Meetings International takes immense pleasure to welcome attendees around the globe to attend “Webinar on Health Care” during October 26, 2020 which incorporates incite keynote, oral presentations. Health care webinar will emphasize on the theme "Advancements in enhancement of patient care in primary health care" which aims to discover advances in health practice, management and instruction in connection to wellbeing differences and also a broadness of different points. This year the world will meet up at the global webinar on primary healthcare to recommit to fortifying essential primary health care to accomplish all inclusive welfare inclusion and the sustainable development goals. Primary Healthcare is a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. The principle focal point of primary health care is the finding and treatment of patients, ailment counteractive action and screening.
Healthcare webinar is devoted to giving a head specialized gathering to detailing and finding out about the most recent innovative work, alongside talking about new applications and advances. Occasions incorporate interesting issues introductions from everywhere throughout the world and expert systems administration with businesses, driving working gatherings and boards. The meeting will be organized to bring together practitioners, administrators, registered nurses, policy makers and researchers within the field of primary health care and public health. Globally there is expanding acknowledgment of the significance of the essential consideration framework for enhancing wellbeing results and overseeing costs. More grounded essential wellbeing frameworks are related with better wellbeing results and lower costs especially for kids.
Session 1: Primary Health Care and Preventive Medicine
The fundamental point of primary health care is the achievement of better health services administrations for all people. There are three key components in the social insurance framework to accomplish better health for people. These are health work drive improvement, utilization of suitable innovation and incorporating wellbeing into all divisions. Primary health care is a primary part of social insurance framework, including conclusion and treatment, sickness counteractive action and screening. Preventive medication is a sort of therapeutic treatment concentrated on illness counteractive action. Methodologies utilized incorporate patient instruction, way of life change, and therapeutics.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Session 2: Primary Care and Family Medicine
Family pharmaceutical (FM) or family rehearse (FP) a remedial quality is compressive wellbeing up keep for individuals everything being equal is named as family doctor or family specialist or family expert. Family doctors underline on infection anticipation and wellbeing advancement. As indicated by the world organization of family doctors (WONCA) the thought process of family medication is to give individual, far reaching and proceeding with consideration for the person with regards to the family and the network.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 3: Primary Care in Epidemiology
Primary care epidemiology, the study of disease transmission can add to more broad changes in health and human services administrations, through better appreciation of illness etiology, utilization of medicinal services administrations and the job of various social insurance mediations. Essential consideration is passed on by a broad scope of healthcare experts, medical attendants, specialists, dieticians, drug specialists, dental practitioners, optometrists and other social insurance experts.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 4: Primary care in Optometry
Primary care optometry is a division of remedial sciences generally oversees eye. Remembering the ultimate objective to check for vision issues and settling of contact central focuses. The primary consideration optometry joins finding and administering of eye disorders. The extended cases of consistent contaminations like diabetes are the parallel purpose behind vision issues. The consideration incorporates unmistakable verification of related key conditions affecting eye and treat with pharmaceutical expert. Elderly masses of offspring of post war america are the target division for primary care in optometry.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 5: Primary Care in Dental
Dental care is the oral cleanliness, the act of keeping the mouth and teeth clean with a specific end goal to dental issue. Family doctors ordinarily experience patients with dental contaminations for example, dental caries and periodontal illness. Dental caries is caused by microorganisms that obliterate the lacquer and dentin. It tends to be distinguished by an oral examination that shows recolored pits or gaps on the tooth surface. Utilization of fluoride is the best anticipation measure for dental plaque.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 6: Primary Healthcare in Nursing
Primary care nurses are nurture specialists who work with a specific patient over an extensive stretch of time. Some have in excess of one patient. However they work with them one on one for expanded periods. They might be assigned to a particular patient inside a clinic setting or may fill in as in home consideration for private patients. This field of nursing can be exceedingly upsetting or nice relying upon the idea of the patient and the idea of his or her present condition and side effects. Some primary care nurses care of patients with low need care needs, regulating prescription and guiding while others work with high need patients who may require more consideration and a mix of medicines and helpful medications.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 7: Primary Care in Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms for example microbes, infections, parasites or organisms the ailments can be spread. Specifically or in a roundabout way starting with one individual then onto the next zoonotic ailments are irresistible infections of creatures that can make sickness when transmitted people. Treatment of viral contaminations for example HIV includes tolerant consideration and good help including antiretroviral treatment. Bacterial infections can be deal with by controlling anti infection agents to the patients. Yeast infections can be fundamentally treated by sanitization techniques.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Sessions 8: Primary Care in Behavioral Services
Primary care in behavioral services is essential and key to this is the incorporation of patient focused, group based consideration that coordinates conduct health assessment evaluation and mediation. Behavioral health domains incorporate aversion, mental health, emotional wellness and substance utilize. The behavioral health experts that are a piece of the essential consideration group ought to be chosen in view of populace needs and patient inclinations including an attention on aversion and additionally ventured levels of consideration power with the most genuine and convoluted cases alluded to psychological health specialists.
Primary Healthcare Webinar | Preventive Medicine Webinar | Maternal and Child Health Webinar | Primary Healthcare in Nursing Webinar | Upcoming Primary Healthcare Webinar | Maternal Health webinar
Aim and Scope:
The main aim of primary healthcare is the attainment of better health services for all individuals. Participants can gain direct access to a core audience of professionals and decision makers and can increase visibility through branding and networking at the webinar. Learn and discuss key news and challenges with senior level speakers. With presentations, panel discussions, roundtable discussions and workshops, we cover every topic from top to bottom from global macro issues to strategies to tactical issues. Exchange ideas and network with leading physicians, general practitioners, family practitioners, nurse practitioners and other experts from more than 40 countries. Discuss quality initiatives that can be applied in the practice. Discuss ways to collaborate in putting quality initiatives in place throughout the general medicine and general Practice
When it comes to most consumer goods or services, the consumer can decide if it is a luxury or a necessity and if so, whether or not they need to spend on it. However, when it comes to healthcare, the purchase of these services or products is never optional. A patient who needs healthcare will have to buy it. But this also does not mean that they will buy anything that the healthcare service providers sell. It has become crucial to understand the dynamics and the unique challenges facing the healthcare industry in India, which will reportedly increase threefold to US$ 133.44 billion by 2022. In fact, according to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, the Indian healthcare sector has the potential to show the same exponential growth that the software industry has shown in the past decade. The marketplace has become aggressive and complex because of the escalating cost, intense competition, a larger number of choices, and growing dissatisfaction among patients, which means that the service providers need to operate strategically. The success of a healthcare organization now relies largely on competitive intelligence, market knowledge, and strategic planning. Today, healthcare market research is an integral part of the strategy to succeed. At its most fundamental level, the healthcare industry is all about serving people and providing them with the best level of care. The patients are at the heart of these services, and the best way to understand their needs and concerns better is by taking their opinion into consideration through market research. Market intelligence is a crucial aspect of the healthcare system since it calls for providers to capitalize on evidence-based decision making, rather than reacting to perceived needs. This “research to results approach” will result in health care providers thriving rather than merely be surviving. When an organization has the right insights, it will also make the brand message far more credible and valuable to the consumer base. Conducting an in-depth market study offers organizations numerous advantages which include: Helping players in the sector get to the core of the factors that drive the decision-making process for healthcare choices Organizations can analyze and understand a patient’s experience by engaging with them while they receive treatment The strategic advantages and disadvantages that a provider has when compared to their competition Providing a better opportunity to the experts who are hands-on with the public to voice their opinions Providing the different players in the field insights into the market trends to help create a realistic budget and forecast Learning what the primary caregivers of a patient look for during the caregiving process The cultural, structural, and environmental influences on health and health care in the target market Whether or not there is a market for a product or service that a provider wants to launch Gaining a better understanding of the health policy and other regulations in different countries The business impact that key industry issues can have on the individual companies For instance, a research group explored whether or not market forces operate in healthcare, and the results showed that they have a consistent impact on the sector. Higher-performing hospitals control a greater market share and experience higher growth over time than their lower-performing counterparts. This correlation between performance and market share substantiates the idea that patients are not simply passive participants when receiving medical care. The study also found that even during emergency situations, patients are willing to travel to higher-performing hospitals to receive better care. For heart attacks, patients studied were willing to travel 1.8 miles more to receive treatment at a hospital with a risk-adjusted survival rate that was 1 percent higher. Reallocation of patients to higher-performing hospitals also contributes to patient-survival gains. In-hospital technology and treatment improvements alone cannot explain this improvement in survival rates. Never has it been more crucial than today to understand the dynamics and unique challenges facing the healthcare industry. Rising costs, intense competition, employee retention, and greater consumer choice have placed enormous pressure on healthcare organizations to operate strategically. The success of a healthcare organization relies on competitive intelligence, market knowledge, and strategic planning. Healthcare market research is an integral part of the strategy to succeed.
