that is primarily concerned with end-products and tends to take materials for granted. Yet materials are the working substance of all hardware used in all technologies and are crucial to successful product performance. Between the introduction of materials and the final product, there are often numerous manufacturing stages where extra value is added. Thus, an improved or new material may be decisive in determining the success, usefulness, or social value of a product, even though the cost of the material or the improvement might be very modest compared with the total product or social value. In this sense, materials can frequently be said to exert high economic leverage. Color TV has been made possible by the development of special phosphors; synthetic fibers, such as nylon and dacron, have made drip-dry apparel possible. There are also instances of low leverage in which materials improvements, while useful, do not exert such an enormous change in the end-product or in social patterns; such an example might be the change in steel used for making cans. Materials, and industries devoted completely to them, may represent about one-fifth of the Gross National Product, but without them there would be no Gross National Product.
Materials are often looked upon as relatively unspecific media which may find their way into a great variety of end-products. New materials or improved ones may lead to a whole variety of end-products involving widely different industries. For example, fiberglass lends itself for use in pleasure boats, as housing construction material, and as automobile bodies. Hence, materials can be said to have a relatively high degree of proprietary neutrality. One consequence of this situation is that materials research often forms a more neutral, yet broadly applicable, base for governmental support and cooperative ventures among companies than does research in various end-product technologies.
Besides the direct application of MSE to technology, innovation in the field can have important consequences for materials demand and consumption patterns, the consumption of energy, and the quality of the environment. MSE can play a vital role in meeting man’s needs for better transportation equipment, prosthetic devices, and the generation, transmission, and storage of energy. But by wreaking such technological changes, it can often change drastically the need or consumption patterns for materials and energy. New materials made from more abundant raw materials can often be developed as substitutes for old ones made from scarcer or ecologically less desirable raw materials; new ways can often be found for performing needed technological functions, e.g. transistors have replaced vacuum-tube triodes as basic amplifying elements in electronic circuits, and in more recent years integrated circuits replaced boxes of complex electronic equipment made up of many components. Looking ahead with another example, present work in certain forms of levitated ground transport, if successful, could lead to greatly increased demands for new magnetic or superconducting alloys. Or again, development of suitable catalysts based on relatively abundant materials could significantly reduce demand for platinum catalysts for treating automobile exhaust gases and for use in chemical processes. As regards energy-consumption patterns, MSE has much to contribute in all phases—making new forms of generation possible, e.g. by finding solutions to the problem of fuel swelling under radiation damage in nuclear reactors; enabling new forms of electrical power distribution, e.g. through superconducting or cryogenic transmission lines; finding more efficient ways to store energy, e.g. through solid electrolytic batteries or fuel cells; and through finding more efficient ways of using and conserving energy, e.g. in more efficient materials-processing and manufacturing operations, and in the development of better thermal insulation materials.
Major Advanced Materials Science Associations around the Globe:
Top Universities in USA:
Top Universities in Asia:
Top Universities in Europe: