Sanath Divakara is a Mechanical Engineer by profession having 25 years of experience in working large and medium scale manufacturing organization and Mechanical Engineer, Factory Manager, General Manager and Director. Dr Sanath has obtained BEng, MEng, MBA degrees and doctoral degree on entrepreneurship and small business and currently working as a visiting lecture in the University of Kelaniya and many educational institutions in Sri Lanka. There are around 20 journal article publications related to Entrepreneurship development, Human Resources, Energy conservation published over the period and chaired many international conferences, research symposiums.
Business environment of the manufacturing organizations has become increasingly complex, dynamic and uncertain as a consequence of the various constraints. Thus, manufacturing industries are urged to increase their flexibilities to keep their competitiveness in the market. The affirmation of intrapreneurship has become one of the essential facts that in achieving higher adaptability and competitiveness in the growth. This research studied the role of intrapreneurship and how that can be developed for organizational revitalization.
This study investigates a holistic view of the concept of intrapreneurship and focus on purpose, influences, dimensions, and contribution related to the small and medium scale manufacturing industry. Qualitative approach and narrative strategy were used on collecting data from echelons in manufacturing industry. Sixteen respondents were purposively selected from ISO certified manufacturing organizations and conducted two interviews with each. NVivo 12 software used to organize the data in the analysis and derive themes based on research questions who what and why intrapreneurship is imperatively important in the development of manufacturing industries.
The study explored a model of growth stimulation between intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship enabling the three areas, development of entrepreneurial management system, development of echelons intrapreneurship skills and socioeconomic growth of Small & Medium scale manufacturing industry.
Keywords - Intrapreneurship, Small and medium-scale enterprises, Organizational growth, Qualitative approaches and Narrative studies