With more than 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry, our team has in-depth knowledge of healthcare; our expertise in healthcare market research sets us apart. Healthcare providers who want to thrive, and not just survive, rely on our unwavering commitment to provide actionable healthcare market research that is cost effective and essential in meeting your strategic goals. Our in-depth analysis provides an edge in the highly competitive healthcare market by helping clients develop strategies for reaching out to their target audience in a meaningful way and, thus, guiding development of the most effective marketing. We have also developed a practice of working with healthcare networks that have hospitals with decreasing revenue and decreasing consumer satisfaction to determine the opportunities that exist to improve market share.
A growing market segment is demanding unscheduled access to primary healthcare services without consideration of healthcare system or pre-existing clinician relationship. This population segment has given rise to a new set of "on demand" primary healthcare delivery channels. These on demand delivery channels have strong growth projections (ranging from 6.5 to 34 percent annually) over the next several years creating an opportunity or threat for the traditional primary care providers and the health systems. As per estimates, the healthcare market is projected to grow at 12.0% p.a. to US$ 69.4 billion by 2018 from an estimated US$ 39.4 billion in 2013. Outpatient and inpatient markets are expected to account for 79% and 21% respectively of the overall market size. Saudi Arabia is projected to remain the largest GCC market. Qatar and UAE are expected to be the fastest growing markets and going forward. The demand for number of hospital beds is expected to be 115,544 in 2018, an addition of 11,241 beds from 2013 which is in line with the expected supply looking at the number of projects in the pipeline. The IMF estimates that the region‘s population would cross the 50 million mark by 2020 providing impetus to the consumption of healthcare services. Rising income levels and sedentary lifestyles have led to a higher prevalence of obesity and diabetes leading to a demand for specialized healthcare services. GCC population in the age group of 65 and above is expected to surge from 1.2 million in 2015 to 14.2 million in 2050, driving demand for healthcare services. Also, infant mortality in the GCC improved from 110 per 10,000 live births in 2000 to 78 in 2012. While growth in the region‘s insurance premium outpaces the growth in the global market, the insurance penetration remains one of the lowest in the world.
Primary Health Care in USA:
United States spent more on health care per capita ($9,990), and more on health care as percentage of its GDP (17.8%) than any other nation in 2008. In 2013 the U.S. spent 17.1% of its total GDP on healthcare 50% more than the second highest spending country, France (11.6%). In 2014, the U.S. spent $2.6 trillion (a 5.0% increase from 2013) on personal health care expenditures in 2015 the U.S. spent $3.2 trillion which is about 17.8%. per capita spending was $8.054 in 2014 up from $7.727 in 2013. In 2011, the U.S. paid nearly twice as much as Canada yet lagged behind other wealthy nations in such measures as infant mortality and life expectancy. As of 2009 the U.S. had a higher infant mortality rate than most of the world's industrialized nations.
Primary Health Care in Asia:
In Asia, Primary Health Centers are the basic first line units providing primary health care. Theoretically, there is one Primary health center for every 30,000 of population. Each primary health center has five or six sub centers staffed by health workers for outreach services such as immunization, basic curative care services, and maternal and child health services and preventive services.
Primary Health Care Europe:
Healthcare in Europe is provided through a wide range of different systems run at the national level. Many european countries and all european union countries offer their citizens a european health insurance card which on a reciprocal basis, provides insurance for emergency medical treatment insurance when visiting other participating european countries.
Primary Health Care Societies, USA:
Primary Health Care Societies, Asia:
Primary Health Care Societies, Europe: