Webinar on Nano Science & Technology will be hosted on December 15, 2020 . Panel of speakers will be delivering their presentations on their recent research related to Material Researcch and Technology. Current state of knowledge, its impact on future will be discussed in detailed. Meetingsint. Invites all experts to be part this webinar series and make it a perfect platform for knowledge sharing and networking.
Session-1: Sustainable Energy and Development Natural resource depletion and population growth around the world have created a worldwide demand for energy. Industries are hoping for renewable sources of energy, super capacitors, battery energy storage, thermoelectric systems, transfer of energy by star cells and fuel cells. Would you like to grow for Production and processing of electricity, equipment as well as various components, processes and properties are used, for example, batteries such as atomic number 3 battery area units used in many types of mobile devices, as well as appliances, electronics, recreational vehicles, power tools, toys, games, lighting and medical devices.
Session-2: Electronics Antenna: Antenna, also called Aerial, component of radio, television, and radar systems that directs incoming and outgoing radio waves. Antennas are usually metal and have a wide variety of configurations, from the mastlike devices employed for radio and television broadcasting to the large parabolic reflectors used to receive satellite signals and the radio waves generated by distant astronomical objects.
Session 3: Advanced Materials & Functional Devices Advanced Materials are at the heart of many technological developments that touch our lives. This is The Creation of Advanced Materials at the Molecular or Nuclear Measure For the reason for advancing technology, growing further effective items, making novel manufacturing technologies, or improving the human knowledge. The capacity to rapidly and dependably set out numerous conductive layers with ultrafine goals has prompted the scaling down and low cost of most microelectronic components.
Session 4: Engineering Materials & Composite Materials The Materials used for Manufacturing of engineering products are termed engineering materials. Ability of a nation to harness nature as well as its ability to cope up with the challenges posed by it is determined by its complete knowledge of materials and its ability to develop and produce them for various applications.A materials structure made out of at least two physically unique stages whose blend produces total properties that are different from those of its constituents.
Session 5: Advanced Bio-Materials & Bio-Devices Biomaterials from social insurance perspective can be characterized as materials those have some novel properties that makes them suitable to come in quick relationship with the living tissue without evoking any unfriendly invulnerable dismissal responses. Biomaterials are in the administration of humankind through old occasions yet ensuing advancement has made them increasingly adaptable and has expanded their utilization.
Session- 6: Nano Technology Nano engineering is set out in view of the fact that science handles the tiny, intense particles or one measurement approximate particles from one to one hundred nm referred to as nanoparticles. These particles are capable of monitoring unique iotas and atoms. Because of the various potential applications, a wide range of tests goes under the nanotechnology throughout the world. Such as surface science, compound science, organic science, semiconductor material science, stockpiling of vitality, little creation, subatomic construction, and soon. Nano technology includes science, design, and innovation, and includes Nano-scale imagery, measurement, display, and control.
Session-7: Sustainable Energy and Development Natural resource depletion and population growth around the world have created a worldwide demand for energy. Industries are hoping for renewable sources of energy, super capacitors, battery energy storage, thermoelectric systems, transfer of energy by star cells and fuel cells. Would you like to grow for Production and processing of electricity, equipment as well as various components, processes and properties are used, for example, batteries such as atomic number 3 battery area units used in many types of mobile devices, as well as appliances, electronics, recreational vehicles, power tools, toys, games, lighting and medical devices. Semiconductor devices have replaced vacuum tubes and diodes, transistors, light-weight emitting diodes (LEDs) for energy efficiency have emerged from these semiconductor materials.
Session-8: Piezoelectric Materials and 3-D Printing Piezoelectric materials are smart materials that accumulate electrical load at mechanical stress throughout the material surface and this load can alter the material's shape. Ceramic, quartz, quantum dots, etc. are some of these materials. Such digital materials are used in the automotive industry as sensors and actuators. Rapid prototyping, 3dimensional (3D) printing or additive manufacturing (AM) of smart materials such as smart nano composites, shape memory alloys, ceramics, shape memory polymers, soft robotics actuators, self-evolving structures, anti-counterfeiting systems, and 4D printing also included structural material reconfiguration over time.
Session -9: Nano Medicine & Drug Delivery The major thrust of biomedical nanotechnology is to apply the advantages of nanotechnology to medicinal services e.g., imaging and diagnostics; nano drugs; tranquilize conveyance; prostheses; and inserts; and so forth. Nanotechnology has been before used to improve sedate properties. For instance, paclitaxel Taxon, an anticancer medication, which is utilized to treat essential epithelial ovarian carcinoma, bosom, colon, and lung tumors, shows low water dissolvability and, along these lines, poor bioavailability. In this manner, it was detailed in Cremophor EL polyethoxylated castor oil, which has been involved in a few medication related toxicities. To beat these deficiencies related with the utilization of Cremophor, paclitaxel bound to egg whites nanoparticles Abraham was produced for clinical use.
Session-10:Materials Science and Metallurgy Materials Science also plays a major role in metallurgy. Powder metallurgy is a term that covers a wide range of ways of producing metal powder materials or components. We can eliminate the need to use metal extraction methods, or significantly reduce them, and can reduce costs. Thermal treatment for pyrometallurgy Minerals and metallurgical ores and concentrate to turn the materials physically and chemically in order to recover valuable metals. Full metallurgical expertise will help us remove metal in a more feasible manner and be able to use it to a wider range. The global market for metallurgy will grow modestly It is estimated that the demand will hit 5.4 billion pounds by 2017 (a cost of almost $26.5 billion).
Session-10: Optical, Magnetic and Electronic Materials Research on optics, magnetic and electronic content combines the principles of many science fields such as solid state physics, chemistry, materials science, electronics, and chemistry. Magnetic materials will be used in research and data processing, super magnetism and spintronics. Industries of semi-conductors and energy. Their optical properties in various materials such as glass, ceramics, electrical, semiconductors, nanopromocytes and polymer fibers have been modified to meet the demands of the energy conservation, national security and commercial sector.
Session 11: Cluster Science & Nano-Toxicology The branch of Nano toxicology deals with the study relating to the toxicity of the nano materials, as it is imperative to know that how toxic a nano material is before using it for various applications. The effects and impacts on human health also need to be assessed accordingly. The field of Nano toxicology has been growing fast, and literature reviews show that the results are not only numerous but also exciting.Nanoclusters represent a group of nanoparticles having at least one nanoscale dimension and size distribution within a narrow range. They may be composed of the single atom of an element or combinations of atoms of different atom in stoichiometric ratios. The forces that hold these atoms together can be covalent, ionic, metallic, van der Waals forces, or hydrogen bonds. This difference in types of bonding forces involved is the basis of differentiation among the different clusters.