Meetings International welcomes you to attend the Webinar on Gastroenterology scheduled on March 25, 2021. This Webinar is mainly focusing on “Recent advancements in Gastroenterology". This Webinar provides a Global Platform for gastroenterology experts, Doctors, Researchers, Professors, Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists, Physicians, Internists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Virologists, Oncologists, Surgeons, Toxicologists, Researchers, Students, Business delegates, Young researchers and students to share their Ideas and views.
Meetings International is a world leader in conducting high quality symposiums, meetings, conferences, workshops and Exhibitions. It covers all major fields of medicine, engineering and science. Meetings Int has been associated with major Corporations, National and international associations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class events. Gastroenterology Webinar provides a multidisciplinary program with broad participation of members from round the Globe targeted on learning regarding innovations and advancements in Gastroenterology and endoscopy. Some of the major topics include Advances in Gastroenterology, Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Endoscopic Procedures and Surgeries, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Complications in Endoscopy.
1. Advances in Gastroenterology
Flexible sigmoidoscopy is one of a few screening modalities suggested by the US Preventive Services Task Force for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. In any case, sigmoidoscopy is less compelling in recognizing injuries at the right side of the colon than the left side, and right-sided sores are more typical in more established Women. A review that pooled comes about because of three randomized trials contrasting screening by sigmoidoscopy and no screening found that the frequency of CRC at 10 to 12 years was diminished in men however in Women, just in those more youthful than 60 years. Current screening proposals don't demonstrate gender based orientation inclinations for screening choices.
2. Endoscopy
Endoscopy is a procedure that aids the doctors to look at your internal organs to help in diagnosing, identification or even during surgery. The endoscope is inserted through your mouth, or an incision near the part to be examined, nose, anus, urethra or vagina. The endoscope is a long flexible tubed instrument with tiny cameras attached to the edge of the scope that helps in the organ viewing. Although endoscopy was earlier used to view only the gastrointestinal tract, it can now be used to view numerous other infected/ problematic areas as well, viz., Arthroscopy-for joints, Bronchoscopy-for lungs, Colonoscopy- for colon and intestines, ureteroscopy- for urinary system, Laparoscopy-for abdomen or pelvis, Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy/ esophagogastroduodenoscopy- for oesophagus and stomach. Endoscopy is used to investigate, diagnose, and to treat the diseases. Most of the endoscopes allow doctors to use narrow band imaging, to help detect precancerous conditions, some also use high definition video imaging. Endoscopy is a safe procedure involves only rare complications like bleeding, minor infections, and tearing of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Gastrointestinal Surgery
The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) plays dual roles in human physiology: digestion and uptake of nutrients and the more daunting task of maintaining immune homeostasis (protecting the body from potentially harmful microbes, while inducing tolerogenic responses to innocuous food, commensals and self-antigens). The unique architecture of the GI tract and Viral hepatitis facilitates both of these functions; multiple levels of infolding results in an immense overall surface area that allows maximal nutrient absorption while housing the largest number of immune cells in the body. As many pathogens enter the body via the intestinal mucosa, it is vital the gut-associated lymphoid tissues can provide effective immune responses when necessary. However, inappropriate responses against innocuous food and commensal antigens lead to inflammatory disorders such as coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Intestinal Surgery.
4. Endoscopic Procedures and Surgeries
During an endoscopic procedure, the surgeon uses a long flexible tubed instrument with a rotating camera attached to view and operate on the gastrointestinal and other associated internal organs with absolute no large incisions. A surgeon inserts the endoscope through a small incision, mouth, nostrils, or anus to observe the diseased part of the tract, and if needed, they use forceps and scissors on the endoscope as well to operate or sample the tissue for biopsy. Joints, lungs, colon, bladder, small intestine, uterus, pelvis, larynx, mediastinum, esophagus, ureter can be examined using different types of endoscopy. Another name for Endoscopic surgery is Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS).
5. Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric gastroenterology treats the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas of youngsters from early stages until age eighteen. The important infections it is worried about are intense loose bowels, industrious regurgitating, gastritis, and issues with the improvement of the gastric tract. Pediatric gastroenterology has developed extraordinarily in North America and Europe. It started with the claim to fame of pediatrics, which was produced alongside youngsters' healing centers in the nineteenth century. The idea of masters focusing on organ strengths began around a similar time.
6. Complications in Endoscopy
Endoscopy, although traditionally a diagnostic tool has now become a therapeutic sub-specialty, is considered a very safe procedure; there are possibilities of rare complications like bleeding, infection, tearing of the gastrointestinal tract, colonoscopic perforations, abdominal pains, chest pains, fever, Cardiopulmonary, and in very rare cases, myocardial infarctions.
7. Gastrointestinal Diseases during Pregnancy
Gastrointestinal (GI) issue speak to the absolute most successive grumblings amid pregnancy. A few ladies have GI issue that are one of a kind to pregnancy. Other pregnant patients give interminable GI issue that require uncommon thought amid pregnancy. Understanding the introduction and predominance of different GI issue is important to upgrade tend to these patients.
8. Liver Diseases and Gastroenterology, Digestive Diseases
Imaging has now become crucial in all clinical specialties especially gastroenterology. With new futuristic technologies and applications in the imaging procedures, the investigation and diagnosis of complicated diseases and hidden cancers can be detected and diagnosed in the early stages. Although the most common imaging techniques such as ultrasound, Angiograms, CT and MRI scans have been extensively used, endoscopy is emerging as the preferred imaging type in most of the gastrointestinal diseases. Liver diseases that involve imaging are Polycystic liver diseases, fatty and non-fatty liver diseases, hepatocarcinoma, diffuse liver disease, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and other chronic liver diseases, Barrett's Esophagus, Crohn’s disease, Gastritis, GERD, severe haemorrhoids, hernia, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis are common digestive disorders that require imaging. ERCP, Cholecystography, upper endoscopy/EGD, HIDA Scan, laparoscopy, MRI, MRCP, ultrasound and PET scans are commonly used to diagnose liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
9. Gastrointestinal Infections
Gastrointestinal contaminations are viral, bacterial or parasitic diseases that reason gastroenteritis, an irritation of the gastrointestinal tract including both the stomach and the small digestive tract. Side effects incorporate the runs, regurgitating, and stomach torment. Parchedness is the fundamental peril of gastrointestinal contaminations, so rehydration is critical, yet most gastrointestinal diseases are self-restricted and resolve inside a couple of days.
10. Digestive Diseases and Endoscopy
Endoscopy was traditionally used to observe only digestive tract and diagnose associated diseases. Endoscopes to investigate digestive diseases are passed through the mouth, or an incision, or through the rectum. In an upper endoscopy, the endoscope is passed through the mouth into esophagus and stomach and upper part of small intestine. But for the endoscope to be passed to the large intestine, they need to be passed through the rectum, called colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Endoscopic Ultrasound is another crucial imaging technique that combines both, endoscopy and ultrasound to obtain images for further investigation of complicated diseases. Endoscopy is prescribed to evaluate unexplained stomach pains, Ulcers, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, bleeding, polyps, and gallstones, among other oesophageal, gastric, hepatobiliary, hepatopancreatic, and intestinal diseases.
11. Nutrition & Gastroenterology
Parenteral sustenance (PN) is the bolstering of a man intravenously, bypassing the standard procedure of eating and assimilation. The individual gets nourishing formulae that contain supplements. It is called add up to parenteral nourishment (TPN). TPN might be the main doable choice for giving sustenance to patients who don't have a working gastrointestinal tract or who have clutters requiring complete inside rest, including gut impediment, short gut disorder, paying little heed to its motivation, high-yield fistula, and exceptionally serious Crohn's malady or including intrinsic GI abnormalities and necrotizing enterocolitis.
12. Intestinal Rehabilitation
Recovery of tactile and psychological capacity ordinarily includes techniques for retraining neural pathways or preparing new neural pathways to recapture or enhance neurocognitive working that has been reduced by infection or injury. Recovery research and practices are a prolific range for clinical neuropsychologists and others.
13. Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery (weight reduction surgery) incorporates an assortment of methodology performed on individuals who have stoutness. Weight reduction is accomplished by decreasing the extent of the stomach with a gastric band or through evacuation of a bit of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic preoccupation with duodenal switch) or by resecting and re-steering the small digestive system to a little stomach pocket (gastric sidestep surgery).
14. Cellular & Molecular Gastroenterology
Metaplasia, the procedure in which one kind of grown-up tissue replaces another, is a result of endless tissue injury. In the throat, gastroesophageal reflux sickness (GERD) is the condition that incessantly harms the squamous epithelium and causes its substitution by the intestinal-sort, columnar epithelium of Barrett's esophagus.2 The cell of beginning for this columnar metaplasia stays obscure, yet various competitors have been proposed. For instance, GERD may cause develop esophageal squamous cells to change into columnar cells (trans differentiation) or invigorate juvenile esophageal forebear cells (in the squamous epithelium or in the channels of esophageal submucosal organs) to separate unusually into Short-entrail disorder (SBS) happens after a long surgical resection of small digestive system.
Gastroenterology is the branch of medical sciences which deals with the path of logistic study, prevention and management of diseases related to liver, gall bladder, biliary tree and pancreas. The market research for Gastroenterology is set to grow from $55.9 billion in 2019 to $48.4 billion by 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate of 4.45%.In terms of the gastrointestinal pipeline, there are 937 products in active development, most of which are small molecules and biologics. The therapy area is highly active and has the seventh-largest pipeline across the pharma industry, with more active pipeline products than therapy areas such as respiratory, ophthalmology, and dermatology. An endoscope is a medical device used to execute therapeutic interventions and diagnostic inside the hollow cavities and visceral organs of the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, abdomen, lungs, esophagus, brain and others. The global Gastrointestinal market report offers in-depth analysis of the revenue, market share, major market segments, different geographic regions, key players, premium trends and forecasts to 2022. It focuses on the key drivers and on opportunities throughout this market.